Preserved Sheet Alias Stoll Character Sheet

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Nov 14, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Alias Stoll
  • Race: Ailor (Cearden cultured)
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Non-Conforming (He/Him)
  • Eye Color: Brown
Core Concept
  • Alias is a young, new-start adventurer hailing from a secluded town among the far reaches of Aloria. Taking the phrase "Jack of All Traits" to heart, hes not the best at most things- but that won't stop the Cearden Descendant from trying to find his place in the world when he didn't have the pleasure of growing up a part of it.
  • Strength: 2
    • Climber Pack
      Climate Pack
  • Constitution: 3
    • Thread Craft Pack
      Wood Craft Pack
      Recovery Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 5
    • Escape Pack
      Scaling Pack
      Parkour Pack
      Sleight of Hand Pack
      • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 4
    • Stupid Luck Pack
      Pet Husbandry Pack

  • Ailor Specials



Appearance Information
  • Alias has patches of his skin-- particularly the fingers, nose, and ears-- that look Frostbitten. He has no actual frostbite, as this is a side effect of his Curing
  • Alias is of average height, with strained brown eyes and pale skin- though his cornflower dyed hair usually makes him pop out amongst the usual scenery. He looks rather wiry under the baggy clothes and unfitted armor, but hes got a decent amount of mussel packed on from his travels.
  • Alias' has no alternate forms
Life Story
  • Born to generations of Cearden sailors in a small, sea side town, Alias had a usual childhood- from what he can remember. Glimpses of high tides, hill climbing, and shop lifting (the usual) are things he clings to with his recently failing memory, though most have already slipped away.
  • Heading inland after a particularly bad storm took the town, Alias' childhood dreamt of becoming an adventurer were finally coming true. Though, like most young whims, it wasn't exactly as he hoped- with quite literally nothing on him but his clothes and his Rat-like familiar, they were in for a rather rough start.
  • Finally on his way to Regalia, this is where our story begins- or, well, my story i guess!
  • To put it simply- Hope and a little bit of desperation. Life on the road isn't the easiest, but i cant imagine a city chock full of people was our pals first choice.
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Hey there! Quick review.
  • Full Name: Alias (Unknown)
  • Race: Ailor
I'll specify what particular culture Alias belongs to here, with Cearden seeming the most fitting with the Life Story. I'd simply change it to say "Race: Ailor (Cearden cultured)" . It helps folks looking at the sheet at-a-glance! I would also consider coming up with a full name for Alias, though I think it's fine as-is too. Cearden names are pretty easy, since they're literally just English names.
1 bullet point to explain why they came to Regalia:
I'd suggest that you delete this template bit!

I would also suggest you change the name of this Character Sheet Thread to the character's name. There should be a little "Edit Thread" button at the top that lets you do that.

Overall, the Sheet looks great though. I hope to see you around on the server soon! Just @Tag me when you've made that one change with the culture clarification, and I'll mark this sheet approved.