Preserved Sheet Alfred Maynard

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Fabio the Fabulous
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Alfred Maynard

  • Age: Fifty-one.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Ailor - Alt-Anglian

  • Main Ambition: To see his country and kinsmen prosper, and to atone for the atrocities he's committed.
Skill Information (Optional)

  • 33 points total

+20 Unarmed Boxing (10 from Graklak, 10 from points)

+10 Unarmed Fighting (10 from Graklak)

+10 Medicine (10 from Graklak)

+20 Unarmed Wrestling (20 from points)

+3 Alchemy (3 from points)

+5 Commanding Speech (5 from points)

+3 Acrobatics (3 from points)

+5 Anglian Longbow (Culture Boost)


+40 Vocal Music (40 from points)

+3 Drawing (3 from points)

+3 Dancing (3 from points)

+5 Poetry (5 from points)


  • Anglian (Native Tongue)

  • Common (Fluent)

  • Vashkulaar (Fluent)

  • Dressolini (Fluent)

  • D'Ithanie (Fluent)

  • Mirnoye (Fluent)

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Blue.

  • Hair Color: Black.

  • Hair Style: Bald.

  • Skin Color: White, fair skin.

  • Clothing: Alfred's daily attire consists chiefly of a tightly fit tunic of a variety of colors. It is complemented by a large and black belt, in addition to a pair of neat boots.

  • Height: 6'6

  • Body Build: Strongman.

  • Weapon of Choice: Fists or knuckle dusters.

  • Alfred has average sized ears, perhaps however appearing smaller due to his thick neck and bald head. Alfred has a few small scars above his brows from taking blows in his training. His cheek bones are high and his jaw square and cleft. His default expression is friendly, his mouth is rather wide and mostly obscured by the massive moustache occupying his face.

  • Alfred weighs about 400lbs, 20% bodyfat. His body's appearance, while less than the orcs he trained with, is still quite formidable. His body is nearly hairless--little to no chest hair or anywhere else. ((SPOILERED))

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • As perceived by others, Alfred has a towering and intimidating presence, perhaps being thought of as a brute until he finally opens his mouth. Those who have had the great pleasure of speaking with him will know him to be a man of culture and refinement, despite his past. Peoples reaction to him is polarized between awe or amusement. Alfred usually doesn't attempt to hide his emotional state, making him very readable by most. He tends to flex his muscles intimidatingly, but usually doesn't use violence as a threat.

  • Internally to self, Alfred is haunted by and holds himself in contempt for evils he'd committed while in the company of the orcish raiding parties. Alfred seeks at every opportunity to, with great vigor, prove to himself and to others the compassionate man he is at his core. When alone, he is very self-critical of what he had done earlier in the day. Alfred tends to speak whatever is on his mind, never brooding and always looking for someone to converse with. He is an optimistic in most situations and is quite the cheerleader. Alfred has never liked using violence, but frequently finds himself enjoying combat, much to his own dismay.

  • Towards friends and family, A strong sense of loyalty to those he calls his friends, subordinates, and especially superiors. Treacherous thoughts do not even occur in Alfred's mind. If he ever hurt someone he cared about, it wasn't intentional. Alfred is very supportive and compassionate to these people, perhaps even comically so. Alfred is capable of dropping his boisterous demeanor for a more solemn one when circumstances require it.

  • Regarding Morality, Alfred champions many virtues, namely bravery and compassion. Alfred was always a good moral man, even during his time with the orcs. But Alfred had been broken by the Orcs, causing him to do unthinkable things. After breaking the conditioning he developed an unnaturally keen sense of compassion, as he is always seeking new ways to atone for his past.

  • Surprisingly Insightful: Alfred has a wide range of knowledge and experience, picking up many principles and sayings most people would not expect coming from a brutish figure like himself.

  • Very Strong: Alfred always had a large frame, having boxed and weightlifted frequently in his youth. After being captured by the orcs he found himself in near constant physical training for nearly twenty years. Alfred can manipulate his own weight with ease, capable benchpressing (at a one rep max) 750lbs. However some of this strength is offset by the fatigue he frequently faces throughout the day if he doesn't eat.

  • Situational Awareness: Alfred is an exceedingly perceptive man, drawing details from the world that others usually wouldn't notice. He has spent many years honing this talent in his fighting endeavors; analyzing his enemy for weaknesses such as, for an example, an injured leg. His exploits as a raider and ventures as a bodyguard has also given him a keen sense of when something is about to go wrong.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • Gluttonous: In addition to his massive size, during Alfred's time with the orcs his metabolism accelerated greatly to compensate for the physical exertion he faced on a daily basis. Alfred has the appetite of four normal men, leading him to spend much of his day procuring and eating food. He can frequently be seen eating covertly during meetings, and can only suppress his hunger in the most dire and important of circumstances. Should he stop weightlifting in the same capacity, he would surely gain large amounts of fat.

  • Claustrophobia: Alfred would frequently act out against his Orc captors, leading them to punish him with severe beatings and locking him in a dark pit large enough only to allow him to sit cross-legged. Afters years of this conditioning the greenskins broke his will, making him susceptible to their intentions. After breaking this conditioning many years down the line, Alfred can find himself flashing back to his time with the orcs should he enter a space too small for him. In this state, he is very impressionable and easy to manipulate.

Life Story (Required)

Birth | 265 a.c.

  • Born in 255 A.C. to a family of rich art merchants settled in the county of Gaekraan and raised alongside three sisters.
Childhood | 1 - 10

  • Alfred was larger than most children his age, but a gentle giant of sorts.

  • Growing up Alfred had to fight for the attention of his mother and father, who were always ogling over his older sisters. This caused him to develop a very loud personality.

  • Extensively tutored in his early years, he took quite well to mathematics and excelled in language. Alfred started to use more colorful and less orthodox words frequently, quite odd for someone his age.

  • Alfred always had a love for the arts, drawing and singing were his strongest suits. Sculpting too to some degree.

  • Bullied for his interests by the other children, he was taught basic hand-to-hand principles to hold his own.
Teenage Years | 11 - 20

  • Alfred traveled frequently with his family around the empire and its colonies, learning much of their arts and culture.

  • He was an early bloomer, voice dropping abnormally low for someone his age.

  • Alfred began to act out his favorite operas, growing to love performing.

  • Weight training began at the early age of thirteen, Alfred sought to emulate the great heroes of stories told to him in his youth. He began to be trained in the use of a longsword as well.

  • The teen enjoyed wrestling with older boys, learn many different techniques.

  • Alfred was given less important position in his family's art merchant business, however after demonstrating his ability with numbers, he quickly grew to manage the family's finances at fifteen until twenty.
After capture by the orcs| 21 - 32.

  • While traveling a great distance to attend a promising art auction, Alfred's caravan was ambushed by orcs. Most inhabitants were killed off, the stronger looking humans being captured to become slaves. Alfred's abnormal size for a human piqued the interest of his Orcish captors, leading him to be sent to the Pit instead of a mine.

  • To have become eligible for the school, the Pit forced upon Alfred a challenge. He had to fight a fellow human from his caravan to the death. The young man really had no choice in the matter, being thrown in the ring with a caravan guard of slightly larger size than him. The fight lasted ten seconds, Alfred landing a lucky blow to the man's temple--knocking him out instantly and moments later killed by the wound. Alfred never recovered from this incident, only distracting himself from the trauma later.

  • After this, the orcs branded their trainee and sent him to the Pit proper. Alfred refused to continue, preferring to attempt escape countless times--always caught and thrown into a solitary cell that could only be defined as a pot hole, only allowing him to sit cross legged. He'd spend days in this at times, nearly a month on one occasion. Through the combined hurling of abuse in their vulgar tongue and his confinement, Alfred broke.

  • He spent the required 6 months doing laps. Officially becoming a Novice, he began learning the Graklak style from superiors, weightlifting extensively, and sparring with other whelps.

  • Alfred was quite liked by his peers in the pit, able to draw his colorful vocabulary(VERBAL POETRY) to tell extensive verbal stories of the heroic tales he had read about as a child, entertaining all around.

  • Ring of Graklak members took interest in the increasingly orc-like human in their school, personally showing him proper technique.

  • After two years, Alfred was given his Bookh-Charr-- a fight against a Ring of Graklak member to advance to the next level. Alfred took much punishment in this fight, receiving numerous broken and fractured bones. However, he utilized an ancient technique passed down his family for generations--pocket sand. He managed to blind the orc temporarily, landing a few good blows before being beaten into unconsciousness himself. He proved his worth to the orcs observing.

  • Alfred found himself completely immersed in Orc culture. His overdeveloped human sense of empathy had taken a backseat to the conditioning received in the six years he had been at the school.

  • Alfred took part in countless raids, usually acting as bait or spying on prospective towns. He killed countless innocents, and the man himself can hardly recall details of these days--except for the faces and sounds of those he killed. He adopted a nickname in their tongue meaning 'White Ox'.
Revelation| 33- 48.

  • Four years of training rowdy and wiley whelps took its toll on Alfred's patience, but instead of simply beating them to death like many other whelp handlers, his sense of patience developed to unnatural levels.

  • At the age of 36, Alfred had gone out on a raid. A town had lost most of it's fighting men due to being levied in an active war, while the remaining guardsmen had sallied out to fend off human bandits. Alfred's horde rushed into the town, slaughtering innocents indiscriminately--he himself taking part aswell. He came across a school, filled with the bloodlust that had been conditioned in him for sixteen years, and slaughtered dozens of children. This was not out of rage or impatience, simply he had been lost in the rhythm of combat--killing indiscriminately.

  • There is a point, nearly always a point where something must give. Alfred had been submersed in orcish culture for almost half his life--he had become one. But a point was reached with Alfred where he had done something so unspeakably horrible he could not ignore it any longer, regardless of any conditioning he had. Alfred had always been a boy of overdeveloped empathy, crying and pitching fits--later bouts of anger over the smallest of injustices to others he deemed innocent. Such an egregious perversion of everything he had believed in before being captured, his conscience could not handle it.

  • Alfred broke down confused and in tears, viewing his only recourse to desert his warband and flee from what he had done.

  • Alfred spent many years wandering in the wilderness and drifting from town to town, finding and re-enlisting the man he had once been in his youth.

  • He found work as a bodyguard, taking only contracts to protect minor nobles and municipal officials he deemed somewhat moral.

  • Alfred met Charles Montagaard, count of his home county. Quickly befriended the stoic and reserved man, who had been impressed with Alfred's physical capabilities and surprising insight.
Purpose| 49- 51.

  • Alfred found it surprisingly easy to reintegrate into civilized society, personally drawing parallels to modern society and the savage tribalism in orcish culture, noting in his poetry that they only differ in etiquette.

  • Quickly becoming trusted advisor and head bodyguard to Charles Montagaard, Alfred believed in fighting for the greater good Charles represented. Alfred had a purpose-- to protect and serve his lord.

  • During the rule of Charles Montagaard, Alfred served as the Finance Minister. Borrowing from his experiences with his family's business and travels, this allowed him to execute his duties skillfully and honorably unlike his predecessor.

  • After many months serving under Charles, his liege mysteriously went off to campaign in the Altalar lands without him, prompting Alfred to question his motives for doing so. The death of Charles Montagaard destroyed Alfred's sense of purpose, sending him spiralling away from his old friends and into the claws of the Devout Few, which was headed by his bastard son Aleksandr.

  • Serving as an enforcer under his manipulative son, Alfred did many uncharacteristic things, such as the infamous kidnapping of Sigurna Wodenstaff.

  • His relationship with Aleksandr deteriorated and eventually caused him to leave the Devout Few.
Present| 51-?.

  • Alfred now simply floats from group to group, advertising himself as muscle for hire, a shell of his former self.
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Let's get started, shall we?
  • First of all, I'd like you to remove the mention of cestus from Alfred's Weapon of Choice, since the weapon doesn't appear on the wiki at all.
  • I'd like you to rework or remove Alfred's Conditioned talent, in his Personality & Abilities, on the grounds that constant pain doesn't exactly seem to be something that would be beneficial to anyone. Perhaps make this a weakness? As well as this, bones aren't more resilient after healing. I'd suggest you remove or rework this specific point as well.
  • In Alfred's Life Story, specifically the first two bullet points of his 'Revelation | 33 - 38' you directly contradict yourself with the statement that Alfred's 'patience developed to unnatural levels,' then go on to say that he slaughtered twenty children on bloodlust alone. I'd recommend you explain in-depth why this happened, or remove it.
  • I'd also like you to explain why exactly Alfred had his breakdown. Was there an influencing factor? Did his conscience finally get to him? Remember, he'd lived with Orcish values for most of his life at that point, so the influence must have been major.
  • In the 'Present | 40' section of Alfred's Life Story, you mention 'his poetry'. I'd like to know where, how, and why Alfred had time for this, considering the very illiterate nature of Orcish society and the fact that he may have faced discrimination for this.
That seems all! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!

I ask that you replace the 'Conditioning' Talent, due to how easily it can be abused for powergaming purposes, much like all other non-skill or race-related advantages for combat roleplay.
Change your tag to "Needs Re-Review" by clicking edit title, and clicking on the tag.