Preserved Sheet Alfons Birkwood

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Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
Full name: Alfons Erson Birkwood
Age: 48
Race: Ailor
Main Ambition: Become a feared warrior and prove himself
Special Permission: Expert - School of Leadership

Skill Information
  • School: School of Leadership
  • Level: Expert
  • Source: Taught in the school of thearte command

Visual Information
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Combed Back
Skin Color: Regalian White
Clothing: Padded black coat that reaches his knees with red highlights around the cuff, Black leather belt, Metal pad on his left elbow, Black trousers tucked into black boots.
Body build: Muscular
Weapon of Choice: Longsword

Personality and abilities


  • Loyal: Alfons is very loyal to the Emperor. He would never allow a failure in any military battle he fights . Due to his loyal nature, he will fight for the Emperor no matter what even if it is the wrong side to fight for no matter the cost. He expects people to act the same way towards him in return.
  • Sick sense of humor: Alfons does not share the same sense of humor as most people do. While most people would be crying while paying their respects to a dead loved one he would say "Unlucky, I guess I win". He also finds it quite funny when people talk about hurting themselves because he thinks their wounds are pathetic compared to the ones he has suffered. This makes him mentally stronger too.
  • Authoritative: Alfons is a very good commander over groups of people as he enjoys feeling as if he is in a position of power above others. This is one of the reasons why some people turn to him for help.
  • Blunt: If someone would ask Alfons a question he would answer them with the truth, for example, if a fat woman asked him if she looked thin in her dress he would say "No." instead of lying to her. This can also be a good thing because he will never over dramatize a situation, he will say what's happened and nothing else.
  • Disciplined: Alfons has been extremely disciplined from a young age. The main reasons for this are because he always loved pretending to be leading an army into war or giving an inspirational speech in front of thousands.
  • Socially awkward: Alfons might be a combat expert but is terrible at creating conversation, for example when someone would be asking him about his life he would instantly go to talking about his military triumphs. If he is in a large conversation with a group of people he will usually stay quiet because he doesn't know what to say.
  • Cruel: Even though Alfons is an honorable man, he is a jingoist that believes in the darker views. For example, whenever he sees a Klein he has the unstoppable need to hurt or abuse it in some way. Some in his family refer him to "the number one Klein abuser".
  • Racist: No matter how hard Alfons tires not to be he is always racist no matter the occasion, he will usually refer to elves as "dagger ears" and so on. When he is drinking with friends or family he will usually refrain from being close to other races because he believes they are impure and should be eradicated.

  • Knows people's limits: Due to his personal experience, Alfons can tell how far a person can be pushed until they reach breaking point.He can also use this as a way to cause psychological warfare with others because he can use facts to make a person feel like a toy that he owns.
  • Dis-Honourable: Alfons is a political man, therefore he is rather dis-honourable in combat as well as day to day life. Many people think of him as a scum for being like this, but this proves for him to be a much more dedicated warrior of the Empire because he will fight until death for the Emperor no mater what sly tactics he must use
  • Strong will: Due to him being an Admiral he will never give up. This means that he will be extremely hard to stop in a fight because he wants to show other the power of the Emperor This also plays a part in his normal day to day life because he will never give up trying to get back at someone who has wronged him or the Empire in the past.
  • Broken Rib: During one of his many battles he suffered a blow to the chest. Not thinking much of it he carried in fighting for many years until there were sudden stabbing pains in his chest when he coughed. After examination and warnings by the doctor, he had his squire reinforce the armor covering his broken rib so that he can carry on fighting.
  • Radical: When it comes to combat Alfons can get quite crazy. He has seen so much death during his time in the world he mocks it. This might seem to others as if he just doesn't care about death but this means he will endanger his life much more for whoever he is protecting.
  • Underestimates people's abilities: Due to Alfons being an Adniral he believes the majority of untrained and trained society are below him. Thus giving him a higher chance of creating enemies than making friends, which could turn out to be a large problem in the future.
  • Easily irritated: When Alfons is in conversation with others he hates interruptions. For example, when he is talking to a friend in the tavern and someone begins shouting he will march over to them and threaten them. This also makes people scared of him because they're worried he'll start screaming at them for no reason.
Life Story

Alfons Birkwood was born to Johnathan Birkwood and Natalia Lunar during a cold winters day. He was always left to his own devices in his younger years because his father never had time for him and his sister was with his mother. Therefore he made his own little wooden longsword and practiced fighting against a bale of hay in the stables in his spare time. Due to his family having little to no time for him he was always seen fighting in the streets or being taught by his maths, politics or history teacher.

At the age of fourteen, he went to Regalia to train in the school of Leadership .Luckily for him, a few months after he left for training, his town was raided by orcs and his family was murdered(for no particular reason; they were raiders). After hearing the news he used this pain as a form of motivation for training.Eventually, he left to fight in the Chrystant war as a rear Admiral .

Upon return to Regalia, he didn't ever waste any time and went back to training in the school of theatre command . One day when he was speaking to a friend in the Golden Willow he discovered that members of nobility were impersonating his family name, therefore he began his search for them. He managed to find them one day when he stumbled upon a House maid of House Birkwood who led him to his nephew.When he finally found out that the living members of his family weren't his sister or brother in law but their children he swore an oath to protect the patriarch Johnathan. Alfons usually trains for 4 hours every day, if one would interrupt him during training it would not end very well. You could possibly be his new punchbag.

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Peer Review

For your Good Commander personality trait, I believe the word you are looking for is Authoritative. It reflects your description so I leave it at that.

I would also encourage labeling your traits as positive, negative, and neutral. A simple recolour of the first word is sufficient in that regard.

While we are on that subject I notice an imbalance of having more positive traits than negative. As I see the traits you will be requiring three additional negative traits. I see Blunt being the only negative to an extent. Sick sense of humor I would consider neutral as others may share a similar sense of humor. The rest are positive for apparent reasons.

Crazy as a weakness the way you describe it is a bit odd. Perhaps Radical? The way you describe the trait appears very power gamey having survived many near death experience. Not sure how to take it. Tone the trait back to something more realistic how you describe it.

Glory Seeker isn't a weakness entirely. I would advise changing it to something else.

Your wording for your first strength is a bit lengthy. I see that it is very specific so it is hard to narrow it down to one or two words so I'll leave it be.

Please make the changes above and tag me once complete.
Peer Review

For your Good Commander personality trait, I believe the word you are looking for is Authoritative. It reflects your description so I leave it at that.

I would also encourage labeling your traits as positive, negative, and neutral. A simple recolour of the first word is sufficient in that regard.

While we are on that subject I notice an imbalance of having more positive traits than negative. As I see the traits you will be requiring three additional negative traits. I see Blunt being the only negative to an extent. Sick sense of humor I would consider neutral as others may share a similar sense of humor. The rest are positive for apparent reasons.

Crazy as a weakness the way you describe it is a bit odd. Perhaps Radical? The way you describe the trait appears very power gamey having survived many near death experience. Not sure how to take it. Tone the trait back to something more realistic how you describe it.

Glory Seeker isn't a weakness entirely. I would advise changing it to something else.

Your wording for your first strength is a bit lengthy. I see that it is very specific so it is hard to narrow it down to one or two words so I'll leave it be.

Please make the changes above and tag me once complete.
I shall edit it in the morning
Alright, this is going to be a bit brutal, but review time:

To start off with, I am going to need you to age Alfons up about five years to 48. The special permission you chose for him is rather strict and thus he needs to be older.

Second, remove any mention of him being a good fighter. This includes the Skilled with a Longsword strength, which I need you to replace with something else. If you wish to go for Wing Admiral, it includes that your character has given up on physical exercise and engages solely in command at this point. I also need you to remove the mention of him being able to train others (under Knows People's Limits), due to him not being skilled at combat at this point in his life. Wing Admirals do not do a lot (if any) physical fighting, and often engage in wartime combat using ships/strategy. That is what the school of leadership is about.

While on the topic, his main ambition of being the best fighter in the city is going to be incredibly difficult to achieve considering he shouldn't be engaging in fights.

Also, remove mention of him being a knight (under Cruel). If he did not graduate from any of the combat schools, he could not be a knight.

The Charitable trait does not make sense with the Cruel trait and the Radical weakness. I would remove the charitable trait, but I need you to fix this somehow.

The Radical weakness isn't at all a weakness. It's basically that he doesn't care about death... which really doesn't sound like a weakness. Either improve it or replace it.

The Narrow Focus is too wishy-washy to be a decent weakness. Either improve it or replace it.

I want you to add another weakness (in addition to what is stated above) due to the nature of the special permission you are requesting.

The life story is rather... bare bone. You hint at a number of events, but never really explain what happened. Why did he attempt to join the Viridians? Why was his family murdered? Who murdered them? How in the world did he beat paladins if he dropped out of the combat school after a few months (Which is highly unlikely, and I want you to remove)? What battles did he win as a rear admiral (From my calculations, he was learning at the school of leadership during the course of the Chrysant War)? How did he learn that his family was still alive? How did he ever find his family? I want you to expand on all of these to give a better picture of who this character is.

Make the above changes in Red and tag me to continue.
You still cannot have a character being a member of the School of Leadership and also attend the School of Viridian. Pick one and get rid of the other.
Thank you for your cooperation; Approved, pending evidence of special permission request. Simply copy-pasta the link to the special permission as a reply to this comment.
Longswords are not a weapon of choice for Blackmarks as they focus on heavy weapons such as Zweihänder swords, Bardiches, Morningstars and other such weapons so I would recommend you to change that.
I'm regret that I hath not looked upon this pure beauty of a character sheet sooner, I must now go add onto mine, to make it equal!

So sorry I have not looked at this yet, and I'm supposed to be your patriarch lol, beautiful work by the way! I love the personality traits, extremely unique!
@xref74 , I am not accepting any more changes to special permission on this character. You have attempted to change several times, and Staff does not feel that is fair to other players, nor make it fair to the system if you continue to attempt to simply gain power in some way or another. Make the appropriate changes back to the previous state, or else the character app will be rejected.
@xref74 , I am not accepting any more changes to special permission on this character. You have attempted to change several times, and Staff does not feel that is fair to other players, nor make it fair to the system if you continue to attempt to simply gain power in some way or another. Make the appropriate changes back to the previous state, or else the character app will be rejected.
oke :(