Preserved Sheet Alexis Orbrynn

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Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Alexis Orbryn /Nickname/ Ax

  • Age: 70

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Altalar

  • Main Ambition: Wealth - She wants to be wealthy to be able to provide for herself and her loved ones. And also join the guards

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Brown

  • Hair Color: Blonde

  • Hair Style: Long / Wavy

  • Skin Color: Peachy

  • Clothing: A dark red leather jacket , with baggy black trousers.

  • Height: 5'7

  • Weight: 170kg

  • Body Build: Spoon - Has bigger hips and waist than shoulders and chest

  • Weapon of Choice: Shield

  • Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Ax has an very oval facial structure that gives her more of an oval head , and large plump lips that are a blush red. She has narrower eyes and she always looks tired, as she most of the time has slight bags under her eyes from staying up in the night. She has a rounded nose that has a point at the end. She has her left ear pierced at the lobe and usually wears a silver earring. Ax has an arch eyebrow that gives her more of a serious expression.

  • Ax has a very long chunky body type , she has little muscle most of the muscle she does has is on her lower body such as her legs. This is due to all the running she does each day , Ax has quite strong bones Axilya also has third degree burns. All down her back and has burn scars from a seven degree burn she got when she was younger.

  • Ax is not much for fashion as she never has the money to afford it , but she always wears a dark red and black clothing as it's simple and not flashy. But when it comes to jewelry she likes to be flashy. She will always wear rings , necklaces and earrings , she gets most of her jewelry from gambling. Her shoes are normale leather boots that are a size too big for her.

  • Ax always has a cheeky sly tone , she always has a joke and can talk in a intimidating , devilish tone. But when she is any kind of gambling game she will either have an angry or serious tone

  • Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

Loyal - Alexis has always been loyal. Not to people, particularly, but mostly to a deal or a contract, Alexis, being a gambler. A deal means the world and she will not break it no matter the cost , this seems surprising for her as she is a con-artist and comes off as very untrustworthy. However it's quite the opposite. She is also the person to stick to a cause or a person if she found one.

Confident - Alexis has high confidence in a lot of the things. But gambling is where her confidences comes from even if she does not cheat in a game with her years of experience she feels confident in winning. When it comes to any physical fighting, however, she is less confident. In fact Alexis doesn't want to hurt someone she feels more confident holding a shield then a sword.

Driven- Alexis is very driven by a lot of things but Gambling and protection has to be her biggest drive. The addiction to winning a game of cards gives alexis the feeling of power and somewhat wealth and that drives her to do anything she can to win even cheat if she has to. As for protection Ax is driven to protect the people she loves and cares for after being unable to protect her family from a dire situation. She doesn't make friends easily so the friends she does make drives her to protect them more then she should. Also she is driven so much she becomes addicted and makes her carelessly waste a lot of her money and items to try and win games. This also puts her in alot of danger when she is driven to protect the ones she loves by maybe using herself as a shield.

Controlled - Alexis has a lot of control when it comes to anger and stress, Since a child that is how she has been taught to always control herself like a "Lady". This skill helps her a lot in gambling especially poker . And poker being her number one gambling game she always seems to win. She can control her facial emotional in other words she has a very well trained "Poker Face". It also helps her to control herself from ever attacking someone even if they hurt her, or anger her. As she promises to live to protect.

Unforgiving- Alexis will always keep a grudge, It could be something small and she will remind the person what they have done and make sure they suffer a consequence. When somebody has done something awful to her she will be driven to seek revenge on that person. She will hold this grudge until she dies .When it comes to love ones or friends she will still feel hatred and vengeance to them if they do something awful to her. But this also makes her loose connections with the ones she loves and friends as she easily will hold a grudge against people.

Ego - Alexis does think just a little bit highly of herself especially when it comes to gambling, she is not rude about it but she always states how great of a gambler she is. When she does lose she is a very sore loser, Ax can not handle the lost and will brag about her past winnings against nobles and the smartest of men to try and hide the fact she just lost. This has actually helped Alexis gain friends as she is not rude but more determined about her status. And when it comes to protecting her friends she sometimes will take on a stronger enemy then her as she believes she can handle anything.


  • Strong will - Ax has always kept control of her mental state and rarely ever has breakdowns. This is because of the childhood trauma she managed to live past , she always thinks to herself "If I can live past that trauma I can live past this" . this also gives her the skill to tolerate a higher amount of pain than others. This includes physical attacks, Cutting, or breaking of bones and even emotional attacks. She believes if she lets herself become sane she would of failed her loved ones and friends and also if she does become insane she could no longer play cards so Alexis simply does everything in her will to stop insanity from herself and others.

  • Shield Wielding - Since Alexis moved in with her uncle she had learned mostly shield wielding skills , on how to protect others and herself and till this day she could protect up to two people at a time. This makes Alexis have stronger upper body strength as she would be used to carrying the shield. But as for speed Alexis focusses more on holding back the enemy then being fast so her strength manily falls into holding back large amounts of pressure.

  • Pain Tolerant- As Alexis spent plenty of years being a torture subject she had grown to get use of the pain, so in battle she is quite hard to take down as she is not only driven to win but can take pain very well. The only thing she is very emotionally phased by is fire. She does have her limit but compared to most people she can take the extra hits and keep standing her driven personality also helps in dire situations to keep going to escape or to win the battle.


  • Headaches -Alexis get's intense migraine and headaches that can spark at random or be triggered. They can be triggered by a bright light or at very loud noises. When she does have these headaches they seem to be very painful making her feel a banging sensation inside her head. Once she has a headache normally she needs to sleep them off or they eventually fade untill then she struggles to concentrate.

  • Allergies- Alexis is very allergic to cat's that's why as a child she never had pets and till this day she only has non furry pets such as a lizard. When Alexis is near a cat/tigran her skin will go very rashy and lumpy she will itch all over. This makes her unable to do anything as the allergic symptoms would be very irritating. The only way she can calm her allergies down is to go to the healing house they do not settle on itself.

  • Pyrophobia - Alexis has had a crippling fear of anything fire related since her childhood, she has learnt to handle torches and small fireplaces but what she can not handle is ,firemages , burning wood and large amounts of fire. If she is to encounter any of this she will completely freeze of fear and shock like a stunned deer. The only thing that can move her is another person or if the fire source goes away but other than that she is completely useless and vulnerable to these situations.

Combat History :
Alexis being raised in a gang had some combat skill to protect herself , her uncle taught her mainly to wield a shield and carry heavy objects and occasionally gave her swordplay lessons but she never learned much technique. Even her shield wielding lessons would be rare but it was enough to protect herself and one other person.

Once Alexis came to regalia she focussed on her con-thieving and her card skills and shied away from all the conflict and combat. But now Alexis has lived in regalia for quite the time she is wanting to join the guards. Alexis for the past months has been tutored in fighting with an axe by one of her good friends Brayton and will carry on to have lessons to protect herself and fight. (And also with the rebellion she is at the coen castle doing harsh training there aswell)

Life Story (Required)

Alexis was born into a family or five, being herself , her twin, brother , mother and father , she grew up in New Ceardia with a rather large wooden house outside of a nearby forest and small village. As a child she was never lonely she always had her twin sister or younger brother to play with. And it was only a small trip past the woods to the nearest village to play with the other children nearby, her father was a local farmer who over-worked so Alexis didn't see her father to often. But whenever she did see her father he would often play card games with her as Axilya's deceased grandfather taught her father and her uncle how to play many card games. Axilya's mother was a tailor who worked very little and she did a lot of private work for nobles that's being how they could afford such a nice home.

Alexis loved to play cards more than anything she rather play cards than play with her twin Amara. Growing up Alexis and Amara had quite a lot of differences, as Amara always talked about marrying a prince and living in a castle but none of the dream fairytale stories interested Alexis, She had little care for dolls or clothes as a child and did not fit in with most of the local children. But that really did not phase Alexis at all as she always had her little brother to play with.

Alexis never learnt how to write as a child as her father nor mother could write that is why she loved card's it made her feel like she had a skill. Alexis always thought how she could not read a book but she could read a game of cards. Growing up Axilya's family was very happy but she never knew her grandparents as they had deceased, and at the age of eight she discovered she had an uncle and aunty. This excited Alexis and Amara as they were soon to meet their uncle they had never met before. And once they met their uncle Sanko Alexis and Amara instantly became best friends with their uncle Sanko. The reason that Alexis and Amara had never met their uncle before was because he lived so far away, But Ax's parents decided to pay for them to move closer to them so the whole family could stick together. After that Alexis grew up spending most of her time now with her uncle playing cards with him and their uncle taught them many skills such as, how to tie knots, do shoe-laces and act , all the little things. But their uncle taught Amara and Alexis one very important thing and that was fire safety. How to escape a fire or put one out little did they know at the time that the skills they learnt would come in handy.

At the age of fourteen Alexis was still her same old self, and she was even starting to train to become a tailor like her mother. And once Alexis and Amara had now got their own rooms the house being big enough for them to have their own rooms. Alexis often stargazed out her room but this one night she decided to go to bed early. Ax was suddenly woken by an unbearable pain on her back and she opened her eyes to see fire and smoke fill her room. Than she felt her skin start to drip onto the bed as her back arm's , leg's , neck and back were being burnt from the fiery piece of roof that had landed on her. Alexis started to choke and cough threw the screams and tears and everything went completely blank. When Alexis woke up she felt her back flesh burn and sting and in pain she shot up and screeched , before she could keep screeching she was silenced to the sight of her whole house alight. She frantically looked around to see her twin on the floor panting. She quickly turned back to the door to see her father, brother and mother about to quickly exit but before they could the door had caught alight and they were stuck, the last Alexis heard of her family was the screams and cries of their burning bodies. In the morning guards came to the scene to find Alexis and her twin all burnt and in shock and sorrow. They were eventually taken to the nearest healing house and their uncle would rush to them and comfort them. After Alexis and Amara were healed their uncle would go on to take them into his care.

Alexes uncle originally came from regalia and that's where they were heading back , to live in his old home with their aunty. This brought some joy into Axilya's mind knowing she has some family left. But she quickly became aware of the reality of who her uncle really was. One first entering the area their uncle lived in she knew it was a bad area and thugs stood outside of his home , the thugs glaring down upon Alexis with a devilish smirk. Alexis and Amara had discovered that their uncle was actually a gang leader of thieving thugs. This new lifestyle became hard to accept but soon enough they started to turn their ways. Ax's love for cards turned into a gambling skill. Her uncle taught her only how to con people and steal from them with gambling but her father used the same amount of time to teach her mostly shield wielding to protect Amara , as for Amara' she was taught how to fight and how to attack anyone who dared challenge her. After some years of this new lifestyle Alexis and Amara became completely new people and lost their way completely and at the age of 16 they started to work for their uncle going to steal from people in their own ways. And out of Alexis and Amara, Ax did much more jobs and even became the assistant head of the gang and she would handle all the contracts and deals. Alexis never let one deal slip past her untill one certain deal she made. She made a deal with an elderly man if he had lost the game they were playing he would have to hand over all his possessions. As the game was rigged she clearly won, but the only possession the man had was his wedding ring Ax felt guilt especially as she had such a soft spot for the elderly, so she decided to hand back the wedding ring and be on her way. Sanko found out how Ax had let this deal slide and was enraged he had never had someone go against his rules before so as a punishment not only was Alexis tortured but so was her twin Amara, Sanko was a very cruel man and decided to only use Alexis and Amara as torture subjects from now after Ax dis-obeyed her. This drove Amara insane and Alexis was plunged into a deep darkness. After spending the rest of their lives being slaves to their uncle and aunty the two eventually hatched a plan to escape, and after months of planning thats exactly what they did.
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Gonna' do this app right now! Thought I recognized the name, nice to see an app for her!
  • There's no need to clarify her age in "Alorian years." They're the same as our years. Additionally, what culture of Ailor is she?
  • There's no such thing as seventh-degree burns. The scale goes from first to third. Could you maybe correct this? It makes it difficult for me to gauge how wounded Axilya is.
  • I think you underestimate how deadly Kidney Failure would have been in a time with Aloria's technology. This isn't the kind of thing that would leave somebody bedridden, it seriously risk killing them, if not outright guarantee. I think you should change this weakness out because it's impractical for those reasons and I don't think it would ever come up in ingame roleplay.
  • I'd really have to ask how two girls who were only recently trained in criminal acts managed to butcher an entire gang of people. Right now there's far too little detail for this to come off as reasonable. It needs expanding
Other than that, nice application. Remember to proofread (Or have a friend proofread if English isn't your first language) your longer texts, because I spotted several missing words and grammar errors. Those are superficial issues, though, and you should focus on the points above. Tag me when you've made your edits! Until then...

Gonna' do this app right now! Thought I recognized the name, nice to see an app for her!
  • There's no need to clarify her age in "Alorian years." They're the same as our years. Additionally, what culture of Ailor is she?
  • There's no such thing as seventh-degree burns. The scale goes from first to third. Could you maybe correct this? It makes it difficult for me to gauge how wounded Axilya is.
  • I think you underestimate how deadly Kidney Failure would have been in a time with Aloria's technology. This isn't the kind of thing that would leave somebody bedridden, it seriously risk killing them, if not outright guarantee. I think you should change this weakness out because it's impractical for those reasons and I don't think it would ever come up in ingame roleplay.
  • I'd really have to ask how two girls who were only recently trained in criminal acts managed to butcher an entire gang of people. Right now there's far too little detail for this to come off as reasonable. It needs expanding
Other than that, nice application. Remember to proofread (Or have a friend proofread if English isn't your first language) your longer texts, because I spotted several missing words and grammar errors. Those are superficial issues, though, and you should focus on the points above. Tag me when you've made your edits! Until then...

All done
Only one edit left. Old Ceardia was evacuated about 50-odd years ago in our lore. Axilya's too young to have grown up there. Maybe change this to New Ceardia?
