Preserved Sheet Alexander Redguard

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Alexander Redguard
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information:
  • Full Name: Alexander Redguard (Formerly Jun)
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To become a powerful group of hirable noblemen
  • Special Permission:N/A
  • Alexander used to be a Woodcutter, his full name then being Alexander Jun. He was living in a house, however it was in a poor region of Regalia. Then one day, a business, specialising in wood-cutting and forging weaponry, noticed how good he was as a Woodcutter. The owner of this business, Johnathan Redguard, offered him a job working for their Business, in return, he would have good pay and a room to stay in. However if he was to accept this job, he was to throw away his family name as a Jun and legally change his name to be classed as a Redguard. He accepted this job, and under the terms of the name-change after all, his father was dead, his mother was executed. It ended the line of Jun, and he became a Redguard. After his work, working for the Redguards, he left there and began to search for men who wanted to bring upon Justice to the world, stopping criminals when the law wasn't able too, serving justice to the criminals who were protected by the morals of the law. But, of course; he had to start out small. Him and his small group of around a dozen men, began as men-for-hire, mining for coal, building small houses, cutting for wood, etc. But as for the rest of story, well just look around you. That was the past, the rest is in the present.

  • Alexander had a good upbringing, at least, for most of his childhood. His father was a nice man, considered by all the locals to be a Hero, after he managed to save a burning Tavern by chucking water onto the fire, his name was Altun, Altun Jun. His mother wasn't a nice person however, she was very violent and would often go drinking in Taverns and get drunk whilst Altun worked himself as hard as he could to provide for his family, her name was Saria. Saria would often get in trouble with the Guards for the things she did when she was drunk. Eventually she was sentenced to Jail after killing the bartender because she thought the Muird tasted awful during one of her "drunken rampages". However that was late in his childhood, before that she never got drunk, she wasn't violent, his father didn't have to work so unbelievably hard just to simply provide bread and water for his family. Alexander didn't have much friends growing up, but the friends he did have, were good-friends, great-friends infact. But then, things started going downhill as Altun couldn't afford to pay the taxes since he was demoted at work, Saria's mother died and she drank her problems away. Then when Alexander was 16 years old, he went out to the market to bring back food for the family, he came back to his Father, lying on the ground by the doorstep dead. He was shocked. He was terrified. By this point his Mother was in jail, he had no Father to care for him, no Mother to nurse him when he was sick or afraid. He went into the nearby Tavern and asked around if anyone was a doctor, but alas, he found no-one. He now had to provide for himself, thats when he began his work as a woodcutter, and it was shortly before his mother was executed after the trial that followed her sentence.

  • Alexander, nor the Guards, nor infact anyone in Regalia, ever found the murderer of his father. No-one knew why he was murdered, no-one wanted to. The town was devastated at the death of his father, his neighbours were devastated at Altun's death. Alexander wanted to find his murderer and avenge Altun's death, "an eye-for-an-eye". So he began to form his own little group, seeking out to Recruit men to help to fight for Justice. Of course that was simply the end-goal. For now, they just 'sold themselves' as men-for-hire to do various jobs for different citizens around Regalia-- and beyond.

Visual Information:
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  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Darkish-Brown
  • Hair Style: Short, slightly styled upwards
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Usually likes to dress as if a Nobleman, normally in blue
  • Height: 6 foot 4
  • Weight: 145 lbs
  • Body Build: Muscly, Tall, Relatively thin
  • Weapon of Choice: Dual-Wielded Swords
  • Noteworthy features:A scar on his face, near his eye that he got after a bar brawl with an Orc.

Personality and Abilities (Required):
  • Sarcastic - Alexander has always loved jokes, and just humour in general, but over-all his sense of humour is most certainly Sarcasm. Although a man may love to run, it doesn't simply mean he is good at running, the same, definitely applies to Alexander.
  • Quick-to-Anger - A trait that all who know him well, believe that he has received from his mother, Saria. His 'temper tantrums' are not as severe as perhaps what is conceived to be, most people you see. However it is the fact of how quick he is to get angry. Normally when insulted, and he cannot think of a good insult to return back, or when he gets punished unfairly and justice isn't served - Either way, he is most certainly quick to anger.
  • Leader - As if since born, Alexander has, for his entire life, felt as if born to be a leader. This was evident when he thought himself better off to work for himself, after he left his job as a Woodcutter working for the Redguards. It felt as if it was his purpose in life; his destiny.
  • Loyal - Alexander has always shown loyalty, to his family, his employers and the people he lead. He has always been loyal to his family, he rarely--if ever, disobeyed them or rebelled against them, he has always loved and cared for them, especially his father, and even his mother, despite how she treated him in her later years. As for his employers, during his work for them, he had offers of other businesses, some who paid better money and wages, however he was close to his employers and felt as if family towards them, so he turned the offers down. And he shows loyalty to people he has lead, giving them food and shelter, always sticking to them and helping them through rough patches.
  • Impatience - Alexander is extremely impatient. Whether it's waiting for a meal at a nearby Tavern or Inn, or whether it be a man taking a while deciding what to say, he strongly despises - even detests, having to wait for things!
  • Adventurous - Alexander has always been adventurous, as a child he often went out to the Market and explored around Regalia. He was adventurous in other aspects than exploring however, he was always willing to try new things, whether it be new foods, new places or just new things in general.
  • Acrobatic - Alexander was known to be very fast and nimble. He ran at paces that excelled many runners, he jumped at heights that humiliated high-jumpers. As a child he would always run everywhere he went. He ran to the Market when his parents sent him to buy food for the family and when he went to explore the different shops, houses and taverns that could be found in Regalia. He ran when there was no danger, no threat, no apparent reason to run for. He loved running and jumping, he always had and it is a strength that he carried throughout his life.
  • Skilful at Duel-Wielding - Alexander was ambidextrous and could easily hold a heavily tool or weapon in each hand. When he was a woodcutter, for instance he would wield two small axes and he was very fast when using them. Now, he usually fights dual-wielding two swords made of Iron.
  • Persuasive - Alexander is great at getting what he wants, mostly through manipulating, he has the "gift-of-gab" and can use this ability to get out of tricky situations.
  • Susceptible to Pain - As with most children, during his childhood, Alexander was often beaten up, usually for his intellect which they were jealous of, and every punch, felt as if a dagger, every kick, as if a blunt axe. He is also easily bruised. This weakness is very bad considering the line-of-work Alexander is in.
  • Bad-hearing - Alexander had bad-hearing. Very bad-hearing. He never knew why, but his parents noticed it when he was very young, he was most likely born with his hearing as bad as it is now. This is extremely dangerous to him if say, a sneaky enemy is camping in his base.
  • Drunkardness - Ever since his father died, Alexander has always had an ale or two more than what is generally considered healthy. He doesn't get drunk that often, but when he does he is extremely vulnerable and as if dumb, he is also highly prone to violence during his time being Drunk.
  • Ale, Cider and Wine - As previously mentioned, after Altun, his father's, death, he gradually became more and more 'seducted' by the sweet, sweet alcohol
  • Woodcutting - After a while of woodcutting, Alexander became used to it, and in-fact it felt as if escapism to him. It became a gentle hobby of his, he would go to a relaxing place, usually by a forest or lake, and he would cut, and cut, feeling the cold breeze of the wind on his face, he found it very enjoyable.
  • Gambling - Although it is illegal, during his past, even before he became a woodcutter, he loved playing gambling games, usually involving dice. But as he started to get more known in the community, and being busted one or two times by the guards, he stopped gambling. But just because he stopped gambling, doesn't mean he still feels the need to play Blackjack every now and again.
  • Orcs - Whilst his father may have been a nice, kind man, he had always had a hatred from Orcs, which in turn came from his father and now it has been passed down to Alexander. Alexander has hated Orcs from the word go, as soon as he realised of his father's strong hatred for them. This often got him in trouble as he insulted Orcs from time-to-time and once he even got into a bar fight with an Orc, the Orc punched him in his face, towards his nose, all thats left of that tale is the memory and of course - the scar on his face.
  • Reading - Some may say he is attention-deficit, others that he is simply simple-minded, either way, Alexander hates reading. His mother was always the more literate of the family, before her mother died, she tried to teach Alex how to read. But it just 'went straight past his head'. After many years however, he decided to teach himself how to read. He did so successfully, but nevertheless, he finds it very difficult to do so.
  • Injustice - The entire reason why he left he his job working for the Redguard family and to make his group that started out of around a dozen men - Injustice. After the death of his father he made a promise to himself in his head, to find whoever did this to Altun and murder them. But alas, he, the guards nor anyone in all of Regalia was successful in doing so. This wasn't a rare thing to happen. Many criminals, including thieves, murderers and rapists got away with crimes and never got caught. Alexander wanted to make a change in the world, and if there was one thing he could change it would be the injustice in the world. As early stated, it was the entire reason he created the group that started out as men-for-hire. Now he seeks out to act as "a second law" and stop all injustice whenever he can.

Life Story...

Family and Upbringing

Alexander had a good upbringing, at least, for most of his childhood. His father was a nice man, considered by all the locals to be a Hero, after he managed to save a burning Tavern by chucking water onto the fire, his name was Altun, Altun Jun. His mother wasn't a nice person however, she was very violent and would often go drinking in Taverns and get drunk whilst Altun worked himself as hard as he could to provide for his family, her name was Saria. Saria would often get in trouble with the Guards for the things she did when she was drunk. Eventually she was sentenced to Jail after killing the bartender because she thought the Muird tasted awful during one of her "drunken rampages".

However that was late in his childhood, before that she never got drunk, she wasn't violent, his father didn't have to work so unbelievably hard just to simply provide bread and water for his family. Alexander didn't have much friends growing up, but the friends he did have, were good-friends, great-friends infact. But then, things started going downhill as Altun couldn't afford to pay the taxes since he was demoted at work, Saria's mother died and she drank her problems away.

The Downward-Spiral
Then when Alexander was 16 years old, he went out to the market to bring back food for the family, he came back to his Father, lying on the ground by the doorstep dead. He was shocked. He was terrified. By this point his Mother was in jail, he had no Father to care for him, no Mother to nurse him when he was sick or afraid. He went into the nearby Tavern and asked around if anyone was a doctor, but alas, he found no-one. He now had to provide for himself, thats when he began his work as a woodcutter, and it was shortly before his mother was executed after the trial that followed her sentence.

Business and Later Life

After a few years of woodcutting he became highly skilled at the practice. Then he later received an offer to join a family known as the Redguards, they were a self-owned Business specialising in Woodcutting, Woodwork and crafting Weapons. The owner of this business, Johnathan Redguard, offered him a job working for their Business, in return, he would have good pay and a room to stay in. However if he was to accept this job, he was to throw away his family name as a Jun and legally change his name to be classed as a Redguard. He accepted this job, and under the terms of the name-change after all, his father was dead, his mother was executed. It ended the line of Jun, and he became a Redguard.

After his work, working for the Redguards, he left there and began to search for men who wanted to bring upon Justice to the world, stopping criminals when the law wasn't able too, serving justice to the criminals who were protected by the morals of the law. But, of course; he had to start out small. Him and his small group of around a dozen men, began as men-for-hire, mining for coal, building small houses, cutting for wood, etc. But as for the rest of story, well just look around you. That was the past, the rest is in the present.
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  • Hello! This is a peer review. Nice work so far!
  • I'd like to first address your formatting. See if you can't pop the expansions and optional sections into spoilers. If you're not sure how, PM me and I'll give you a tutorial.
  • You seem to have popped his life story into the first expansions, and although I don't usually include those in reviews, I thought I should let you know that these sections are intended for something more brief. Have another read of the description.
  • Relatively thin people don't tend to have a lot of muscle. I think that Alexander's current weight combined with his height would make him underweight. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you want him to be strong, increase the weight.
  • Maybe you should try rewording Harry's main ambition. Is it power he seeks? This is more of a general goal rather than something specific, and I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean by the current goal, either.
  • Everyone is susceptible to pain. This isn't a wonderful weakness, and I suggest that you change it up for something else.
  • Where was Alexander born? A city? A village? What's it called? Where is it located?
  • See if you're up for finishing these edits and tagging either me or @Jared4242. You will then receive a more in-depth review.
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