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Needs Help/Review Alexander Percival Holland

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!
Jun 28, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Alexander Percival Holland

  • Heritage / Culture: Ailor - Ithanian Culture

  • Age: 6 and 20 (26)

  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him

  • Religion: Unionist

  • Occult: Exist Mageborn

  • Character Occupation: 9th Baron of the Holland house estates
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Skin Color: Ivory

  • Hair: Mahogany

  • Height: 5'11

  • Body Type: Mesomorphic build with a trapezoid shape to his body

  • Additional Features: Alexander has a scarred wound above his liver from an accident whilst hunting with his father
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents: Alexander enjoys hunting due to his physical prowess and athletic interests, but spends most of his time managing the familial estates. His talents include being able to shoot a target relying on only his hearing via magical talents of enhancing his senses

  • Mechanics:
    • Ailor Mechanics 1 through 4
  • Languages: Common / Hellas / d'Ithanie / Sign / Altalar

Being born into a noble family as the heir to the 8th Baron as he was the first born child gave Alexander what most would call a privileged upbringing, which it was for the most part. The young heir being the only son of 5 children sired by his mother and father, the late Baron and Baroness of the Holland household and estates, would have occasionally gone for hunting expeditions with his father amidst gaining an education in diplomatic skills and language proficiencies. However, despite this easy upbringing, the Holland household was plagued by an unforeseen illness which swept the late Baroness to be bedridden from Alexander's late childhood until her untimely demise when he was 1 and 20 (21). Due to this tragedy, the Holland's father, the late Baron, became secluded to his children for the next 3 years until his 4 daughters grew to a matured age, and it wasn't until Alexander was 5 and 20 (25) that he and his father would return to their escapades of hunting wild animals. As life just so seemed to be returning to its normal state, yet another tragedy befell the Holland household when the late Baron dismissed the advice of his children and doctors that he must not hunt on horseback at his age any longer, and was untimely slain by his own stead kicking him off of his back and on to an antler of the stag he had not long shot and went to inspect. Due to the untimely demise of the 8th Baron, at only 6 and 20 (26), Alexander Percival Holland ascended to the head of the Holland house, and became the 9th Baron of the Holland house and estates. This does however pose challenges for the young noble, as he now has to manage the estates, visit the court and watch over his younger siblings, all whilst juggling the matter that he has no sired heir to his place as the head of the family, meaning only his sister Beatrice was the current heir.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 6

Defense Stat: 5

[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 2
    • [Break Down]

    • [Building Scale]
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 5
    • [Safeguard pack]

    • [Tech Assimilate]

    • [Oceanic Pack]

    • [Tech Auto]

    • [Wardrobe Pack]
  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 6
    • [Hook Shot]

    • [Ranger Trap]

    • [Ranger Stance]

    • [Ranger Tag]

    • [Dirty Fighter]

    • [Escape Artist]

    • [Ranger Bola] (Free)
  • Faith: 0

  • Magic: 1
    • [Magic Trip]
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