Preserved Sheet Alexander Keiserberg

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Jan 18, 2021
Reaction score
General Info

Full Name: Alexander Keiserberg
Age: 22yr
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor | Woaden | Alais Bloodline
Sexuality: Bisexual
Preferred Weapon: Longsword.

Skill Information

27 Core Points | 10 Talent Points | 10 Hobby Points | 5 Racial Points

Core Group Proficiencies
  • +10 Sword Combat [+5 Core Points]
  • +2 Metallurgy Science [2+ Core points]
  • +2 Finecraft Science [+2 Core Points]
  • +3 Fist Combat [+2 Core points]
Talent Group Proficiencies
  • +10 Perception Training [+10 Talent Points]
  • +5 Strength Training [+5 Core Points]
Hobby Group Proficiencies
  • +5 Drawing Art [+5 Hobby Points]
  • +5 Hunting Art [+5 Core Points]
  • +10 Pathfinding Art [+5 Hobby points and +5 Racial Boost]
Body Type

Physical Stat: [10 Sword + 2 Metallurgy + 5 Strength + +3 Fist] = 20
[5 Pathfinding + 2 Finecraft]*0.5 = 3.5

Total: 15 (Full Cap)

Body Build: Toned Body Shape
Body Fat: Average Body Fat


Common[Mother tongue]
Skodje [Fluent]

Special traits (Mutation)

Alais Bloodline Mutations:

Crimson Hostage [Target Curse / Self]
Those fed upon gain the Crimson Hostage trait, which makes them strongly want to prevent the Vampire from being harmed, caught or cured, for up to 72 hours after having been fed upon. The Vampire can choose to not apply this Curse when feeding.

Crimson Silence [Toggle Passive / Self]
Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Vampire. Furthermore, the Vampire does not produce audible footsteps on any surfaces, nor release any bodily odors that would allow those races with strong smell to detect their presence from merely standing near them.

Crimson Curse [Vampire Spell /Emote Distance]
The Vampire can target any one person (and one person only) and cause their next Proficiency related action to critically fail. This only affects mundane actions involving Proficiencies, not Abilities. For example: if this Ability is used on an archer during an archery tournament, their next (potentially winning) shot will hilariously misfire. This only works for one action, after which it goes on Cooldown for half an hour. This can also cause weapon attacks to fumble out of the hands of wielders, or Knowledge Proficiency-based information to suddenly be inexplicably forgotten for a day. This Ability does not telegraph in any way, and can be used as subtly as the Vampire likes.

Crimson Cloaking [Toggle Passive / Emote Distance]
The Vampire can target any one person (and one person only) and turn completely invisible to them, where they cannot perceive any sounds they make, except for their voice. This only targets one person, and as soon as this person leaves Emote Distance, or the Vampire targets another person, they can see the Vampire again. This Ability can be used in combat, however if the Vampire harms the target in any way, this target can see them again, and becomes immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. The Vampire can still make themselves unseen to other people, but attacking any of them will also make them immune for 24 hours. This ability requires some seconds to take effect so it cannot be shuttered between people for skipping invisibility.

Crimson Reflection [Toggle Passive /Self]
The Vampire can magically change superficial appearance aspects about themselves: Change the color of their hair, change the color of their eyes (does not work while feeding), add or remove facial scars or freckles, change the skin lightness/darkness, and the length of their hair, including the texture (curliness, straightness, waviness). A character with 10 Bodycare Training Proficiency can see through the disguise and identify the original appearance of the character.

Visual Information


Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black hair
Hair Style: A bit wavy and sticks a little bit around
Skin: A bit tan
Height: 5'9"


Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality Type: Campaigner
Religion: Non religion

Life Story

Alexander was abandoned when he was 1 year old due to his biological family were criminals and they wanted to give him a good life. Due to this, he was raised by a kind couple in Drixagh. His father taught him the way of using a Longsword and his hunting skills and his mother taught him on how to be Observant and to explore the wild As both were hunters and would go on travels. taking Alexander with him, he even tried drawing some of the environments of his travels. They also taught him how to speak Common and Skodje.

When he turned 16 he started some work with a mentor as an apprentice, as he were curious over his mentor's work. and was taught his ways with Metallurgy Science and Finecraft Science. Due to this he got the dream of being a mercenary. Looking for the materials, building with the materials and selling them further.

However, he also started getting doubts about his own family, seeing his little brothers looking different than him. It was then they had the talk about them finding him in the forest all alone. And so they took him in. He was at first frustrated with this knowledge. However, he started to see that family doesn't need to be in blood. It could be anyone who cares for you.

When he turned 18 it was the time he decided to leave his home and explore the world, Saying his goodbyes to his family and his mentor and left looking for perhaps answers about his family and becoming a mercenary. So now he is exploring the world, Looking for work and perhaps one day settling down with someone and keep doing his work.


After a while. he met a girl named Miaja. An innocent little girl who was very kind to him. Thank's to her he got a place to stay, and so he wanted to help her at any time. With the time he spent with her, he met a man who taught him some more combat, and also how to fist fight. However... After a long time being with Miaja and gone through a adventure which lasted 2 years. He found out that She is a Alaris Vampire.

He talked to her and heard about her story about how much she wanted to protect the vampires. And so, he decided, through instincts and Little knowledge of vampire's, to become one so that he can help her battle.

(NOTE!!! This character suddenly turned into a Vampire. So This character needs a Reviewer to check it out )
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Please put the art in a spoiler, so it isn't smack in the middle of the app so its easier for anyone to read. Wonderful art, though!

Alexander was abandoned when he was a child and was raised by a kind couple in Velheim.
I'd like for a few more details to be put in here, such as what age he was abandoned, why he was abandoned, and where (Velheim is a culture name, but not an actual place! The closest place to Regalia that has Velheim ailor is Drixagh, so I suggest that!)

His father taught him the way of using a Longsword
Once again, would prefer an age as to when he started his training, and why his father taught him this skill.

When he turned 16 he started some work with a mentor and was taught his ways with Metallurgy Science and Finecraft Science
Was this an apprenticeship? Please specify the working relation between these two.

Mark your edits in VIOLET and tag me when finished!
  • +5 Hunting Art [+5 Hobby Points]
  • +5 Pathfinding Art [+5 Racial Boost]
Genuine apologies, I had looked over this. Racial boosts only add 5 more proficiency to that if 5 is already invested, so one of these would have to be 10, and the other 0. Mark that up and its approved.
Just wanna tell new reviewer!! my friend bit him yesterday, and so he will be not play until the 3 day thing is over c: They got bit by @Miajamars Character and if there is some changes i need to do. let me know