Preserved Sheet Alexander D'ortonnaise

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Iannis Ardelan
Nov 17, 2017
Reaction score


Basic Information
Full Name: Alexander Leon Frederic d'Ortonnaise
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Ithanian Leutz Ailor.
Main Ambition: To maintain House d'Ortonnaise's position, and rise it further to prominence as it's patriarch.
Special Permission: n/a​

Skill Information
  • +20 Naval Admiralty (+10 from Admiralty School, 10 from Points)
  • +20 Military Theory (+10 from Admiralty School, 10 from Points)
  • +10 Astronomy (+10 from Admiralty School)

Culture Points
  • +15 Airship Control (+15 from Points)
  • +10 Ship Sailing (+10 from Points)
  • +5 Architecture (+5 from Points)

  • d'Ithanie (Native)
  • Common (Learned)
  • Dressolini (Learned with Dressolini family)
  • Leutz-Vixe (Learned with Leutz family)
Visual Information
Eye Color: Jade green.
Hair Color: Red copper ginger.
Hair Style: Kept relatively short, wavy.
Skin Color: Naturally pale, though tanned from exposure to sun.
Clothing: Alexander wears majority-silk garb more often than not, featuring sashes and the like, though during the Draconic crisis he has grown an affinity for protective garb. Particularly recently he has been seen in Imperial fashion whenever casual or formal.
Height: 5'9"
Body Build: Average
Weapon of Choice: Œil de Lynx, a blacksteel sabre with an eagle decorated pommel, forged by Jared Kade. Although Alexander is fond of rapiers and sabres as a result of sport fencing, he is incompetent in non-recreational battle.

Personality and Abilities

Towards Others:
Alexander appears to be a cordial person, eager to socialize and carouse. He, at most times, appears to be very casual and laid-back, though often allows himself to indulge in bad habits. Despite this, when put under pressure he shows diligence at his work or objective.
Towards Himself: Alexander is prone to doubting himself. He can be rather clumsy when confident, and so often puts himself under pressure. He carefully goes over every major decision he makes, which can take time and make him appear indecisive or incompetent when rushed. He is most comfortable when he has something to do, and will often accept responsibilities or obligations that help him fill his time. His insecurities and doubts are easy to wash away with some alcohol and friends present.
Towards Friends & Family: When he respects or trusts someone, Alex can be rather empathetic. He doesn't shy away from humor, going far enough to joke about sensitive topics, especially in awkward situations. He shows a sense of paranoia, which stems from a fear of failure, accompanied by some uptight necessity to have a job to do at all times. In spite of his vices he keeps himself and his things neat and organized.
Towards Morals: Alexander could be described as lawful neutral. He feels very beholden to the law and has a strong desire to see justice upheld. He is mostly conservative on political issues, and a firm believer in the right of nobility. He begrudgingly tolerates corruption as long as he understands the motive behind it, though will speak out against someone who acts in evil or ruthless ways.
Life Story
  • Born in the Spring of 280AC in Hivre Castellajoux to Eugene Jean-Luc and Mireille d'Ortonnaise, he was the firstborn of his mother and nephew to the matriarch and patriarch of the family.
  • Alexander spent the early days of his life with basic education and tutoring at home. He picked up playing the piano, along with some affinity to the fine arts and began learning Dressolini next to his native languages of Common and Ithanian.
  • At the age of 8, he began preliminary studies in naval history and warfare in Castellajoux, though with the obvious intent of later enrolling in a Regalian admiralty school.
  • He moved to the archipelago to live with the di Ortaniso half of the family and pursue his formal education in admiralty command.
  • During these years, he reached fluency in Dressolini with confidence, and began to learn Leutz-Vixe as he met up with the Leutz side of his family of his father's blood. Alexander began to engage with fraternities of multiple sorts, developing a degree of affection towards opiates and alcohol.
  • As part of his education, he participated first in the elven wars as an admiral in training, then in the recent Songaskian war as a fully graduated admiral.
  • In recent years, Alexander has been between the Holy City and southern Daen and Hadar, in active service as an admiral in the current Elven war. For the time being, he juggles active patriarchy and regency over Courteaux with military service ever since his cousin declared him acting patriarch.
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I confirm that this noble character is member of house d'Ortonnaise.
Sorry for the late reply but REVIEW TIME IS UPON US!
  • I would like to see at least one more sentence expanding upon his Admiral talent, as this is pretty important to him.
  • What is "completed knowledge of Dressolini'? am I missing something or was it just some confusing wordage? Either way, could you specify what this is? Did he receive any historical schooling at any point, as this is what it sounds like to me.
Make the edits in a new color and tag me in the comments once complete!
@Rochelle_ Colored in a nice shade of magenta or something. The Dressolini part was referencing the language, reworded to make more sense.
Requesting re-review, made edits according to the new template and system.
That's fine, I accidentally overlooked a detail in the proficiency system. Changes made! @Rochelle_