Preserved Sheet Alexander Basileus

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Apr 3, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Alexander Basileus
Race / Culture: Isldar (Draconic)
Age: 32
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Occult: Void

Core Concept
Alexander is a character that does not trust easily, whom hides most of their true feelings through carefully crafted fake smiles. They have an unsaitable desire for knowledge and progression towards power. However still retains a strong respect for law and order.

Appearance Information
Height: 5'11
Weight: 173
Build: Lanky/Condensed
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Purple with blue specs
Skin Color: Fair

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 2
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7
    Blessing (Greater)
    Disruption (Greater)
    Materialism (Greater)
    Melee Combatforce (Free)
    Ranged Combatforce (Free)
  • Charisma: 4
    Context Linguist Pack
  • Faith: 1
    Arcane Invocation Pack
    Script Invocation Pack (Free)
Racial Packs/Invocation Point Buy:
Element Invocation Pack, Ice (Free)
Farsight Scope (Free)

Sulvaley (Native)
Common (Free)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Alexander was raised in isolation, their parents being adventurers whom had settled down away from the troubles of the world in an attempt to protect them. This left him with little knowledge of the societies that exist due to a lack of forsight the only real cultural signifigance that got passed down to them from their people was the know-how on how to play the harp, singing, and a pennate for poetry.

However after Alexander had grown older they became impatient, and curious of what was beyond their peaceful little hutt. He said their goodbyes to their parents and left to begin their own adventure - seeking to find a mentor to study the ways of magic. After seeing a passing by wizard that inspired them greatly in a grand display of bravado through his travels, they convinced the man to teach them what Alexander currently knows.

Through Alexanders mentors influence they grew a strong belief in particular tenets of Void Worship, as his mentors, base tenets resonated with him - in particular, what interested them the most were the values of
Onu the Warper, Marvaal the Mindlord and Inthalis the Manymind.

Now, wanting to make a proper name for themself and willing to do whatever he would need to through this dangerous realm to gather the resources, power and knowledge that Alexander desired - to live truly freely, openly as he pleased due to having a rather selfish and prideful nature however tamed by their strict respect for law.

He greatly enjoys studying unknown aspects of the world and jots almost off of his findings in his book. It is very difficult to make him drop it, as his natural reaction is to tense when startled, being very protective over his research and findings.

Recently having applied to the guard due to his lawful nature and desire to make a name for himself, crawl up the ranks. He got a temporary position at a place he felt accepted in - the Brewed Awakenings to gain some sort of finacial security in the city, deeming the sewers as a place to sleep rather uncleansly and uncessesarily dangerous. Here he's studying basic herbal mixes and brews for potions while helping stock and tend the bar, very thankful for Azeria's the owners kindess.
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Hello, and welcome to Massivecraft!

I think you did pretty well on your application as a first-timer (I shake your hand, the wiki is huge LMAO). Here are my two cents.

Race / Culture: Isldar
Due to recent events, the Isldar split up into either two subraces; death cultist and dragon worshippers. You don't have to play an actual cultist or worshipper of anything, though you'll have to choose whether you're either going green (death cultists) or going purple (dragon worshippers) essentially. The dragon worshippers are usually more lawful and involved with the city, while the death cultists are more involved with the criminal underbelly and sewers. Based on your concept, I think going down Bene Rexit (death cultist) may be more suitable, as they are usually more self-serving and morally grey.

Core Concept
Alexander was raised in isolation, [...]
Life Story / Plot Hooks
Alexander is an untrustworthy sort of person, [...]
I think you might want to switch the core concept and backstory. Usually the core concept is the short description of the character, while the backstory goes more into detail on the character's past, history, etc.

  • Wisdom: 2
  • Charisma: 4
You could buy additional packs from the wisdom and charisma section with these two points, if you'd like! However it obviously isn't mandatory.

Isldar Buff 2 doesn't contribute to the proficiency point-count, it just gives you an extra spell pack. So turn that "Magic: 7" into "Magic: 7" (as a +7 modifier is what you'll be rolling with in combat).

  • Faith: 0
Arcane Invocation Pack
Invocation point-buy is part of the Faith proficiency, so you may want to allocate one of those free Wisdom or Charisma points into faith to buy the Arcane invocation pack. As you also have invocation, you may want to also find a suitable religion for this character.

That's all I can really add to. I think as you stick around more, you'll get the hang of the lore better, and this is a fine start. Looking forward to see you in-game! ^^
Hello, and welcome to Massivecraft!

I think you did pretty well on your application as a first-timer (I shake your hand, the wiki is huge LMAO). Here are my two cents.

Due to recent events, the Isldar split up into either two subraces; death cultist and dragon worshippers. You don't have to play an actual cultist or worshipper of anything, though you'll have to choose whether you're either going green (death cultists) or going purple (dragon worshippers) essentially. The dragon worshippers are usually more lawful and involved with the city, while the death cultists are more involved with the criminal underbelly and sewers. Based on your concept, I think going down Bene Rexit (death cultist) may be more suitable, as they are usually more self-serving and morally grey.

I think you might want to switch the core concept and backstory. Usually the core concept is the short description of the character, while the backstory goes more into detail on the character's past, history, etc.

You could buy additional packs from the wisdom and charisma section with these two points, if you'd like! However it obviously isn't mandatory.

Isldar Buff 2 doesn't contribute to the proficiency point-count, it just gives you an extra spell pack. So turn that "Magic: 7" into "Magic: 7" (as a +7 modifier is what you'll be rolling with in combat).

Invocation point-buy is part of the Faith proficiency, so you may want to allocate one of those free Wisdom or Charisma points into faith to buy the Arcane invocation pack. As you also have invocation, you may want to also find a suitable religion for this character.

That's all I can really add to. I think as you stick around more, you'll get the hang of the lore better, and this is a fine start. Looking forward to see you in-game! ^^

Thank you so much for the tips! I've gone ahead and edited most of your suggestions - spare for adding more points in the wisdom and charisma sections. I love learning things in character so I wanted to purposely leave some blank to leave room to grow / character development on a technical level.
Thank you so much for the tips! I've gone ahead and edited most of your suggestions - spare for adding more points in the wisdom and charisma sections. I love learning things in character so I wanted to purposely leave some blank to leave room to grow / character development on a technical level.

Oooo I wish you luck on that, IC learning is so much fun!
Hey, took a look at your application. I'd suggest changing the occult to being a Void Mage. Since if your character worships the void it makes sense they're either seeking to become a void mage (if born a Exist mage) or already are one. Can't wait to interact with this character!
Hey, took a look at your application. I'd suggest changing the occult to being a Void Mage. Since if your character worships the void it makes sense they're either seeking to become a void mage (if born a Exist mage) or already are one. Can't wait to interact with this character!

Thanks! So much information ~_~ Hard to wrap my head around it haha. I appreciate the insight but they still believe more in the order that exist has, but the tenets of those three gods in particular ressonate with him if that makes sense or is that kind of thing not possible?
Thanks! So much information ~_~ Hard to wrap my head around it haha. I appreciate the insight but they still believe more in the order that exist has, but the tenets of those three gods in particular ressonate with him if that makes sense or is that kind of thing not possible?

It's philosophically possible as in you could hold that belief, but practically speaking the Exist and Void are polar opposites / enemies. Now in regalia that may play out differently but the Gods would still be against you having Exist magic. If you weren't seeking to make that Exist magic into Void.

Also, the Exist is less Order than manicured perfection. Void worship preaches a Hierarchy of the strong which is consistent and respects even the part of the weak (as a contrast to the strong). The void appears chaotic but there is a order to it plus it doesn't mean your magic must be chaotic/without order. It could manifest with almost any aesthetic and remain Void sourced. The difference is more a "What groups do I want my character to integrate with" thing than it's a matter of Chaos vs. Order.

(one can always be a exist mage and assist the void but it'll seem strange character wise. Though if i
It's philosophically possible as in you could hold that belief, but practically speaking the Exist and Void are polar opposites / enemies. Now in regalia that may play out differently but the Gods would still be against you having Exist magic. If you weren't seeking to make that Exist magic into Void.

Also, the Exist is less Order than manicured perfection. Void worship preaches a Hierarchy of the strong which is consistent and respects even the part of the weak (as a contrast to the strong). The void appears chaotic but there is a order to it plus it doesn't mean your magic must be chaotic/without order. It could manifest with almost any aesthetic and remain Void sourced. The difference is more a "What groups do I want my character to integrate with" thing than it's a matter of Chaos vs. Order.

(one can always be a exist mage and assist the void but it'll seem strange character wise. Though if i

Oo okay I think I understand. He is more adherent to the void then when put that way, as he has the whole strong vs weak respect trait.

I guess my next question would be , would I have to revisit his sheet technically in regards to spell ability's /packs ? Or is it just, belief and uneffect on the pack but just how the magic is roleplayed drawn on and 'created' ?
Oo okay I think I understand. He is more adherent to the void then when put that way, as he has the whole strong vs weak respect trait.

I guess my next question would be , would I have to revisit his sheet technically in regards to spell ability's /packs ? Or is it just, belief and uneffect on the pack but just how the magic is roleplayed drawn on and 'created' ?
I'd recommend ticketing that one. Staff should be able to answer it.