Preserved Sheet Alexander Donsly

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Captain Regalia
Sep 27, 2017
Reaction score







Name: Alexander Donsly

Nicknames: Alex, Donsly

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Daendroque Ailor

Main Ambition: Go and do good in the world, and protect those he cares about.



Proficiency Points | 42

+10 Blunt Weapons

+20 Shielding

+10 Squad Tactic Skill

+10 Foodand Drink Science (hobby)

+2 Athletic Training

Physical Stat: 30

Languages | 2






Eye Color: Deep Blue

Hair Color: Jet Black

Hairstyle: Short, heavily curly

Clothing: Alexander wears everything with a very Daen motif to it, normally consisting of coats with long tails, and generally very flashy

Height: 6'0

Body Build: Muscular



  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Defender: Alexander is always willing to jump into the fray to protect or save those around him he cares for, almost to a fault, as the constant damage and injury have left the man bruised and scarred
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism: 4/10: Though this number used to be much higher


Francisco Ultrial: Alexander's biological father, who abandoned Alexander at a young age due to a hatred of his own child, since his wife died in labor with Alexander. (Currently not played.)
Fergus Donsly: (Deceased) Alexander's mentor, and longtime friend, the one who took care of him when Alexander was just a child, taught him everything he knows and fought alongside him, he was killed in the Battle of Curag Fields (NPC)
Garth Viduggla: "I doubt you one-hundred percent of the time, every time."A man Alexander can say he trusts.. sort of, he knows that when garth puts his mind to something he gets results, however, Alexander and Garth tend to butt heads as their prideful personalities mix like water and oil, though they Alexander still considers Garth a close friend. (@BeashSlap)
Juliette Howlester: "Guess I'm just full of surprises." A woman Alexander has recently gotten to know better, he finds her hard-headed, impulsive, and generally not the best at thinking things out, however still considers her a friend and a close one at that. (@AtticCat)
Darcie Miramonte: "Then I would stand eleven feet away, and take care of you till the end of days." A woman truly close to Alexander's heart, and the person he trusts over all others, he would happily sit down or walk with her for hours and hours, a person he happily called his closest friend, and now even more happily calls his wife. @Walnoodle
Marianne 'Annie' Amsel: "I'll fight for you my sweet, so hopefully you won't have to." Alexander and Darcie's infant daughter, and the light of Alexander's world, this black haired, green eyed little one has recently been born, and it has changed Alexander life.


Birth - Six: (276 - 282)

Alexander was born as Alexander Ultrial in a small town on the shores of Daen, his small family consisted of his Mother and Father, plus a brother. However, during labor with Alexander, his Mother passed away, leaving his Brother and Father with a deep hatred of Alexander, as they saw her death as the child's fault. After six years of living with his family Alexander met a small group of Pirates at a tavern near him home, fascinated by the stories of adventure and brotherhood they all seemed to share the child snuck onto there ship in the night, and became a stowaway at first, and then later a full member of the crew.

Seven - Eleven: (283 - 287)

Alexander ventured around with the little Pirate crew for many years after he snuck aboard, slowly getting fully integrated into the crew as a member of the family. However, despite finally having a place to call home, Alexander could never shake the feeling he wasn't where he should be. When the child was eleven he met someone who finally showed him he was right, an older Bloodcast Knight named Fergus Donsly, who told story after story to a bright-eyed Alexander about The Bloodcast and there acts of heroism and bravery. Whether the stories were exaggerated or not almost didn't matter to Alexander, and his enthusiasm to learn more about the Order and join its ranks lead Fergus to take the child to the Bloodcast Castle to train properly as a Knight.

Eleven - Twenty One

The next ten years of the man's life was used to train and study to become the best Bloodcast he could be, working with Fergus alongside the other Knights in training. However, these years weren't only used to hone the man's combat skills, because as he learned more and more of the world his previous actions weighed heavily on the man, causing him to turn heavily to religion, studying books and works of Unionism in an attempt to find the reprieve he was looking for.

Twenty-Two - Thirty (296 - 306)

The next ten years were definitely the most eventful of Alexander's life. He mostly traveled around with his mentor working as mercenaries and swords for hire until the year 301 AC, where they both entered into the Regalian Military together. In March of 303 AC Alexander participated as an Officer in the Hadravian War, part of the First Army. Later that same year Alexander and Fergus fought together in the Battle of Curag Field, a terrible event that Alexander would care to forget, and cost the life of his mentor and friend.

Recent Events (Thirty- Present)

After Alexander withdrew from the Military he came to Regalia to settle down properly, discovering work, life, and love in the city he now has a family of his own. However not all things in his time were pleasant, experiencing Dragons, Demons, and a plague from the Void, the man's worldview, along with his view on religion, has begun to shift in recent years, leaving his trust in Unionism faltering slightly, and causing him to focus in recent years on what he can do to help protect the family and home he has come to know.



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Review time!
  • I feel his weakness isn't really a weakness, more of a quirk
  • I feel like his life story is sort of like a movie? Abandoned by his father, taken by some foreign people, he thinks they're scary but no, he was wrong. They're loving and supportive and take him in and provide him money to go into the great big world! He goes out, trains with an older man, the man sadly dies and now the student is left all alone. I feel it's a bit cliche, change it just a little okay? Please don't take my review in a bad way!
  • Also, he wouldn't adapt to get the minor enhanced breathing, remove this.
  • Which languages does he know? Is he fluent? This should be listed as a talent
Make all edits in a different color and tag me once done!
@Rochelle_ All changes are highlighted in dark purple
  • Moved Exerberate to quirks, adding a new weakness
  • changed some of his story, mostly revolving around how he was treated as a child by the dwarves
  • removed the enhanced breathing
  • added the language he knows to talents
Changed his name so I need to be re-approved, sorry for the trouble!
Hi there, ReWrote some stuff with Alexander, mostly related to his fighting school, all changes are made in red
Made some changes focusing on his combat school (I know sorry!) General backstory to fit the school, and added a talent, all changes are made in g r e e n Thanks!
Hey there, need to be re-reviewed, just changed his proficiency points around a tad, thanks!
Review time!
  • List x/10 for his languages
  • All of his personality paragraphs seem short to me, I suggest adding a sentence or two to each of them.
Aaaaaalrighty, added the numbers beside the languages he knows, as well as extended two of the shorter paragraphs of the personalities.
Hola there, just a little edit to the actual proficiencies this time, sorry for the trouble
hey ! i am Chap and this is my peer review
to try and help with the crazy amount of apps being reposted / posted I will look at prof points and body stat but thats it . my thing is numbers not words !
★your format is outdated and now could be a good time to update it to the questions or core list !
★not a mistake but a reminder that those with Rettist ability are loyal to the Synod. i only mention this since i do not see any mentions of Unionism or Synod on your app

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@TheMoistestMan Everything is in order bar your personality and abilities section which is out of date. Please update this and I'll hit the app with an approval.
@BillyTheScroofy Alright, updated the personality section, should be all good now!

And @Chapstxcks I appreciate the peer review! The Unionist Rettism was being explained in a life story rewrite I was in the middle of, should be all good now.