Archived Alets When People I Follow Post.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
This post has been answered on reply #3 Thank you Feykronos.

I am not really following anyone.
I have to regularly check their recent posts on their profile pages and they don't all-ways post things.
Is their not an option that lets me get notified when people I want to follow post something?
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I agree, right now it feels like the follow option only adds a fancier "who is online"
At the top of your page, hover over your username, then click 'Your News Feed' on the drop down. This shows all activity from people that you follow, including their profile posts, as well as threads that they post on.

Hope this helps~!
Oh my god imagine the spam I would get...

At the top of your page, hover over your username, then click 'Your News Feed' on the drop down. This shows all activity from people that you follow, including their profile posts, as well as threads that they post on.

Hope this helps~!

Wait this is a thing? Oh my god... So stalkerish.
At the top of your page, hover over your username, then click 'Your News Feed' on the drop down. This shows all activity from people that you follow, including their profile posts, as well as threads that they post on.

Hope this helps~!
Do you think it is possible to add that to the meny bar under the name "Feed"? Between "Forums" and "Live Stream"?
[XvW] I wouldn't know anything about the actual coding of the website [only educated guesses], but logically that wouldn't make sense, since Your News Feed is part of the forums, having its own separate category may well be a little strange. Feel free to recommend something like that to any staff in the tech department though~ :)
This is a feature that can't be added. The forums run on a XenForo forum software. Its a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Not saying it's impossible but I believe it violates copyright agreements.
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