Preserved Sheet Aleksandr Ostrovsky

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Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score

Basic Information
Full name: Aleksandr Amphisoshniydom Ostrovskalyusha Vasilyevich
Age: Fifty-five
Gender: Male
Race: Vladno Ailor

Skill Information
55 points total
+25 Unarmed Combat Skill (points)
+10 Underworld Knowledge (points)
+5 Magic Knowledge - Demonology (points)

+5 Athletic Training (points)

Bloodline - Zikiel
Arcana Vampirica
Bending Arcana
Grand Vampirica
Ward Staving
Mutating Birth - Dread Claws

  • Mirnoye (Native Tongue)
  • Common (Fluent)

Body Build
Physical Body Stat - 5x2 + 25 = 35, Muscular Body Shape, Low Bodyfat

Visual Information
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short with sides shaven, swept back.
Skin Color: Pallid
Clothing: A gaudy robe with a plunging neckline, accented by gold accessories and a crimson sash.
Height: 6'1

  • Maintaining a preened visage into which he places meticulous care, a fact that often betrays his privileged status, Aleksandr has an angular face shaped by high cheekbones and a square jaw peppered with coarse stubble, the latter lending to an altogether masculine appearance. His eyes are a crimson red that seem only weary in reply, though his general demeanor is much the contrast. Ever jovial, his mouth is full and his lips a dim red, allowing him to grin wide and frown well. His hair is dark; an ebony black typical of his heritage, short and curling in places.
  • By no means slight of stature, Aleksandr stands at a generally impressive height - much alike to his biological father. He is much the opposite, however, in that he is not of as robust a build, being moreso on the lean, sinewy side. He is of an extremely hirsute nature and there is hardly a smooth place upon the man's body because of it, wiry hair blanketing his chest, abdomen, and limbs.

Personality and Abilities

[How others perceive him] Aleksandr is a mercurial sort, tempered by childhood neglect and the cruel hand of a father who only fed into his wroth demeanor. Known among his acquaintances for a fiery temper and abrasively narcissistic character, he has proven himself predisposed to rage brought on by even the most mundane of slight directed towards his person. His patience has run thin over the years and he is not one to humor the failings of others. This choler has led to ruined friendships and sour relations where his prickly, insensitive nature has proven compatible to many.

[How he perceives himself] Much like his father, Aleksandr is of ill-humors - sharing the same, explosive anger that won Vasily Ostrovsky his reputation both in his military career and in the noble courts. He holds a high opinion of himself, bordering on self-worship as he has become utterly absorbed in vanity. Regardless of the relationship that he and his father shared, he takes some pride in the dynasty that he carries on, and while he no longer endeavors in the pursuits of noble intrigue as his forebears had. He is determined to establish a legacy built to last, regardless of who he might have to step on in order to achieve this.

[How he regards family and Friends] Aleksandr has never been on good terms with his family. The relationship he shared with his father was tumultuous at best. He had no love for the man - the focus of most his anger and anxieties. The only person he could consider close would have been his sister, and even she was drifted apart. As for those who he considers true friends, he is open with no hesitation in expressing his feelings or thoughts. Charitable and largely genuine in his intentions, he is quick to foster bonds with those who entertain, or otherwise serve at his table - though those who cannot weather the harsh Vladno temper might find him to be less than agreeable.

[On Morality] Ethics are a non-factor in his decision-making. While he was given an Etosian Unionist upbringing, he was raised not only in the virtues of faith but in the vices of the Vladno culture and the institutionalized brutality that those Mirnoye people employ, both in their own society and outwardly. He believes in a stern and callous hand to steer the direction of men and women alike, as well as holding no fault in duplicity so long as it serves his interests - the nature of men, in his eyes. He very much advocates for the notion of an eye for an eye, though his interpretation of this is often more severe than what would normally be called for.


Life Story


  • Aleksandr was born on 28th of December, 250 A.C to Alfred Maynard and Bogdana Ostrovsky, in the Etolian maritime port of Amphisos.
  • Due to the constraints placed upon Maynard by his work as a traveling artist, he was forced to leave the child into the hands of its mother. A bastard, his true parentage was concealed by his mother and her husband was made to believe it was his own.
  • He had a private tutor afforded to him at the age of six. Over the next few years, he proved himself an eager and diligent student. What he lacked in the way of an inclination towards physical activity, he made up for in an astute mind.
  • Relatively sickly throughout his youth, he nearly succumbed to illness thrice and had issues which persisted into his early teenage years. A chronic cough made it difficult for him to pursue any strenuous activities.
  • Aleksandr managed to overcome his sickness and became physically active, engaging in leisurely wrestling tournaments locally as well as frequenting local gyms. He became thoroughly immersed in the Vladno fitness culture. He took up wrestling around this time.
  • Aleksandr lived abroad from years fifteen to seventeen after having sated his exploratory curiosities in Etosil and Fendarfelle. On a brief sojourn back to Amphisos, he came into contact with his biological father, Alfred Maynard. While Maynard did not disclose the nature of his birth, the two became fast friends and would remain in contact over the next decade.

  • Age nineteen, he was attacked and infected with Vampirism. He wouldn't return home for the next thirty years, instead avoiding all contact with his family until his father was of advanced age and senile.
  • Being called to the Crown Isle in the summer of 305, he would attend his father as a masked bodyguard until his suicide following the death of Charles Montagaard upon the fields of Ulvar. Coming into contact with Maynard once again, he was informed of the true nature of his birth from the Bastion Guardsman and consequently came to distance himself from the noble peerage. Taking with him what remained of his inheritance, he established the Devout Few, a criminal ring, in the slums. From there, he made out a fearsome reputation as the masked Horatio and orchestrated the kidnapping of Consul Sigurna Wodenstaff from the assembly, among other feats.
  • Following two months at the head of the Devout, Ostrovsky handed off the organization to Hadrian Grey and went on leave of absence to Daenshore. The Horatio eventually returned to Regalia a changed man - with a fire in his eyes and the intention to piece together the shattered fragments of the Devout Few. This inevitably fell through, though he has remained in the capital since, avoiding relevance.
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I'll be performing your review today:

Beautifully written App.
All I need is proof of special permission request as a reply to this comment and I can approve.
Only comment I have is if you meant Etosil in the first paragraph of Adulthood.

Otherwise provide evidence of special permission request as a reply to this and you're good.
Requesting re-review due to changes made as a result of magic permissions.
  • Add one more sentence to the magic talent.

You did a really great job with reworking this application to fit his new magic and that is the only edit I could really find for you to do! Make it a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Removed any mention of magic from the character. Requesting re-review. @Vegemiite
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  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the clever talent.
  • Add one more sentence to the amateur chess player talent.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Requesting re-review. Changed to Ombratore Vampire. Added Schools of Tenpenny and Stealthmark. Made appropriate changes to life story.
Skill Information
School: School of Tenpenny, School of Stealthmark
Level: Student - Warrior
Source: A brief tenure in the Regalian army, followed by entry into Linvail Keep.

This was the main thing I noticed, quoted from the wiki page for Ombratore:
"Their physical lifting or carrying strength is equivalent to that of a fourteen year old Ailor without physical training, and any combat training they may have had prior or during their infection can never exceed the Trainee level as they simply lose the ability to parry effectively or strike, being unable to put force behind their movements."
Claimed for Review, as the above explains, Ombratore cannot utilize combat schools due to their extreme physical limitations. You have options to switch to Umbredd or remove combat entirely, or remove Ombratore bloodline. Tag me once you do that and I can offer the full review at that time.

You may wish to reconsider the Silven aspects as he would have undergone extreme prejudice, especially in the highly religious Vladno culture. As a Silven he would not have been permitted in the military. In fact, as a Silven his social life would have been rather limited simply due to what he is. If you choose to keep the Silven, however, I want to know who the parent is, since an Arken would have been the other factor in his birth. @VaguelyBagley
Everything looks to be in the proper order, welcome back
@Wumpatron Requesting re-review. Made changes to reflect vampirism rework alongside the addition of Folelsa magic to the character.
Despite the length, it is only two sentences, go ahead and break the second one up since it's a tad run on. But after that you should be good @VaguelyBagley
Apologies for the delay. You're approved
Requesting new reviewer and re-review, updated to new format.
Updated to fall in line with Vampire Rework.