Preserved Sheet Aldrich Johann Blackblood

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Jan 11, 2013
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  • Full Name: Aldrich Johann Blackblood.
  • Age: Thirty two cycles.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor, of Leutz-Vixe and Anglian heritage.
  • Main Ambition: To become legitimized under House Ravenstad in the long run, though also to make a name and fortune for himself regardless of his heritage.


  • Proficiency Pool: 32 points.
  • Proficiency Points:
    • +20 Extra Heavy Combat (+20 from Proficiency Points).
      • Growing up as a Lancyon Knight has had Aldrich growing into a capable man, prefering to use heavy-handed weapons, his favourite of which being a polesword. Aldrich prefers heavy methods, and so his anger pours into his work tenfold when he uses it to destroy most of his problems.
    • +10 Heavy Bow Combat (+10 from Anglian Culture Boost).
      • Whilst his heritage and features pin him as more of a Letuz-Vixe, Aldrich was primarily raised in the Anglian Heartland, and as a result, he took to all of their customs. Aldrich has a particular taste for man-mounted ballista such as scorpions, though he recognizes the importance of a well placed Anglian Longbow bolt.
    • +5 Frontline Combat (+5 from Proficiency Points).
      • Years and years of being subjected to standing by and protecting Reverends with his polesword has had Aldrich become firmly aware of his surroundings, to the point of being able to change his focus at a moment's notice, and has even de-facto coordinated a small unit of Helerian Guardsman when the need arose.
    • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (+5 from Proficiency Points).
      • Seeing as Aldrich has little to no forms of combat once someone gets past the end of his polesword, Aldrich has taken to using his fists. He finds brawling is a good pass time when he can't strike down infidels assaulting Reverends, and so it becomes another outlet for his anger.
    • +2 Musical Arts (+2 from Proficiency Points).
      • As a much more calming passtime than any of his usual outlets of anger, Aldrich has taken quite a liking to playing the violin. Whilst it might not give the same effect as any of his other outlets, it gives him a certain calm, and he thoroughly enjoys reciting pieces from his favourite musicians when he has the time.
  • Physical Stats:
    • (20x2) Extra Heavy + 5 Frontline + (5x2) Unarmed = 55 Body Stat.
    • Body Build: Muscular.
    • Body Fat: Low.
  • Languages Known:
    • Imperial Standard Common (literate and fluent).
    • Leutz-Vixe (literate and fluent).
    • Anglian (barely fluent, not literate).


  • Eye Color: Viridian green.
  • Hair Color: Bright, fierce ginger.
  • Hair Style: Full and long on the top, back and sides, braided into a bun at the back.
  • Skin Colour: Somewhat tanned, off-white.
  • Clothing: Pragmatic attire fitted underneath a longcoat, with various satchels and pouches.
  • Height: Six foot five.
  • Weapon of Choice: Polesword.

  • Observer Perception | Resolute Knight: On the outer layer, Aldrich appears rough and rugged. Due to his trials as a Lancyon and the years of experience after, his muscular stature gives off the undoubtable inference of a trained warrior. With this brutish appearance, Aldrich endeavours to keep his obsession with victory about him; this leads to a resolute, powerful appearance. While he may try to keep his rage and anger in check, it always comes out in the heart of battle. A mix of unpredictable roars and cries usually emit from his throat, which actually tends to give away some of his moves.
  • Self Evaluation | Of Blackened Blood: Despite his status as a bastard, Aldrich is fairly confident in himself. He certainly has a grasp of his own abilities and knows how to push them to the extreme, though his mental fortitude is less than fragile. The Pole Knight feels as if he barely has a place in the world, having being born from a woman that didn't want him and Lord that doesn't know of his existence. He takes a heavy amount of anxiety from this and tenses upon mention of his family or blood. Aldrich forces himself to wear his 'Blackblood' surname with pride, as he feels as if the title will eventually settle his nerves. Even though he takes pride in his job and title as a Helerian Guard, not much besides confrontation will settle the feeling of misplacement he feels. This leads to quite a lot of anger and tension which he releases through his work.
  • Relationship Handling | Cynical Curiosity: Aldrich was abandoned by his prostitute mother at a young age, never knew his father, and is unaware of any siblings he may have. This leads him to have a superficial concept of 'family', for he doesn't truly understand the bond that family members share. The only thing he's had close are friends or brothers in arms, and he's far from experienced in romantic endeavours. This means he has a lack of understanding of other sentients and how they interact with their family; luckily, Aldrich is naturally curious, and rather than shy from this natural challenge- he takes a shine to it, and tries to understand these relationship formations. The few friends he does have are treated kindly in comparison, believing in a fair amount of honesty with them. This stage takes a while to reach, however, as Aldrich is as much of a cynic as he is curious. He believes in the natural instinct in people, but not in their intentions.
  • Moral Allegiance | Devout Diviner: Having trained at the Havre-Sur-Bastillion for multiple years of his life, Aldrich generally perceives the tenants of Unionism to be his moral guidelines. While he is generally a lot more free thinking than the strict tenets, he believes that the Empire personifies the world he wishes to live in; and thus, he fights for it. He is cynical about others intentions and the meanings behind them, though he also genuinely believes that people are capable of good as well, it will just take a long time to prove it. When Unionism intersects with the general 'good' of the world, as well, he finds himself heavily conflicted.


Childhood | [ 0 - 12 ]

  • Aldrich is born on the April the sixteenth, a bastard, to Anton Ravenstad and Amalia de Witte, in the Anglian Heartland.
  • The would-be Pole Knight is immediately neglected by his mother to be raised in an orphanage, though due to the closeness of the town he still saw her from time to time; much to his displeasure as a child, due to her lecherous profession.
  • Aldrich frequently gets into fights around the ages of seven and eight, proving to be rowdy and fairly unstable. He shuts himself away from any friends and starts relying on himself more than anything, instilling a fair amount of anti-socialness as a child. Despite this, it increases his confidence tenfold.
  • At the age of ten Aldrich is actually kicked out of the orphanage, after which he begs to be taken in by his mother. From then on Aldrich is raised by the women of the house primarily and his mother second, though he learns more of his father and his position from her.
  • Around the age of twelve the reality of who his father was begin to sink in, though he doesn't take after him just yet. He begins to think about the implications, and the sense of longing he gains from being away from his own blood. His mother begins to respect him more as he becomes useful, however, frequently forcing him into chores. Aldrich doesn't seem to mind this and takes to it quite diligently.
Teenage Years | [ 13 - 19 ]
  • Aldrich begins to take on a certain amount of luster for grandeur and the idea of victory. He feels restless at home and the people around him does not sate this; stemming on his previous experience of solely relying on himself. He begins to take an interest in the physical ideals and how they might amplify his ideals.
  • At the age of sixteen, Aldrich takes on the fateful decision of leaving the Heartland and making his way to Basta. Despite living in a debauched area, he felt as if the Unionism cause had been a guiding light at where to aim himself. As a result, he enrols himself in the School of Lancyon.
  • The Pole Knight begins to take on two tertiary skills around the age of seventeen, the knowledge of Leutz-Vixe language and the violin. The former being an inspiration of his father, and the latter out of boredom or spite. As he only knew common and snippets of Anglian, picking up another language seemed fairly simple to him.
  • Aldrich rattled through the ranks at ages sixteen through nineteen. He becomes fluent in Leutz-Vixe, even beginning to learn of their cultural obligations, such as threading and needling.
Adulthood | [ 20 - 32 ]
  • At age twenty, Aldrich reaches the level of Seargant-at-Arms in the School of Lancyon. He graduates from the academy with pride, and initiates himself into the Helerian Guard.
  • Aldrich stays here for another four years, taking these trials and experiences as building on the previous; he tries to make a name for himself, The Pole Knight, and pushes his skills to the limit in this endeavour. His obsession with victory seemed to push any friends away, though this also came with the natural curiosity to try and seek some more out.
  • Aldrich reached Regalia at twenty four years old; he had the Lancyon training behind him and his renewed career of Helerian Guard held high in his heart, the origin of his blood still pining in the back of his mind.
  • After a brief stay in the city, Aldrich soon was able to learn of his father through letters received by his mother. He made contact with the Ravenstad family and revealed himself, much to his father's surprise.
  • Whilst he made himself known as a bastard of the family, he drifted from them just as quickly as he came. With Xavier's death came bouts of grief, and he soon caved to alcoholism and mercenary work, abandoning his knightly title for a long while.
  • Not much sense has came to Aldrich since, merely awaiting a purpose to come to him, though his temper may just flare up again and see him coming to his family's side once more.
I see nothing wrong with this application, have fun being Approved!