Preserved Sheet Alden Thornwell

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JayP's buddy
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
The great North


Basic information
  • Full name: Alden Thornwell​
    • Titles: Admiral Thornwell​
  • Age: 38​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Race: Heartland Ceardian Ailor​
  • Main ambition: The financial success of his family, and ascension into Nobility.​
  • Alden has only recently made his home in Regalia, and it has been primarily for three reasons. Firstly, to be recognized as blue-blooded, and part of the noble peerage. Secondly, to establish a better relationship with the peerage of the Archipelago, and thus strengthen his trade with their lands. Lastly, to create meaningful alliances to help protect his lands from vagabonds and invaders.
  • Alden was born in Dragenthal in a loving, yet conservative and strict household. It was not uncommon for Alden's father to hit Alden should he be naughty, and Alden learned rather quickly how to appease others to avoid such punishments. He had his brothers and sister around him too, to bolster him. All in all, it was a content, and alright life.
  • Victory. Alden is always looking to win, be it in war or in politics. He is also looking to create a stronger bond with the other Houses through tactical marriages,

Skill information
  • Proficiency points: Total 38 points
    • Astronomy, 10 Points - (From School of Admiralty)
    • Naval Admiralty, 20 Points - (10 From School of Admiralty, 10 from points)
    • Military theory, 10 points - (10 From School of Admiralty)
    • Shortsword, 10 Points - (5 from Bonus, 5 from points)
    • Commanding Speech, 13 Points - (From points)
  • Culture points: Total 38 points
    • Ship Sailing, 20 Points - (, 20 from points)
    • Carving, 8 Points - (From points)
    • Architecture, 10 Points - (From points)
  • Spoken Languages:
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Alt-Regalian (Fluent)


Visual information
  • Eye color: Emerald green
  • Hair color: Dark brown
  • Hair style: Long and flowy, tucked behind his ear.
  • Skin color: Caucasian
  • Clothing: Comfortable Sailors clothes, sometimes clad in uniform.
  • Height: 5'11
  • Body build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Shortsword
  • Alden's face has a rough yet bold composition to it. His face looks somewhat average, with few traditionally attractive features aside from his rather defined jaw. He has a rather large nose, and an long and sloped forehead. His browline is strong and well defined, and help contribute to his intense-looking eyes. Their color and shape are bold, bearing an emerald-green hue. He has some claw-marks running along his left cheek and chin from a Varran corsair he had a fight with in his younger years. His hair is dark brown, and rather long. It is usually tucked behind an ear, or tied up into a ponytail when he's in uniform.
  • Alden stands at a rather average height of 5'9, though holds a much more impressive build. Due to rigorous exercise, continued physical work and his training with the shortsword, he has managed to maintain a muscular frame. His skin is Caucasian, with a pink-hue to his cheeks.
  • Alden's sense of fashion is rather fluent, in that he has different outfit for different occasions. Sometimes he sees it fit to dress in his uniform, whilst other times he dresses in an Imperial-style coat in muted colors. He is not one to wear jewelry or adornment, though there are two exceptions; medals and an eye of union pendant gifted to him by his mother.
  • Alden speaks in an authoritative tone, and has a rather gruff intonation to his words. If he is speaking to someone of a superior title or rank, he switches up his mannerisms, though, to sound more humble. His Common is without accents, and he rarely uses swear-words.

  • Upon first sight, Alden appears as a man greater in spirit than he is in stature. His vocal expertise, and fiercely competitive spirit helps him leave a lasting impression upon the people he meets. Despite not having a very sympathetic look to him, he works hard to appear humble and benevolent to those around him. The way he interacts with others is almost always as a kind and simple man, masking his true intentions and thoughts behind a veil of jolly glee.
  • Alden's mind contracts completely with his outwardly appearance. His confidence in himself and his own skills helps encourage him. He is not one to bow down under stress due to his methodical and well planned out mind. His humble and benevolent actions are all a farce, a rouse; Alden is as he visually appears, unsympathetic and cruel.
  • Alden is clearly a family man, valuing honest and loyal bonds to his kin. He acts naturally around his kin, showing them a kindness he doesn't truly bother showing others. In his eyes, only his friends and his family are worthy of his personal respect. His way of addressing his friends is harsher than he addresses his family, but he still shows them that he truly cares for them. He shows a relaxed and almost joking side to his loved ones.
  • Alden would do quite a bit to reach his goals. He is willing to lie, kill and intimidate to get ahead in the game, and he has been doing it for years. His savvy and ferociously competitive spirit has lead him to be this brutal man. Despite this, there are a few rules not even Alden would break, such as betraying family. He can be described as a restrained and cloaked monster; His true intentions remain to be seen.
  • Religion is an important thing to Alden. He has a close connection to Unionism, and is a faithful and pious man. His particular interpretation of the faith has left him to have a strong distaste for those he views as heathens, and he is in some cases outright hostile to them; refusing to acknowledge their presence.


  • Jeremiah Thornwell
  • Heather Thornwell
  • Harris Thornwell
  • Gwendolyn Thornwell
  • Celestria Thornwell
  • Frey Thornwell
  • Rosabeth Thornwell
  • Phoebe Thornwell
  • Wulfram Kehlen
  • Claudio du Pont
  • Hengest Harhold
  • More TBA
  • Find out IC
  • Kade, 10
  • Kehlen, 8
  • Du Pont, 8
  • Howlester, 6
  • Harhold, 7
  • Winslough, 2
  • Tyrannian, 1
  • More TBA

Life Story

Being the oldest comes with a responsibility, a responsibility many fail to uphold; Alden was not one of these people. He was groomed to rule nearly from the day of his birth on the fifth of July in the year of 267 AC. He lived out his younger days in the Thornwell cottage at the border of the Drachenwald, learning the intricacies of the family business, and learning how to construct and carve ships. During his years making and being on ships, he grew to love the ocean and sailing; he would oft sneak out with his younger brother Harris during the early hours of the day to go on boat-rides out in the bay. During his younger years at home, he grew to have a close relationship with his brothers and sister. Their bond was strengthened, perhaps artificially, by their fathers strict hand guiding them to cooperate to complete tasks and work. When Alden had reached an appropriate age, he begged and pleaded his father to be sent off to the Imperial Admiralty in Regalia, to learn the Admiralty discipline. His father accepted, and by the time of Alden's tenth birthday, he was admitted into the academy.

His academy days were by far the best ten years of his life. The tough work helped shape him into the man he was. He grew into a brilliant admiral during his years here, and developed his own way of words, managing to learn how to inspire courage and confidence in others through both persuasion and intimidation. Alden returned from the academy at the ripe-bold age of twenty, with a fresh outlook and a yearning for service. He spent the coming seven years in the Regalian military, serving as a Regalian admiral. As his and his captains tour of duty was over, he traveled home with them, putting them all under the employ of his family as shipbuilders and crewmates.

The years passed on relatively peacefully, everything seemed to be going well all up to the date of his mother's death. It impacted them all hard, but the one who took the toughest blow was his father. The man closed himself off from the world, refusing to do anything but eat, drink and sleep, he had therefore passed the responsibility of leading the family on to Alden.

Alden lead the family into a new age, expanding their business, and eventually bringing it over to Regalia to maximize profits.
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