Preserved Sheet Alden Larfolk

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Local Bread Provider
Dec 15, 2013
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A small rickety wooden cart, on it's way to Helgen
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Alden Larkfolk
  • Age: Thirty-Seven.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: Servitude under the emperor.
  • Special Permission: Marine Commander

    • Alden was born in Regalia, hence the reason why he lives there. Also means he's been there his entire life, though he occasionally leaves for war, training, training others, etc. His occupation is Marine Commander and he lives in a residence in the Empress District.
    • Alden was born in the city of Regalia, to John Larfolk and Anne Silverwind-Larfolk, with only one sister, four years younger than him, named Vera Larfolk. Alden could have had a younger brother, Carl Larfolk, but he died only five days after his birth. The Larfolks are a small family all together, with only one uncle, Rik Larfolk, and a grandmother and grandfather, Murphy Larfolk and Hellen Walvker-Larfolk, who both passed away
    • Alden wishes himself to have luck. To this point in his life, very few moments of actual luck had happened and he tries to find more of it, constantly busy with it.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Light Blue.
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Hair Style: Messy, not taken care of that much.
  • Skin Color: Lightly tanned.
  • Clothing: Darker colors (Black, grey), with occasional hints of red. Looks orderly dressed. Dark leather vest on the outside, black linen shirt underneath. Dark belt, made of leather surrounding his waist along with a pair of heavy duty boots.
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 234 LBS
  • Body Build: Muscular body build.
  • Weapon of Choice: Metal Longsword
  • Alden has standard sized eyes, and his mouth ends in two small curves aiming downwards. He has small ears, the left one missing a chunk, and a normal forehead. He usually walks with a serious and stern expression. No freckles, but a bunch small little cuts and scars. The Ailor also has both a moustache and a beard, colored in the same light brown color. At the back of his head, his hear is quite long.
  • Alden is 6'2" inches high and weighs 171 LBS. His skin is a lightly tanned brown. The size of his bones and muscles are more than above average, as he does a lot of heavy work and fighting, also making the amount of fat almost nihil. The Ailor lost a part of his left ear due to the fights he has gotten into. There's also a rather large scar on his right leg, which can get irritating in warm climates. He has a small amount of chest and arm hair.
  • Alden is typically seen in a dark, leather vest and a black linen shirt underneath that. He wears a dark belt with an iron part holding it together, which surrounds his waist. Heavy duty boots are worn on his feet. Hints of dark red can be spotted on his clothing. Alden prefers darker colors, like black, gray and sometimes a really dark red, and he likes to wear comfortable clothing, though his boots are far from. He doesn't wear any jewelry, though a longsword is always attached to his side.
  • Alden speaks with a loud and heavy voice, usually with a small hint of sarcasm. He talks in an easy to follow pace, so people don't misinterpreted him. There's no accent in his voice, and stuttering is a rare occasion.
  • Spoken Languages: Common, A bit of Elvish and a bit of Zasta. Allen learnt Zasta during his time in the Chrysant war, where he ended up having to interrogate any Slizzar they haven't killed for information. This ended up giving him a basic knowledge of the language. His ability of speaking Elvish also occurred in the Chrysant war. Some of the soldiers there couldn't speak common as well, and resorted to Elvish. Alden tried to learn the language, but only really managed to learn a few basic words and greetings. Being able to speak these languages benefited him in the war slightly, him being able to have basic communication with the Elves.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits

· Responsible. Being used to be in charge and have the responsibility for alot of people, Alden has a tendency of feeling responsibility of the people around him. He can easily be haunted by the death of a person on his watch. Even though he barely knew them. He is pretty much always on guard for suspicious figured and aggressive/drunk patrons or citizens.

· Loyal. Loyalty is a thing Alden both expects and has. He will always stick by the side of his friends and brothers in arms, even when the situation is looking severely against them. Being a coward and running off from battle doesn't only sound un-appealing, but also goes against his loyalty he swore to his combat brothers. If you can't show your own loyalty, don't expect any from him.

· Creative. He is and always has been a creative man. If he can't find a solution to a problem, then it will be quite a hard problem they must solve. His time as a Marine Commander made him very handy at solving even the hardest of task with a solution somehow. While most of his plans seem a little bit too ambitious from time to time, most of his plans have a good chance of working.

· Stubborn. Though his ability to solve things with ease is a blessing, it also leads to him being quite stubborn. He thinks his solutions and decisions are the ones that have to be made, and if people don't agree with this, he'll simply convince them, the easy or the hard way. He will not simply accept other people's solutions, even when he knows they are better than his.

· Conservative. There will hardly be a time Alden will throw something that might be of use away. He isn't quite considered a hoarder of stuff, but he can be seen as someone who has a lot of stuff simply because 'One day it might be useful'. Whether this is a glass bottle which was once filled with an expensive wine, or a small shard of iron detached from his sword, he will find a place to put it.

· Private. Alden doesn't seem to like talking about himself or his past too often. Often he'll change the subject of the conversation if it starts to get too personal or into his private matters. Some things he even keeps secret, because he doesn't want people to know these things about him at all. Scared of people disliking him because of his past deeds, he is very sure to keep touchy information well hidden, in the depths of his mind.

. Trust issues. Alden will have trust issues with people that haven't proven their loyalty to him. Especially when someone else is in command he will prefer knowing that they are capable of being a leader, and able to make good decisions. If, however, you get his trust, be aware not to waste it, because if one wastes the trust he had in you, retrieving it will be almost impossible.

Vengeful. Alden is a vengeance seeker, someone who will find and beat up the person who beat him or his friends up. 'Repay what you did' is what he calls it, but truly it's simply an act of revenge. In these acts of vengeance he loses most of his common sense, as he simply hammers on the person until he feels like he's finished. His acts of vengeance can be heavily frowned upon because from time to time they get out of hand, in the ways of permanently damaging a person.


· Leadership: Due to his time as a Marine Commander, and constantly being at battle in wars, Alden is able to keep his head cool even during the most heated of battles, and is able to make quick and valid decisions to ensure they get the advantage of the battle. His strength makes others see him as a great leader, and many consider him as one.

· Endurance: Constantly at work, whether it be fighting or any other jobs that require strength, the Ailor has a very high endurance, makes him able to endure both physical and mental challenges for a longer period of time. The endurance probably originates from being at sea, with the cold water testing his endurance the most.

· Diving: Alden is a very good swimmer. He trained his breath making able to stay underwater for longer periods of time, around 3 to 4 minutes, and he'll be able to swim quite fast due to his strength and experience with swimming.


· Clumsy while running. Though his endurance is good, he isn't very fast and looks kind of retarded while running. Even though he can keep it up for a fair amount of time, it won't go very fast and he'll probably stumble and fall from time to time if he doesn't take it easy. This can result in him either taking it slow or going faster but risking the chance to fall.

· Impulsive. While most of the time he will try to act with thought behind it, it can occur that he makes an impulsive decision purely based on instinct, which mostly results in a bad outcome. Alden tries to make his decisions responsible, but sometimes he just can't work up to do so, whether it be because of him having lots of stress, or because it looks like the best option.

· Alcoholic. Due to him drinking at least one alcoholic drink a day, Alden can be considered slightly alcoholic. He needs at least one drink of alcohol to not become grumpy and aggressive to other people. Though he knows he shouldn't drink this much, that won't stop him from doing so. Alden will often spend a little bit too much money to fund his drinks.

· Forgetful. Being a commander in the Marine, Alden has to remember a lot of stuff. Small things like cleaning that one spot on the steering wheel, or big things like not forgetting to buy more cannon balls. He curses himself for this, as he can forget quite important things from time to time, and this can result in catastrophic events.

· Strict. Alden is a very strict and disciplined person. Do something that doesn't fit in his rules, and you'll receive some heavy words and insults, and a warning that it better not happen again. He expects you to live by the rules, breaking it isn't an option for him, and if you so manage to do so anyway, you're gonna have a bad time. Most people see him as too strict, having a general negative influence to his status. Deep inside, though, he knows it's for their own protection.

· Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Alden contains a light version of this Stress Syndrome. Loud sounds, will, in severe cases, immediately trigger him and he would throw himself on the floor if he didn't stop himself. He's trying to fight this all, and doing good at it, but it can get the best of him. Certain incidents can make him shudder, as well. He's a war veteran, but even with this syndrome, he can keep his head cool.

  • Whenever Alden encouters a Slizzar, he unconsciously moves onto the hilt of his blade, even if he doesn't wish to harm them. It's a quirk he developed during the Chrysant war, where he had to kill every Slizzar he would see. But perhaps it is also because of his hatred feelings for Slizzars.
  • Alden dislikes the people with an accent that makes them unable to pronounce the letter 'S' properly. He will probably get annoyed when he talks with someone with this certain trait for a longer amount of time, and this can be noticed by him starting to look impatient.
  • Fast swimmer. Since it is a requirement for being both a sailor and a marine officer, Alden is quite the swimmer. He trains this a lot, both from wanting to and during wars where he has to swim from time to time.
  • Combat. This Marine officer is quite skilled at combat, preferable with swords, and even more with longswords. He started training at young age and he has proven that he was a natural fighter. Slashing and stabbing left and right, he's a fearsome foe on the battlefield.


  • Maiars. Alden is fascinated by Maiars, due to their ability to swim so very fast and them practically living in the water. Alden's love of ocean wildlife already is great, but Maiars stick out the most as they are also highly intelligent. If he would have the chance to ever become friends with them, he'd gladly accept.
  • Sparring. This strong independent white Ailor enjoys a friendly fight from time to time. He loves to test his strength against others and to see which fighting style they use. Though he won't usually provoke a fight, Alden won't say no to one usually, and there's something seriously wrong if he does end up denying the offer of a spar.
  • Alcohol. What a cliché, a Marine Commander who likes alcohol. However, good reasons are behind this big of a liking. Alcohol makes Alden feel alive, jolly and he generally has a good time when he's got a drink in his hand. He won't ever turn down a drink when offered one, and will usually end up serving you a few drinks as well. Because of him drinking alcohol on a regular basic, he doesn't get drunk that easily.
  • Sailing. To set out on the water to find lands unknown to others, is a thing this Ailor has loved since his very childhood. Curious about what secrets remain uncovered on the open water, he will scout out the ocean with fascinated eyes when he sees something he had yet to see. To discover everything is a lifelong dream of his, and sailing makes this possible for him to achieve.

  • Magic. Making a clear exception for the Exist Magic, Alden absolutely hates magic. He can get scared of magic users in a whole for the reason of them having a connection to the void, and that fact makes him unsettled. The sole reason he can sort of accept Exist Magic is because they are mostly used for a better cause, though even the people that practice these types of magic are people he usually will have a hard time becoming friends with. Fire mages in particular are people he'll /never/ trust.
  • Being in debt. Alden hates owing people things. Whether it be money for a drink or them having saved his life. While he appreciates being helped, the Ailor won't like having to re-pay people, and will usually try to make them forget about it, or simply won't return the favor, even though he appreciates the actions they did.
  • Fire. Fire, a thing every sailor fears for. Fire is a no-go for Alden. It's destructive powers are things he'd rather not see and the heat it produces is unbearable for him. The ability to burn down ships makes him fear every time a lightning storm is on sea, what if one of these lightning strikes hits the boat?
  • Slizzar. This dislike originating from his serving in the Chrysant War, Alden has grown very disliking, almost in a hatred way of this peculiar race. Mostly because the damage they inflicted on him and other soldiers, probably the worst experience for him was when a Slizzar he had to finish off bit him, which resulted in quite an injury for him.

Life Story (Required)
  • 267 AC. Birth of Alden Larfolk
  • 267-280 AC. Childhood, starting to gain interest in the open sea and soldiers.
  • 280 AC. Start of his Combat Training, mentor sees great potential.
  • 284 AC. Finishes Combat Training, visits recruitment center to join Marine.
  • 284 AC-286 AC. Accepted as a Sailor, gets training.
  • 286 AC-291 AC. Chrysant war starts, love for the sea grows.
  • Fleet arrives in Ossissa. Alden obtains a weapon and heads into battle, saving a Marine Commander.
  • Battle of Allosa, slays multiple Slizzar before finding a bunker. He and others slay the containing Slizzar, but he gets an injury and has to sit this war out.
  • Battle of Fessa Huallo. After lots of casualties, war is won.
  • 292 AC - 304 AC. Back in Regalia, gets his promotion as Marine Commander after a 5 year training.
  • Now resides in Regalia, awaiting the next war.
After a few hours of constant pain, tears and a lot of sweat, Anne Larfolk can finally claim herself mother of her second child, Alden Larfolk. His parents carefully watch over him with a soft smile over their faces.

Alden grows up in Regalia by his parents Anne and John Larfolk. A strict upbringing, he refers to it as that. Barely anything worth mentioning happens in the first four years of his life. A standard procedure of eating, sleeping and many more stuff kids do at that age.

At the age of five, when he's able to form basic sentences, John decided it was a good idea to take Alden to his working place at the docks, where he designs and builds ships for the Regalian Fleet. Alden, quite excited to finally see what his dad does there, happily tags along. And that's where his love of the Marine started. The giant ships, the strong and badass looking soldiers and footmen, the masts which dominantly rose above everything. It all impressed him. He walked up to one of the soldiers and asked "How do you get so strong?", in which he replied "Serv'ng wars, lil'one". With those words alone, he knew what he wanted to become. Alden wanted to sail the seas, fight wars and become famous among Regalia.

As strict as his parents were, they could see potential in their son becoming a sailor in the fleet. Though, they knew they had to wait for a bit until he could practice fighting. And so Alden went with his dad to the docks once every week, simply because he loved seeing the soldiers and ships.

~280 AC-284 AC~

At the age of thirteen, Alden could, to both his and his parents' pleasure, start his combat training. His mentor quickly saw the potential Alden had with a longsword, and after convincing him that he was better off with the giant sword than with a great-axe like Alden always wanted, his potential did indeed show off. He, of course, wasn't the best fighter anyone has seen, but he was well above average, and possibly the best of his group. Not only did Alden have the ability of fighting, he also had the lust of combat in his veins. Not that he was aggressive or maybe even a warlord of some sorts, but rather in a way of him enjoying fighting quite a bit. His mentor, after around four years of training, demanded Alden would become a part of the fleet of Regalia, and Alden saw his dreams coming true.

~284 AC-286 AC~

Alden, now having visited a recruitment center, has now officially joined the Regalian Navy as a sailor in training, deployed in the Anglian Shipyards. For the next few years, he will be trained in the basics protocol. Tying knots, signal flag use, such things. Though he doesn't quite enjoy it, and would rather be using his sword in battle than tying knots, his strict upbringing taught him to be happy with what you get. If he keeps showing he wants to keep going, they'll surely accept him as a marine soldier, he so thought. And so, he kept doing what he did, learning what he had to learn until two years later, he was accepted as a sailor.

~286 AC to 291 AC~

Now that he had successfully completed his sailor training, he was finally able to sail the seas and help the fleet in battle, and he was just on time. A few weeks after he completed his training the fleet was preparing for what would be called the Chrysant war. Alden, eager as he was to finally attend his first war, helped as much as he could with the preparations and when the time came, he made his way onto one of the ships as to participate in the war. If only he would be able to use his combat he would be even more excited, but his first war was at least going to happen.

Alden learned that he loved the seas even more than he thought. Though on a war vessel, he enjoyed the swaying of the boat and the view of the water calmed him quite a lot. Though, he knew they were nearing Hadar, and the upcoming fights he would see actually started to frighten him slightly. How would he react to having to kill before being killed? But he decided that he'd be alright, and with these thoughts, they, at last, arrived in Hadar.

The fleet arrived in Ossissa, and with widened eyes Alden watched as they entered the coastline, people jumping from the ships and heading for the city in brute force. Suddenly, he heard someone behind him yelling for him, as he turned and made his way over, only for him to get a sword pushed into his hands. "C'mon, le'go mate" the man said, him jumping of the ship, and after standing there for a couple of seconds, his adrenaline started rushing through him as he himself moved onto the coast, eager for battle. As the Naylar population was slowly eradicated from the area, Alden finally found his first foe to fight. And after a battle of around two minutes, he claimed victory with, however, a few injuries which made him feel like a total war veteran. But, as he gazed down on the limp body, he was unsure if he could keep killing others. But this didn't last long, as to his right, a fellow soldier was currently on the floor with another Allar onto him, trying to finish him. He dashed over, thrusting the sword into the Allar, it going limp as he helped the soldier up. It turned out he wasn't just a soldier, but a Marine Commander. The commander looked at him for a few seconds, giving a thankful nod to recognize his deeds, before storming back into battle. And Alden followed, and soon, Osstissa fell.

Alden participated in the war of Allossa after this, and he felt the same way about this battle. Eager, but scared of getting permanently harmed. But it didn't stop him, as he charged into battle, slaying significantly more foes than before, while taking less of injuries. This, however, changed when him and a few other soldiers found a bunker well hidden in one of the houses. Alongside another few soldiers he broke down the door they had reinforced, slashing their blades at anyone and anything they were able to reach. A few soldiers fell to the what he presumed was a guard, but he made quick work of it, quickly slashing him down before he could do anymore harm. After the bunker was seemingly empty, apart from a few boxes, he decided to take the boxes with him, perhaps them containing useful supplies. He lifted one of them, along with a befriended soldier, and as they carried it outside, something seemed to have moved inside. He grunted, removed the lid, and a scaled creature was seen to be remained inside of it. The Allar lunged for his hand, taking hold of it with its teeth as he yelled out in pain, trying to shrug it off, which ended up making the injury worse. His fellow soldier tried to behead the Allar but someone called out for them, as whoever spoke walked up to the Allar, detaching it's jaws from Alden's hand, grabbing it by the neck and taking it away. Alden, with his hand injury, had to stop the fighting for a time so it could heal. He ran back to the ship, where he'd find a healer who healed his wound shut, though he was advised to sit this fight out. It was also at this time that he, instead of a sailor, now officially became a Marine Soldier, after the Marine Commander he had saved had discussed it with his higher in command,

Alden managed to get into the fight of Fessa Huallo, the final battle as the soldiers called it. As they approached, they managed to spot a fleet of ships laying on the coast. His ship didn't attack it, though he saw many other ships firing away at the fleet. Sounds of screams filled his ears, as suddenly, a giant shadow appeared over his ship. He glanced up, and what he saw filled his eyes with absolute fear. What even WAS that, a Sea Serpent? Ships started to break from the serpents bashing into them, and his ship made the cannons fire at them, hoping to take them down before they did too much damage. A giant explosion was heard, and his ears filled with a static noise as he saw one of the ships explode into splinters and wood. No one knows if they got a hit in or not, but after a while the serpents, one by one, were slaughtered by the cannon fire.

Afterwards, the ships docked, Alden dashing off it to move into the capital with loads of other soldiers, swiftly making work of any leftover Slizzar. He wasn't there to witness the execution of Miko Missa, because he was too busy killing leftover citizens or military members, and as the ship he was on sailed back towards their Holy City, his eyes laid watch on the now burning city where so many people, innocent or not, had been killed.

~292 AC – 304 AC~

After what seemed to have been forever, Alden finally arrived back at Regalia where his parents awaited him with a broad smile on their faces. They hugged like a true family and went home where, to his surprise, his sister would be to congratulate him for not dying in the war. They had a feast that day, and Alden, despite loving the time, went to sleep early.

The following day he was awoken by a knock on his door, and, to his surprise, there was a marine commander standing at his door. On closer observation, he knew who it was. The man who he had saved during his first battle. The man asked if he could come in, and Alden allowed him to. They talked for a bit, and after a while, the subject of Alden becoming a Marine Commander himself was brought up, and on further request, Alden went with the man.

He was taken to the higher in command, a Grand Admiral, so he thought, he honestly wasn't sure. He told him that, if he could show his loyalty and take the training, he would be able to reach the Marine Commander rank. Who would he be to deny? And with words of confirmation and a firm handshake, he would begin his attempts of reaching Marine Commander.

In between these two ranks, Alden started drinking more than usual, more for the pleasure than to forget the people he killed in the war. He sometimes spent more money than he should, and came home drunk where his parents would grow a heavy disliking of this. They didn't send him out of the house, but did warn him of if this kept going, he'd be sent away. He stopped drinking as heavily as he did, but didn't stop quite.

He, also, managed to meet a woman who he loved to death. Her name would be Mary Greatwatch. They went out for a bit, and she made it look like she loved him. However, he found out of her 'cheating' when he caught her with another man, leaving him disappointed, and injuring the man. It made him realize that perhaps love wasn't laid back for him, and that he should be more careful with who he loves.

After around five years, he successfully made it into the Marine Commanders, and he was not only accepted by the other Marine Commanders, he was also liked among the soldiers he served with during the war, who knew he would make a good Marine Commander due to his combat ability and what they saw as a great leader.

Due to this day, Alden still lives in the house of his parents, living a happy life as a Marine Commander. Still traumatized by the Chrysant War in which he had slaughtered many Allar. He knows his life wouldn't be the same, however, if he hadn't served his time in the war. As he still resorts to sparring for pleasure to both keep his combat in good shape, he eagerly awaits the next war he can serve in
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Peer Review!
You've got a good start here, I'll just be mentioning a few things that you can consider to really flush out your character.
  • Sections: Before each section, you have the description of what it is (for example, underneath the title Visual information, you have "The following is required..."). I recommend you remove that; it makes your application more aesthetically pleasing (this is admittedly quite nitpicky).
  • Special Permission: You may already be knowledgable of this, but you don't ask for special permissions in your character application: you register for one. You can apply for a special permission here.
  • Visual Information: You need to add a hairstyle to this section.
  • Personality Traits: I think alcoholic is exactly a personality trait, as nobody is inherently born with an addiction, while people are born with the general framework for their personality. You have 'trust issues' in your weakness section, and I think this would be a suitable thing to switch alcoholic with. Essentially, I'd recommend putting 'alcoholic' as a weakness and 'untrustworthy' as a personality trait.
Besides that, nice work!
Peer Review!
You've got a good start here, I'll just be mentioning a few things that you can consider to really flush out your character.
  • Sections: Before each section, you have the description of what it is (for example, underneath the title Visual information, you have "The following is required..."). I recommend you remove that; it makes your application more aesthetically pleasing (this is admittedly quite nitpicky).
  • Special Permission: You may already be knowledgable of this, but you don't ask for special permissions in your character application: you register for one. You can apply for a special permission here.
  • Visual Information: You need to add a hairstyle to this section.
  • Personality Traits: I think alcoholic is exactly a personality trait, as nobody is inherently born with an addiction, while people are born with the general framework for their personality. You have 'trust issues' in your weakness section, and I think this would be a suitable thing to switch alcoholic with. Essentially, I'd recommend putting 'alcoholic' as a weakness and 'untrustworthy' as a personality trait.
Besides that, nice work!
. Removes the descriptions
. Removed the application for the Special Permission, moving it over to the application way you gave me. Do I do this now or when this application is accepted?
. Hair style added.
. Switched Alcoholism around with Trust Issues, Alcoholism now being a weakness and Untrustworthy under Personality traits.
Thanks a lot for the help!
I just wanted to put this out there that a person of 6' 2" would be well over 200lbs possibly even 300 if he is really thick build.
Hi there @BrammekeH
Let's jump straight into it shall we? Though I will start off by saying I'm quite pleased by the uniqueness of the character. I very rarely see people applying to be Marine Commanders and the like.
  • (Basic Information) Not really an edit and more of a pointer, please bare in mind that playing as part of the military, although is nice for your characters background, it's not really playable. So just keep that in mind, though don't let that stop you being inventive of course.
  • (Basic Information) How and even why did he come about learning Elvish and Zasta? How do they benefit him and what led him to wanting to learn them?
  • (Life Story) Please put your life story into a spoiler and create a brief summary of everything major that happened in his life if you could.
Overall you have a really nicely balanced character. Please tag me when you've completed the edits, doing them in RED font!
Hi there @BrammekeH
Let's jump straight into it shall we? Though I will start off by saying I'm quite pleased by the uniqueness of the character. I very rarely see people applying to be Marine Commanders and the like.
  • (Basic Information) Not really an edit and more of a pointer, please bare in mind that playing as part of the military, although is nice for your characters background, it's not really playable. So just keep that in mind, though don't let that stop you being inventive of course.
  • (Basic Information) How and even why did he come about learning Elvish and Zasta? How do they benefit him and what led him to wanting to learn them?
  • (Life Story) Please put your life story into a spoiler and create a brief summary of everything major that happened in his life if you could.
Overall you have a really nicely balanced character. Please tag me when you've completed the edits, doing them in RED font!
  • Thanks for your appreciation!
  • Fixed the language thing, now has a description of how and why.
  • Life story is now in Spoiler, put in a brief summary.