Preserved Sheet Albrecht Eyer

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Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Albrecht Eyer
  • Race: Ailor (Wirtem Culture)
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept
  • A Grauwald devoted to eliminating all magical corruption where it can be eliminated and subjugating those who cannot be purified to serve the empire. While he may come across as reasonable at first, those who reject his anti-magic ideals outright like Aelriggans often see a far crueler side of him.
  • Strength: 7
    • Hunter Pack
    • Duelist Pack
    • Unyielding Pack
    • Brutalist Pack
    • Heavy Pack
    • Pursuer Pack
    • Demolisher Pack
  • Constitution: 4
    • Block Pack
    • Bastion Pack
    • Protectorate Pack
    • Counterplay Pack
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Scaling Pack
    • Trailing Pack
    • Parkour Pack

Common (Free)
Wirtem (Native)

Appearance Information
  • Albrecht has no mutations and is violently mundane.
  • Albrecht has piercing blue eyes and a faint scar along his cheek that creates a white line along his sun-tanned skin. The man's features come together to create a piercing stare.
Life Story

  • Albrecht was born into a farmhand's family in Calemberg. Both of Albrecht's parents were fanatically purist and decided to hand Albrecht over to the Grauwald group which was recruiting children at the time so that they could be raised immersed in the group's ideology from a young age.
  • Albrecht was raised alongside many other Grauwald recruits under the idea of purification, subjugation, or elimination in that order. The scholars and swordmasters of the order forged Albrecht into a devoted warrior for the Lothar Order's ideas.
  • During his early teens Albrecht was taken to the other groups in the Lothar's order to learn more about his future brothers-at-arms. During his visit to the Darkwald group's headquarters, Albrecht briefly met and received some pointers from a young adult Beldon Atlow. While this was a relatively short interaction, it made an impression and imbued Albrecht with respect for Beldon and the Darkwald Order's ideals, even if they are more rigid than his own group's.
  • Shortly after completing his training, Albrecht was assigned to fight alongside and watch Luxon Vaedra to ensure he remained loyal to the order and Taal. This created a strong bond between the two men, even if it was tainted by Albrecht's suspicion of the occult. Together the two would travel to Regalia to join with their fellow Lothar knights to fight the creep of magical corruption in the city.
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