Preserved Sheet Reginald Wolfram Typhonus

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Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score
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My Favorite Part | Art | Hand Me Downs |
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╠ ⋅ Quote⋅ ╣
"You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S Lewis
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╠ ⋅ Basic Information⋅ ╣

  • Full Name: Reginald Wolfram Typhonus
    • Formerly: Reginald von Falkenreich
      • Titles:
        • Retired Typhonus House Admiral
        • Retired Admiral of the Imperial Marshal Cabinet
        • Former Baron of Chetznitz
        • First Freisoldner Inspector of the Reglian Empire
        • Mercenary Commissioner of the Regalian Empire.
        • Former Filidhean - Head of History and Diplomacy of the Royal Gallovian Court
        • Regalian Ranger of Wolf Keep in Anglia
        • Champion of The Mystari Cabal.
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Alt-Regalian
      • Originates From: Calemberg
  • Lineage:
    • Drahl Lineage
      • Peregrine Falcon is bird of choice.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Arming sword or fist.
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╠ ⋅ Skill Information⋅ ╣

Total Points: 35 due to being 30 years of age

  • +9 Sword Combat (Proficiency)
  • +6 Schooling (Proficiency)
    • - Admiral School (3)
      • - Imperial Regalian Naval Academy
      • - Dormin Naval School of Thought (Honed Skill III)
  • Roguery Skills: 6 Invested
    • Wall Climb III
    • Slight of Hand Pack
  • +3 Linguistics Training (Proficiency)
    • - Anglian
  • +5 Dancing Art (Hobby)
  • +5 Cooking Art (Hobby)
  • +7 Construction Art (Proficiency)
  • +10 Perception (Proficiency)
  • +10 Fist Combat (Proficiency)
  • Bloodline: von Kerle Vampire
    • Status: Active
      • Servile Collar 1
      • Servile Collar 2
      • Afflicted Life 1
      • Blood Feeding 1
      • Blood Eyes 2
      • Blood Curse 1
      • Vampiric Form 1
      • Cursed Soul 1
      • Primal Horror 1
      • Belliard Horror 1
      • Super Self 2
      • Super Self 4
      • Super Self 5
      • Blood Dance 1
      • Blood Dance 2
      • Blood Dance 3
      • Vampiric Familiar 2
      • Power Howl 1
      • Corvaic Will 1
      • Karmark Form: The beast of Calemberg roars, enshrouded in silver print which swirls up the furred arms, and the beastial like maw of a forest monster. Adorning batlike ears, and long tusk like saber teeth, with a black sclaera, and deep pools of a daunting crimson gaze. Blackened claws sprouted from the fingers of the beast. Light grey overtaking it's midsection, as digitgrade legs to pair with sharpened nails upon it's feet.
Body Shape:
  • Body Shape: Ripped
  • Physical Stat: 10+9 = 19 Body State
  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Common - Free
  • Alt-Regalian - Native
  • Anglian - Secondary
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╠ ⋅ Visual Information⋅ ╣
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Kept, Militaristic
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Militaristic in style, mixtures of dark green and gold.
  • Height: 6"3
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╠ ⋅ Personality ⋅ ╣

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment:
    • Choatic Good:
  • Choose your Character Personality Type:
    • Protagonist - ENFJ-A:
  • Choose your Character's Religion:
    • Self Worship [ 10/ 10 ] : Reginald has been absorbed by the hedonistic behavior of a being a sanguine for an elongated period. Truly believing that he himself can be the key player of the game.
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╠ ⋅ Life Story⋅ ╣

Birth: In the winter, on December 2nd, 280 AC, Reginald Wolfram Typhonus was born to Josephine Typhonus neé von Lyon and Albrecht Volkhardt Typhonus being the first born of their three children.

Childhood: From a young age, Reginald always had high expectations of his abilities. Having lived a young life in lavish castles and estates. Learning came easy to Reginald with his access to tutors making schooling at home easy as ever. However, as he got older expectations to perform in the military field grew to follow footsteps of many other prevalent male Typhonus'. So at the young age of ten Reginald moved off to Axford Anglia to the Ranger Keep, to become a Regalian Ranger. At this time, he would begin tutorage in the disciplines which the school taught. Frequent hunting trips made Reginald an avid outdoors lover. Additionally he began training in the use of bladework. As this is when Reginald would demonstrate his natural born leadership among his younger and unlike companions despite holding higher class. During this time Reginald began to take classes regarding the mystical Arcane, gaining knowledge in combating Sanguinism mostly. As it was a notable foe upon his younger years as a Ranger. Along with the deep seeded connection between the void and occult afflictions like mages and things like 'Silven'. Taking under the tutorship of a Old Ranger who was an arcanologist on the side.

Teenage Years: At just the young age of 11 Reginald's first battle sequence presented itself in the Chrysant War. For the final year of it, Reginald was a squire to a superior second trial ranger, learning battle tactics and alike. After his first taste of the battlefield, Reginald would demonstrate strong charisma and leadership throughout his teenage years among the common folk of the school. Living in Anglia without family proved difficult for Reginald as he began to create relationships and forgot the living of a wealthy family. He came to terms in coping with it, as the majority of his training had become completed. Not long after graduation, Reginald saw greater ambition with the short time in Ranger Schooling, thus he enrolled in the School of Marshalry.

Adulthood: Reginald returned home to Calemberg to his two younger siblings Reimar and Lydia. Much alike his father, he asked to begin enrollment in the Typhonus armies. As a foot soldier at that, with little to no war experience. Eventually, he convinced his father for a minor roll as a Admiral Advisor of men during the Elven War of 302 A.C. Not long after, he would go on to serve in the First Hadravian War as a Admiral. Finally for the Burning of The North, Reginald always held a distaste and a slight edged hatred for the uncivilized screamers of the North, while his code restricted him from religious prejudice he held a great distaste for the Old Fayth.

Recently: After brief time back in Calemberg at home, Reginald adjusted himself to his now very eventful lifestyle. After hearing of recent changes within the household, Reginald moved to ship himself to the Crown Isle to assist where the house needed it now under new leadership of Duke-Regent Elros Typhonus. As he seeked to meet other members such as his father's cousin Ulric. Recently the family has adopted a new modest name. Von Falkenreich under the flagship of Reimar and the new era of former Typhonus' Reginald has found himself infected with vampirism, and swooning to start a family.
Last edited:
Hello! I'm going to go ahead and slap an Approved on with the minor requirement to update his age to 28 under basic information!
made him into a Lion Pelt, and adjusted stats.
Major proficiency update with the update to Rangers.
Added a second school due to the Ranger being 3-5 years in the School of Marshalry.
Need a re-review.
big ol' update, I'm going to be expanding upon the personality section when I get the time.
@Katiesc there was some proficiency shufflin in da magical knowledge.
@Katiesc VAMPIRISM update.

Added a spooky alais bloodline, wooo.
Added the new alais form mutations which are bulleted upon the application.
Added my first brainstorm for vampiric form mutations/aesthetic.
Need a fat rereview because I messed around with just a few points.
hi, i uh invested 5 points into architecture and used my other 5 from hobbyyyyy
Heyooo new proficiency slight bump around..

Need a new reviewer.
minor proficiency rework, turns out I had alot of points unspent.

Vampirism readded, crimson form rewritten.

relationship update.

minor life story update.

requesting re-review please milord.
app update
points redon did
and new vampire bloodline go brrr, along with switching back to old typhonus name.
need a re-review, sire.