Preserved Sheet Albaer Ravenstad

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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The Nippy North
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Basic Information
  • Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad.
  • Age: 67.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor Leutz-Vixe.
  • Main Ambition: Albaer is riddled with a need to repair the damage enacted upon his image during the period of his Undercrownship. The Leutzmans seeks to further his military career and make a name for himself beyond his failures in Statesmanship, and cast off the nickname of 'The Silken Undercrown'.
Skill Information

  • 60 points
  • Proficiency Points
  • +40 General Command (+10 From Marshalry School, +30 From Points)
  • +10 Military Theory (+10 From Marshalry School)
  • +10 Diplomacy (+10 From Marshalry School)
  • +20 Commanding Speech (+20 From Points)
  • Culture Points
  • +60 Architecture
  • Languages
  • Leutz Vixe [Native]
  • Common [Fluent]
  • Alt-Regalian [Fluent]
Basic Information -Expansion-
  • Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad, former Duke of prosperous Hinterlandish Lyon's Fold, retired Regalian Theatre Commander, and short-lived de facto head of state of The Regalian Empire, now finds himself in political stagnation. Following his removal from Office, following the political scandal of 305AC., Albaer Ravenstad was summarily usurped by his eldest child Emerich Ravenstad and left to wither in his retirement. After a period of exile within the now centralized region of his former Dutchy, Albaer returned from the hunting he had preoccupied his aged mind with, to resettle within the Capital City. Retirement brings much in the way of free time, and although it has been a mere month since his return to the Capital, Albaer finds himself proverbially rotting away within the walls of Burg Eleng.
  • Born to The Revain Rodolphe II Ravenstad and his consort, Reine, Albaer was begotten prior to his youngest brother and sister Leopold and Constance's birth, though not soon enough to outsize his eldest sibling Charles. Albaer, like many children of noble birth, was raised primarily in the care of nannies, rarely allowing this norm to dwell on his mind in his younger years. Albaer was a slow child, sluggish to pick up on motor or language skills: he would not learn his native language until the age of five, remaining mute, either via passive resistance or simple inability. Despite this, Albaer excelled in his studies during his teenage years, especially regarding basic physics and mathematics. In truth, these topics would consist of all he really cared for, until of course the young man was sent to a military academy, at age seventeen.
  • While political ambition often, and has always often, played a main role in Albaer's ambition, numerous longings, and wishes, coming and going, have formed secondary goals for the aged Leutzman. Never really forming the bond he'd wished for in his own father with his remaining children, has lingered on Albaer's mind for decades; the Ravenstad rarely found the time to pursue such interactions, though, with his retirement upon him, Albaer has sought after his kin more closely. To find common ground with his last remaining son would be a great comfort to Albaer, as well as guiding his daughters into prosperous courtships. Along with this, Albaer has always wished to have a friend: someone to smoke with, and share war stories. Someone he can see as an equal, in military understanding. Despite coming close, politics has often wedged divides between himself and others, something he seeks to overcome.
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Faded blue.
  • Hair Colour: Bright white.
  • Hair Style: Thinning straight hair swept backward
  • Skin Colour: Healthy pink
  • Clothing: Leutz Military attire, in Imperial Colours.
  • Height: 6ft (5'11 while arched over).
  • Body Type: Average.
  • Weapon of Choice: Ceremonial Regalian Marshalry Dagger
Visual Information -Expansion-
  • Albaer Ravenstad is a seemingly stern featured man, carrying an expression of continuous disapproval, akin to a strict schoolmaster. Albaer's eyes are small, made ever smaller by their narrowed appearance and wrinkled visage. His lips are pursed tightly, while his nose often wrinkles at the sight of Jacobinism or Liberal views (To which he often attributes to be the same, as a note.) The grumpy expression carried with him can quite often be far from his current mood, however, lifting such an expression of discontent would take more than just a joyous day.
  • Albaer's body is akin to most gentlemen of advanced age, wrinkled, and scarred from a lifetime of service to his Empire. While standing at 6ft through most his life, Albaer now perches at a modest 5'11, his bent over back lowering him to such heights. The elder is reliant on a walking cane most occasions, grasping it with sagging and creased hands. Despite having what can only be described as normal proportions, Albaer's feet and hands are noticeably larger than the norm; during his attempts at Piano, he was said to be clumsy and unskilled due to this very fact.
  • Albaer holds a deep and raspy voice, slurred ever so slightly by a stroke late in his years. The old man often punctuates his sentences with brief coughs and is prone to long drawn out pauses, and dragging words to a lengthy end.
Personality and Abilities
  • Albaer, having for much of his life served as an Officer of Regalia's Military apparatus, holds himself in a staunch and militaristic manner (despite his affirmations). Those around him often find his presence stern, much like a father, or grandfather: his general deminer is harsh, and judging, while his attitude his highly traditional. For the youthful, this can be at times uncomfortable, or too strong a reminder of their own parentage, if raised in a Traditional Regalian family; the old may well find such traditionalism, respect for authority, and conservatism to be refreshing and welcome.
  • After his removal from political office, Albaer found himself welling in self-loathing, and anger in his inability to foresee and prevent the scandal leading to his ousting. After a period of self-imposed exile, the elder leutzman would return to The Capital with a newfound sense of determination, very much humbled by his experience in Statecraft. Albaer finds himself longing for purpose, rather than power, and security in something he finds comfortable, and good. At present times, Albaer feels a certain lack of purpose, and as such, a sense of uselessness.
  • Albaer feels a strong sense of loyalty to his friends and kin, cemented in Unionist philosophy of truth and virtue. Having faced betrayal at the hands of his eldest son, Albaer found himself faced with direct confrontation at the hands of his kin. Nevertheless, withholding himself from revenge, the aged man could not bring himself to cause harm to his son, reflective of his sense of duty and care to his kin.
  • Albaer carries a conventional Regalian sense of morality, and right and wrong, stemming from Unionist teaching, and Alt-Regalian/Leutz Vixe ideas of strength and virtue. Albaer, despite the use of female ministers, is firmly entrenched in the idea of male dominance, and patriarchal rule. He holds a conservative view on class, nobility, and breeding, viewing class movement as immoral and unnatural. Likewise, the gravest of sins one could commit in Albaer's eyes is the vice of cross-racial relations. These strongly held views have been entrenched throughout the old man's life, and play heavily in his worldviews.
Personality and Abilities -Expansion-
  • Albaer carries a number of personal quirks, foremost his jittery right hand, of which he often clamps behind his back. Albaer, when posed with a stressful situation, will often chew the skin of his lips, resulting in blotches of darkened skin upon the lips. Likewise, when the old man feels a sense of joy, his right foot often performs a rhythmic tap against the floor, a subtle indication of his mood. Albaer, while concentrating upon a matter of importance, will often mumble Leutz songs, all the while tapping out a beat with his fingers upon nearby flat surfaces.
  • Regalian Traditionalism
  • Marches
  • Imperial Colours
  • Leutz Culture
  • Men of War
  • Architecture
  • Foreigners
  • Elves
  • Dressolini Culture
  • Disorder
Life Story
Born 239AC., among the turmoil and boiling tensions of The Regalian pessimism, to the Revain Rodolphe II and his consort wife, Reine. Albaer, along with his brothers Charles, Leopold, and sister Constance, had a typical upbringing of Nobility, raised in the care of maids and nannies. Albaer was a muted child up until his fifth year, being raised quiet, and docile. By age ten, Albaer had been tutored in both Leutz-Vixe and Common, as part of his courtly lessons. Albaer attended the School of Marshalry at age ten, advancing in his studies. Upon graduation, the aged man would pursue a military career, serving as a tactician in numerous wars prior to the Ranger Crisis. As a hobby during this time, Albaer kept a vested interest in Architecture, and as such, after being granted the Duchy of The Lyon's Fold via his eldest brother, he had a personal hand in constructions around his fief. Albaer would invest rulership over the land until the 'new-nobility' reforms passed by Emperor Cedromar I, ending his reign, if but for a brief time, before he was granted his lands back a second time, according to The Emperor's meritocratic system. During this period of rulership, Albaer would take up his third language, Alt-Regalian, roughly finishing his studies in 304AC. After dabbling in Statecraft, Albaer secured his position as Undercrown; his rule was short-lived when Xavier Kade initiated an Imperial Inquest into his administration, and he was promptly removed from office, despite no findings. Albaer now finds himself in retirement, awaiting a calling.
His life story is not benefiting of a 67 year old man, glossing over much of his life and never explaining how he developed or gained certain traits throughout that entire length, I request you please add more and tag me once that has been done in green @AntonVoron