Preserved Sheet Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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The Nippy North
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  • Albaer III Ludolf Ravenstad vun Hällkueb Hal
  • Age: 63
  • Race: Ailor Leutz-Vixe
  • Main Ambition: To advance himself in Military Position; achieve military glory; and overcome the loss of his children.
  • Special Permission: Expert Theatre Command


  • Leadership
  • Expert Theatre Command
  • Languages
  • Common 10
  • Leutz 10
  • Alt-Regalich 7
  • Ithanian 6



  • Eye Colour: Graying blue
  • Hair Colour: Faded grey
  • Hairstyle: Undercut, medium lengthon top
  • Facial Hair: A neatly brushed, bushy beard
  • Skin Colour: Hinterlandish Pink
  • Clothing: Red silken coat, draped in purple silk, and ermile furs
  • Height: 6ft
  • Body Type: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Short Sword




How others percieve?

Albaer can be percieved as a highly authoritative figure, exerting a large amount of dominance over weaker individuals around him. Albaer can often be seen as distant, and judgemental towards those seeking simple chit chat, or those approaching him without due cause. The elder often gives off an air of superiority, and looks upon social divergence with zealous ammount of disdain.

How Albaer Feels?

Albaer has always lived under the shadows of his older brothers: being the third son of the elder line, Albaer has always sought to increase his lot. With the death of his children, far off in Ithania, at the hands of Bone Horrors, Albaer is instilled with a zeal he has never felt before. The elder is now more determined than ever, to achieve some sort of success, or fame: having lost his only legacy, at the hands of heretical constructs. With his growing age, Albaer feels feeble, and has a dying urge to prove himself, and others wrong in regards to this.

How Albaer acts to Friends/Family?

Albaer has a large ammount of loyalty towards those he keeps close, only being outshined by kinsmen. Rather than keeping his chin up, and lips sealed, he often engages in whitty banter with close comrades, most of which he will have met through his love of Military matters. Albaer is almost fatherly to the younger generations who get on his good side, and brotherly to those of the same age.
To his family, Albaer is a guiding force: never has he has intentions to harm his kinsmen, though never has he been given reason to. The old Ravenstad often looks upon his family with great pride, though this only increases his expectations of them.

Albaer's Morality

Albaer has never truly held a spirituality to himself: as such, any morals he does hold, are written down upon a legal document, or spoken by a figure of authority. Albaer has always looked outwards to determine his moral code, rather than inwards: so to say, his ability to judge a scenario's moral weight, is less based on his feelings, though more on the law of the land. Albaer has no opinion on the law code, other than 'its fine as it is'.

Albaer's World View

Albaer bears a strong hatred of all things magical, mystical, fantastic, and non-mundane. The loss of his children took a great toll on Albaer, and turned what was a harmless Conservative, into a hardline Jingoist. Jingoist, in terms of Albaer, does not mean the same thing it has came to mean in Regalia, during recent years. Albaer holds traditional Jingoist values: anti-magic, anti-non-human, anti-liberal, ant-jacobin.



  • Theatre Command: Albaer has spent a long and harsh lifetime, perfecting his technique, and improving his skills in Command and Leadership. Albaer has an Expert grasp of military tactics, and geography, which enables him to conduct maneuvers with delicate
  • Public Speaking: Albaer has developed a skill for rhetoric while commanding Regalian troops, and managing his title. The elderly man has a way with words, that can often sway the hearts and minds of those he engages with. Albear's wordsmanship is a hefty tool, when increasing the moral of troops, dealing with his peers, and impressing his betters.


  • Pneumothorax: After an injury recieved while horse riding, Albaer has suffered a life-altering injury to his left-lung. Suffering from a partial collapse of his lung, Albaer finds himself breathless, and at times fixed in a state of coughing. Severity of his coughing outbreaks varies from situation to situation, though the man finds it moral breaking all the same. (Roll 1-20 for severity)



  • Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad is born to Rodolphe II Lord of Hinterlandia (240AC), and his consort bride, in the Castle of Machellons. Lagging in a number of years behind his siblings, Albear is the third child of the Lord, and as such, is often overlooked.
  • The boy is often the subject of abuse, and mockery, at the hands of his Brother Charles, yet finds comfort in Richarr's company. The young boy begins to fear Charles, for his violent, and erratic nature, and tries his best to stay clear of him.
  • Albaer often finds he sees more of nannies and servants, than he does of his father: this dwells on his mind for many years. Rodolphe abdicates in 241AC, and Richarr becomes the new lord
Teenage Years
  • Albaer takes great solace in Richarr's rule, finding his brother to be more inclusive, and caring. Albaer begins studies in languages, including Ithanian, and Alt-Regalian
  • The Ravenstad passes his Tactical Command Exam, enrolling in the Academy of Leadership at age 17.
  • Albaer sees little of his kinsmen while in training in the Crown Isle, though settles into the Military lifestyle with ease
Early Adulthood
  • Albaer continued through his training at the School of Leadership, spending a total of 8-years in his pursuit of tactical knowledge
  • The young man would begin his harsh cycle of field-experience, serving in minor conflicts across the Empire, including: local revolts, border disputes, and full fledged wars
  • Albaer served in the Loyalist Army during the Drachenwald Crisis, earning respect amongst his peers
  • After a decade of field experience, Albaer finally progressed to Theatre Command, at age 35 years
  • During this period, Charles I had taken the Hinterlandish Lordship, with the death of Richarr II, cauing a great level of concern to Albaer, who hand't fully recovered from the brutality of his childhood
  • Charles arranges a marriage, in which Albaer will wed a wealthy Ithanian business woman, named Violette l'Esclat, for Charles' political gain. Albaer is displeased, though accepts begrudgingly
  • Albaer is married to Violette in his home of Hinterlandia, being granted a barony by Charles, to which he offers regency to his wife, before returning to his training
  • Finally, Albaer is granted a Grand Generalship at age 43, finishing his training, though continuing his study of Military doctrine, and Theatre tactics
  • Albaer travels to Regalia, after a brief break from the Crown Isle, to return to his post. The elderly Ravenstad seeks military advancement, and prestige
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I have examined this character application and cannot find any real faults. Approved.