Preserved Sheet Alatariel Telrunya

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animal doctor number 211
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Alatariel Telrunya
  • Age: 123
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Nelfin - Cielothar
  • Main Ambition: Ala wants to get out of her current rut. For many years she's just been doing the same thing. She needs change terribly.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Caramel Brown
  • Hair Style: Lightly feathered bob
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Haphazard Self-made dresses
  • Height: 6'1
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Body Build: Muscular for a Cielothar, but still lean and supple.
  • Weapon of Choice: A short bladed Spear and caster level gusting wind mage
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Calm - Alatariel is rather quiet about things when things get too stressful or rather nerve wracking. She is one to keep herself level-headed when it comes down to it especially intense situations where one would be freaking out. She also tends to have the aura of calmness when around others.
  • Considerate - Ala is rather considerate with others, always looking out for them especially those that come into her inn. She always has a caring nature towards others, willing to help them as well. She is always moving around to make others comfortable when they are nervous, scared, or tense.
  • Insightful - Always having an observant nature, this causes Ala to be rather insightful to others when need be. Always giving out comments that may help the situation if needed as well. She has a rather deep understanding of most things, most of it coming from her age and time that she has spent around others causes this.
  • Laid back - Despite being rather insightful to others, she may not always point it out because of her laid back nature. She is rather lazy when it comes down to it at times, not willing to work all the time as well. She tends to prefer the easier way of things as well, sometimes being problematic for others who believe she should be working harder.
  • Dogmatic - Even though she is rather calm about things, she has a tendency to be rather assertive with what she believes in. Although she doesn't push others to join her side of things, she still knows what is right to her. She loves what she loves, you might be wrong, but she won't bring it up.
  • Air-Headed - Ala tends to get distracted by very minor things quite often. She gets side tracked easily and ends up forgetting what she was supposed to be doing because of it. This causes her to have some problems with others at times.
  • Gusting Wind Magic {Caster} - Being taught at a young age by her parents, she is a minor wind mage who only uses it for defense. She tends to rarely ever practice it causing her lack of experience in it. However, it still proves useful. She can easily push people back whenever she is getting attacked as well if deemed needed.
  • Alchemy Knowledge - Alatariel was taught by a friend within her village to have basic alchemy knowledge, being able to help a little bit with their work. Because of this, she can quickly figure things out when learning more on alchemy as well as teach others if they wish to know. She is always working with alchemy for medical supplies and at times, obscura if needed.
  • Spear Trained - Along with her wind magic knowledge she has a basic knowledge of using spears, being trained by an Avanthar she met on her travels. She trains with her spear more frequently, causing her decreased prowess in wind magic but figures out clever ways to combine the two. She always has her spear if she gets into tight situations or if she needs protection.
  • Distracted Easily - Unfortunately, despite being trained to use two useful things, she is easily distracted. She can be distracted by simple things such as candle mice, or other things that please her. This causes her to get distracted from people and what she was supposed to be doing causing some problems.
  • Bad left side - After falling out of a tree at a young age, she has terrible pains whenever bending over or lifting to much. Her side is rather tender and causes some trouble on bad days or whenever she is attacked. When attacked she ends up being paralyzed with pain if she is hit on her side.
  • Dogmatic Nature - Because of her dogmatic nature it causes her to come off as too proud at times, having a certain attitude that others may not like. Because of this people tend to shy away from her when she gets that way at times. This also causes her to have some enemies.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
Describe any number of Character Quirks. Find out IC~
Describe your character's skills. Some skills she has picked up is the wind magic she was taught as well as some other minor things.
Describe your character's talents. Ala has a rather obvious talent which is being able to tame smaller creatures quickly, may it be ferrets, cats, candle mice, etc.
Candle Mice; Ala has a rather big soft spot for candle mice, may it be from her fascination with them to how cute they are. She is easily swayed whenever a candle mouse is brought up, tending to want to hoard them at times. She enjoys their presence a lot as well.
Color Red; Ala has a deep love for the color red, having shown this by what she wears day to day. She regularly wears the color red somewhere on her body, may it be dresses or simple head wear or accessories. She has always had a love for the color and will continue to love the color.
Chalkwork; She also enjoys drawing from time to time, especially with chalk and making chalk art. She has a deep love for it because of her finding beauty in the art as well.
Red Meat; Ala has a huge distaste for red meat, or anything that has to do with it. She finds it disgusting, revolting and doesn't understand how it appeals to anyone at all. She has a hatred for the meat as well, not liking it one bit in both appearance and taste.
Slugs; Ala finds slugs disgusting and irritating; she just doesn't like the slimy little creatures. She doesn't understand how they are still alive and has a tendency to kill them if she sees them. She tends to try and shy away from them if she can.
Dancing; Ala has two left feet, meaning that she has no way of dancing at all causing her dislike of it. She finds it unnecessary at times and is rather clumsy whenever she tries to dance. So she tends to stick away from dancing whenever she can.
- Dima Tzareves (@Manatee_): Ala's helping hand around the Jolly Dove. Ala values him as an awesome employee and developing friend.
- More TO come

Life Story

0 - 50
Alatariel Telrunya was born within the early summer on June 14th in a regular village within Teled Methn. Throughout the first years of her life she grew up in a rather typical home, her mother and father working as grain farmers and animal experts {Beastitarians}. However her parents were also wind mages, soon teaching her once she reached the appropriate age of 14. As she grew older, she began to work in the village as well with her knowledge that she had gained from her parents as she soon found herself turning 50 after finding a good job that helped pay well.

50 - 100
Once she turned around the age of 55 she soon found herself working for the priest of the village, making her way up through the ladder to being the main assistant to the head priest of the village. Ala soon cultivated a strong friendship with the Yanar along the forest wall. Eventually, the Yanar even begins to teach her about some minor medicinal knowledge and recipes. The Yanar constantly helped her whenever something went wrong, like when Alatariel injured her side when she was around the age of 72, after falling from a rather tall tree. The Yanar helped her heal with the best help that they could give her. However, she soon found herself leaving the village after it began to get over crowded, moving with her family and some others to form a new village. She transferred to the new community when she was around the age of 87, along with some of her friends and unfortunately without her yanar friend but she easily become the priestess within her new village.

100 - Current Day

In the early formations of the village that she and her friends and family had made, the Ranger Crisis occurred causing several problems for them. Alatariel soon finds herself having to leave her home to go find things to help them. However she gets a letter after traveling around Teled Methen for a time and is sent to Regalia to find help. While she was in Regalia, she soon found herself being stuck there after the bone horrors began to appear and soon finding enough money to create an inn that she calls "The Jolly Dove Inn."
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@HoshiChomp12 Review complete!

I'll be honest, I can't find much in this sheet that I think needs changed. The only things I would mention are that you should ensure that you keep the wind magic and spear prowess in check. Remember, you cannot be skilled in both. Otherwise, I would recommend adding more things that distract Alatariel, as I doubt Candle Mice will appear all too often in regular roleplay.

Assuming you will heed the given suggestions, I approve this application. Excellent work.

(@LumosJared will change your tag as soon as he can, as I currently lack a forum rank.)
Oh mai word! Thank so much I really appreciate it!