Preserved Sheet Alaric Maison

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Jun 23, 2018
Reaction score
Name: Alaric Maison

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: New Regalian Ailor

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill information:

(+20 proficiency points +School of Viridian boosts)

  • +20 Longsword (+10 School of Viridian+10 proficiency points )

  • +20 Largeshield (+10 School of Virdian +10 proficiency points)

  • +10 Horse riding (+10 School of Virdian)
  • +5 general command (+5 New Regalian Ailor)

Cultural points:

(+30 Culture points)

  • +10 Carving (+10 Culture points)

  • +10 Drawing (+10 Culture points)

  • +10 Painting (+10 Culture points)

Visual information:

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Brown

Hair style: Mid length messy hair pushed back away from his face.

Skin colour: Slightly tanned

Clothing: White button up shirt, black trousers and brown leather boots with buckles on the side.

Height: 6'1"

Body build: Ripped

Personality and Abilities:

When people first meet Alaric he will come off as a confident, somewhat arrogant man, thinking very highly, almost too highly in fact of his abilities and skills. He has a very strong sense of justice and thinks very low of criminals, and he's not afraid to show it every so often. Overall though despite this Alaric can make for a good friend and is someone who you can easily have a laugh with. Alaric has a good sense of humour and can be seen as someone who is energetic, a trait that he has had ever since he was young.

On the inside Alaric feels as if it's his duty to be the way he is, as his father was in the Vigilant Shield Alaric decided from a very young age that he wanted to do so too. He feels as if if he doesn't accomplish this then he will never be able to live up to his father's name, and that is his biggest fear, letting his family down. It is because of this that he works as hard as he can to fulfill his goal. Alaric feels like if he stays home for too long without doing anything he is wasting his life, and so he tries to be up and about as much as he can.

Alaric's thinks very highly of his family, and his father is the reason why he is taking the path that he is, wanting to bring honor to his family once again. When it comes down to friends Alaric makes for a great one. Much like family he thinks very highly of his friends and is willing to go very far for them. It is because of this that if his friends do things wrong Alaric may not notice it at first, not wanting to accept it, but in the end he will. He will act the same around his friends and family, coming off as confident and arrogant, but his real friends will usually know that he doesn't mean it in a bad way, whereas strangers will most likely think him too big for his boots.

As far as his morality is concerned Alaric is all good, he has a strong sense of justice and would like to join the Vigilant Shield in order to help put a stop to crime, thinking low of people who disturb the peace. If he finds himself in a situation where a friend of his may be in danger Alaric will always do what he can to help protect the people that he cares about, even if that means putting his own life in danger. It is the same when it comes to his higher ups, he knows his place and will do whatever he needs to do in order to stick to his role and will not hesitate to jump into action if a commander of his is in danger. He will also do what he can to ensure the safety of everyone in Regalia which is one of the main reasons he has decided to sign up for the Vigilant shield as it will allow him to much easier protect the people from danger and help to keep crime to a minimal.

Life story:

Alaric was born into a loving family, born and raised as an only child to David and Annabeth Maison. They grew up as a fairly well off family, having enough money to live a comfortable life. For as long as Alaric can remember his father was part of the city guard who devoted himself to protecting the city with honor, and Alaric looked up to this, deciding that he wanted to be the same one day. And so from a young age Alaric attempted to "train" himself with his friends, though this was usually just them fighting with sticks. He had a fairly small group of friends who he was very close with, they spent most of the time playing like this, all of them wanting to grow up and become guards.

At the age of 14 Alaric enrolled in the School of Virdian, which he devoted himself to, spending everyday training as hard as he could, building up strength to become a strong fighter. He spent the entire time at the school as they weren't allowed to leave, and so Alaric found it very easy to focus on his education. It is because of this that he gained his confident and arrogant nature, as it was drilled into him and everyone else in the school the entire time.

At the age of 24 Alaric graduated from the School of Virdian and remained in the order for an extra 6 years. During the past three years the order found itself decimated in multiple different battles, the Ranger Crisis, the Lo Occupation and the Anahere Dictatorship, which Alaric present he witnessed the loss of many comrades, the people who he spent most of his time with, and in fact due to then not being able to ever leave the school during their education these were some of his only friends. The loss of so many of his comrades is a topic that is close to home for Alaric, being something he will never be able to get out of his head, something that will always be there and is something that he constantly finds himself upset about, even if he hides it very well. During his free time in fact he will frequent the Viridian garden to see the monument. After 6 years in the Viridian Order he decided to leave to attempt to become a city guard, And so believing the Vigilant shield would be his best option he wrote a letter expressing his desire to join.
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i'm gonna do a peer review.

What culture of Ailor? The list of possible cultures can be found here.


+20 Longsword (+20 proficiency points)
As a Viridian, you get +10 Longsword as well as the other two buffs. And, if you're code-bound, you get another +10. But seeing as Maison left the order, that wouldn't apply here.

Personality and Abilities:
Expand 1 sentence on paragraph one.
Expand 1 sentence on paragraph two.
Expand 3 sentences on paragraph four.

On Paragraph four, if you run out of ideas, you could refer to a d&d archetype page, align Maison to one (Probably in the Lawful), and go on for three sentences about how he would respond to situations. Would he save his friend? Would he save a commoner?

Does this drive him at all? You mention him signing up for the Shield, but don't mention anything else of a true goal besides becoming a Viridian Knight.

Overall, it looks nice. Hope to see you in roleplay!
Thank you very much for your comment, I will get working on those improvements.
(+30 proficiency points +30 School of Viridian)
Going to a school takes 10 points off your proficiency points, and going to a school doesn't give you +30 points, rather it just gives you a base +10 in the three proficiencies that the school teaches.

You will have to take 10 off your proficiency points, and you still have an +10 Longsword from Viridian Order that you are currently not using. There's also the proficiency you could add from being a New Regalian Ailor, which is +5 General Command.
Review In-Progress.
My Review:
For as long as Alaric can remember his father was part of the Vigilant Shield who devoted himself to protecting the city with honor, and Alaric looked up to this, deciding that he wanted to be the same one day.
  • The Vigilant Shield didn't exist until the last few years in the dissolution of the Violet Order, the City of Regalia's guard force. Please amend this part of his Life Story as well as anywhere else it appears in the Character Application.
At the age of 24 Alaric graduated from the School of Virdian and remained in the order for an extra 6 years.
  • The Order has been decimated over the last three years in various world progression events, how does he feel about the loss of the vast majority of his comrades? Add in wherever you feel the information is appropriate. (Information is hyperlinked on this article:
Tag me once you have done these edits in green @__TheDarkLord__