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Played Character Alanah Aldahen Character Sheet

This character is actively played.


Jun 18, 2016
Reaction score

  • medieval.webp
  • Full Name: Alanah Rose Aldahen

  • Heritage / Culture: Lanlath

  • Age: (Minimum 17) 27

  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her

  • Religion: Estelley

  • Character Occupation: Mercenary
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Light Blue

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Hair: Waist length wavy white hair, flowing down her back.

  • Height: 5,8ft

  • Body Type: Athletic

  • Additional Features: Alanah has a small scar on the left side on her neck.
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy and Magical Talent

  • Languages: Altalar

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities:

Attack Stat: 16

Defense Stat:

[0/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Stance - free
    • Weapon throw
    • Bruiser Agony
    • Bruiser rampage
  • Constitution: 1
    • [Rebound Pack]
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Technique Parry

    • Chem cleanse

    • Chem Beserk

    • Chem revive

    • Chem Hyperfocus
  • Magic: 1
    • [Magic Curse pack]

Alanah studied the art of magic from a young age, her mother Evalina Aldahen was a strong mage who helped teach Alanah everything she learnt.
Her Father Mikheal was the Leader of a gang which he tried his very best to keep a secret to protect his family from harm. When Alanah turned 14 years old she woke up in the middle of the night to see her father leaving the cottage, her curiosity got the best of her as she followed, her Father arrived at a worn down building with a large group of men they all wore hoods over there eyes to disguise themselves, her Father was a criminal... stealing from the Nobel and Guards to cause trouble and sell possessions for good Regals on the Black Market. Alanah's father was a strong fighter with a sword and shield, it took her by surprise seeing how strong and daring he was for adventure.
Alanah's passion grew from there seeing how her father fought with others was so powerful to her, she started to mimic her fathers moves with a stick until she was old enough to wield her own sword, stolen from his gang members.

At the age of 18 Alanah fully understood the art or magic and the sword, the passion to learn more filled her heart with desire, she wanted to ask her Father for advice, but before she could a group of rouges attacked the house.
It was too late, death and devastation rained upon their lives, her father stood his ground telling her mother and herself to take cover, but to his surprise Alanah picked up a sword and stood by her Father as they protected there house.

The Rogues were much stronger then her Father and unfortunately he met his demise in front of her eyes, her screams of anger and fear echoed the woods as she sunk to her knees defeated by her loss, she watched her Mother and Father both die in front of her, and from that day she has wanted revenge. Unfortunately the leader of the Rogues took a liking to Alanah as she fought his men, never before had he seen moves of determination before from such a young elf, Captured by the rouges they kept Alanah in a far off location forcing her to train, they saw she had much potential and needed someone strong in there group, with them until she was strong enough to kill them all and escape.

She left her home moving to Regalia alone and ready to start her new life, she continued to study her magic and the art of the sword in memory of her parents, and to this day she still does, her main goal to create her own mercenary company.
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