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Played Character Alan Kyro - The Feathery Homunculi

This character is actively played.


Local spirit nerd
Jul 14, 2023
Reaction score
Taco Bell

"Boc- I mean, Yay!"

Name: Alan Kyro-Florez
Race: Mystech - Ephemer Homunculi (Ailor Presenting)

Age: Biologically 21
Occult: Magegiven (Void, Ordial, and Exist)
Height: 5'5
Combat Style: True Mage

Sulvaley (Not native, but was made to already know Sulvaley)
Common (Native(??))

Core Concepts:
Personality: Developing with his experiences to the world. However, he was created to be generally caring and shy.

Despite the yellow bandana that drapes his face, Alan is just like any other Ailor.. Except for the fact that he's not an Ailor at all. His fluffy orange locks converge in the center of his head, forming a spiky fohawk that resembles a chicken's comb.
Alan's eyes are big, with irises that almost completely drown out his scleras. One can make out a mess of freckles that riddle his nose bridge.
Sporting shorts and a cropped shirt, Alan wears your typical summer getup.

Intelligence 1

Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Shapeshift Pack (Magical) (Homunculi)
Mimicry Pack (Magical) (Homunculi)

Dexterity 0

Magic 13

Magic Bolts
Magic Snare
Magic Distort
Magic Smog
Magic Curse
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Bolster
Magic Barrier
Magic Warp
Magic Counter
Magic Feather
Magic Shove

Alan was the failed result of an experiment held by a sociopathic spirit. He was thrown into the world with no understanding of how to function, but was thankfully put under the tutelage of a young couple. He was intended to be made of 6 magically-enhanced eggs, but only 3 of them survived the experiment, significantly reducing Alan's intended power.
Egg of Darkness - A baby raven egg, containing a void-aligned raven and the knowledge of evil. Without it, Alan wouldn't be able to tell right from wrong.

Egg of Hope - A chicken's egg, containing an Exist-aligned chick and the knowledge of good.
Without it, Alan wouldn't be able to tell right from wrong.

Egg of Cycles - A duckling's egg, containing an ordial-aligned duck and the knowledge of life & death.
Without it, Alan would not be able to understand the concept of death and the sanctity of life.

Egg of Time (DECEASED) - An owl's egg, containing an unaligned owlet and the knowledge of time.
Without it, Alan can't understand time, and can stand still for hours on end.

Egg of Love (DECEASED) - A lovebird's egg, containing a mundane lovebird and the ability to love.
Without it, Alan is incapable of showing love, only imitating it.

Egg of Fear (DECEASED) - A crow's egg, containing a mundane crow and self-preservation instincts.
Without it, Alan lacks fear and often gets into self-destructive activities (Such as wandering around a forest alone).

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On the counter lies a dusty notebook. Flipping through it, you eventually land on a journal entry:
"December 3rd, 312 AC.
The eggs are stable, I have injected them with a variety of magical energy to fortify them. So far, there has been no reaction, but the
'Compacted Harmony of Incorporeal and Metaphysical Kinisthetic Enchantment Nexus' is still too young for me to log conclusive results. However, the fact that three of the eggs are already showing magical prowess shows me one thing- That I am one step closer to creating an Artificial God. The other eggs haven't stuck to an alignment like these ones, I must take care of them to ensure they pull through. "
