Preserved Sheet Alak'aer Nessus Iethos, Edited

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chaotic stupid
Nov 6, 2016
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stacey's mom's house
Character Application:

~~Basic Information~~

Name: Alak'aer Nessus Iethos

Nickname: Alak, Al, Ness

Age: 54 years old

Gender: Usually male, but can be rather feminine sometimes

Race: Isldar Seedling Yanar

Ambition/Goals: Currently, he is fighting to help end Freya Lo's reign of terror. He overall wants to achieve peace with the people around him and make Regalia and the sewers better and more livable. He practices the Nenyarian Faith, but he isn't fully dedicated to the point of constant worship and prayer; he believes that Estel can be calmed and returned to peace. He hopes to help achieve this with other Nenyar.

Special Permissions: Expert Evergrowth Mage, uses Solurs 1-6, 9 and 10.

~~Physical Information~~

Eye Color: Blue Irises, with a halo of green.

Hair Color: Pink and white. In the shape of leaves; it ends at about the base of his neck. Usually kinda messy and ruffled. The leaves are broad and longish.

Skin Color: White, pink in many places.

Clothing: He wears a white shirt of Isldarin make, with two pink vs on it. The shirt is pretty long, so it usually hangs below his waist a little. It is also a v-neck, and the sleeves are usually rolled up by his elbows. His pants are darkish green. He wears grey boots. He also wears several green and pink bracelets, and a simple rope necklace with two dark green stones and a dark pink one in the middle. For armor, he has a green metal chest-plate much like his vest, and a white and green robe under it that hangs to his calves. He wears grey and green pants, and grey combat boots. For a helmet, just a simple, warlike flower crown.

Height: 6' 1''

Weight: 145 pounds; he is rather light as he is made of plants

Body Build: Due to being a mage and a yanar, he is rather skinny. He can be considered athletic, however, as he spent much of his childhood and later years fighting, hiding, and generally surviving. Therefore, he is about as strong as any Yanar might be. This strength fades rather quickly over time if he doesn't continue to exercise, however.

Weapon of Choice: He uses Evergrowth magic to defend himself; fights using a polearm with skill and ferocity when he needs to, due to the Ninth Solur.

~~Personality Information~~

Reasonable: He is no stranger to fighting, as he grew up in Ellador and lives in the sewers, but he will not fight someone without reason. Many Yanar are pacifists; he is not, but he usually attempts to avoid a fight before he starts one. If his friends or peers start fighting over a petty thing, he will attempt to break it up. He prefers not to argue with people, and hates watching his friends argue.

Protective: He is very protective of his friends and family, especially any person that has gained his trust. Even if he is struggling with his emotions, he will try to put a friends needs above his own. For example, if he was injured and his friend was injured, he would always attempt to heal his friend first. This is true even if he is spiraling; he may be scattered and emotional but there is nothing he values more than a friend.

Immature: Despite being 54 years old, he has a surprisingly young mind and will often make jokes and puns. Sometimes He acts like a mischievous, bouncy little kid and sometimes like an experienced adult. He is generally cheerful. He hides a dark past however, and any mention of his upbringing will sober him.

Illusive: He often hides behind a facade, portraying himself as helpless or stumbling to further his own goals and make people more sympathetic to him. He is a good actor, and if he feels like lying will get him something or help him, he will not hesitate to do so. He changes his act sometimes, depending on who he is dealing with. If he thinks that someone is too merciful, he will ask for mercy, so on and so forth.

Hyper-Reactive: He thinks rather fast, and in new situations he tends to go over everything he can see in his head at once. This is a side-effect of his time in the Hold, as he was constantly on the watch for traps and danger. This leads to him often having to stop and marshal his thoughts for a second, especially during surprises. This can be helpful if he is focused and rested, and detrimental if he is scattered and worried.

Chaotic Mind: Due to his past and the fact that he was constantly on watch for enemies and danger for most of his life, his mind, once startled, will start to spiral out of control and his trains of thought will "jumble," meaning his thought process gets interrupted. This also makes him rather disorganized, so his belongings are messy and scattered.


Evergrowth Magic: In any garden, he rules. Surrounded by nature and in his sacred place, he sheds any inhibition and shows his true self: Wild, loyal and burning with a sense of determination to achieve his goals. If anyone dares challenge him in this place, they are completely at his mercy. He knows all of the solurs except for 7 and 8, which he deemed mostly pointless.

Stave Wielder: He is a fighter level stave user; due to his studies with the Ninth Solur. He can knock away swords, keep people at a distance, and generally defend himself. He uses this in conjunction with Nenya Bindings to quickly end or break up fights. He never starts fights himself, instead letting the enemy give him a valid reason to fight.

Healer: He has an average knowledge of healing herbs and medicines, and uses this skill often to help people. He is constantly hoping to improve this knowledge; however, due to his scattered mind and lack of organization, in order to be able to remember everything and heal the fastest and best, he needs either be in a controlled situation or have had mentally prepared in advance. Therefore, he heals best in his garden, and healing in the field or directly after a battle is much harder for him.

Deceiver: He is rather good at lying, and can spin stories and lull people into a sense of false security with his acting skills. He is good at making himself appear weak, while plotting and making a strategy to escape. He loves to act, and he is rather dramatic in everything he does.


Emotional: He has a very unstable and shaky emotional state, as he suffered from various traumatic events in his past. He will suffer flashbacks sometimes, and is far more reactive and in general stronger in his grief than the normal person. If he loses someone dear to him, he might be inconsolable completely for days; add that to his flashbacks and the swiftness at which he declines and you get one of the most unstable personalities, emotionally, out there.

Limp: When he was 28 he was attacked by a dwarven thief who tried to take his money. He managed to drive the dwarf away, but he was left with a permanent scar and his knee was bent, leaving (hehe, leaving) that area weak and susceptible to damage. It pains him to walk sometimes, and it gets worse the more he exerts himself physically. Rest and stretching will help it, temporarily.

Forgetful: He will forget details and rules sometimes, especially if he is busy or stressed. If he is surprised or startled, his thoughts will start to spiral and he will freak out slightly; shooting off at the mouth and trying to get his mind in order.

Traumatized: Any mention, reminder, or recollection of his past will send him into his shell. Seeing an Isldar will make him freak out slightly, staying away from them and acting paranoid until the Isldar is gone. Any attempt to restrain, enslave, or otherwise imprison him will send him into a wild panic, fighting and struggling fiercely until he gets away. He sometimes, if pushed really far, will suffer flashbacks of his time in the Hold. This will send him into a state of inactivity and unresponsiveness for around 5 minutes.

Scattered: If too many things are happening at once, or several people are injured in his immediate presence, or any other sudden and uncontrolled event occurs, he will be sent into a scattered, flailing mess. Unsure of where to go or what to do, his instinct here is just to run and hide. This can be severely debilitating in fights or mobs, as he loses focus and he struggles to perform his abilities well. However, this effect is an either/or type of thing. It is far, far worse if he is stressed and unrested, and it is much easier to control in his garden or if he is rested and focused.

Personality Quirks:

Singing: He sings a lot, to pass the time and to keep him amused. He has a very good singing voice, surprisingly.

Constantly Moving: If he is in a good mood, then he will be constantly stepping, or twirling, or practicing battle stances.

Dancer: He dances around if there is music, or if he is happy.

Ticklish: He is ticklish. Enough said.

~~Life Story~~

Birth to 10 Years Old- He was born in the frozen wastes of Ellador, in the Isldarin Hold. He was born to a Craven father and a Yanar mother, who lived in a small ice house near the walls of the Hold. They lived there in seclusion, his father going to work in a mine every day and his mother teaching him about his world and why he was different. When he was ten years old, he and his family went to the Stronghold and presented him as a son. They Isldarin rejected him severely.

11 through 17 Years- When he was presented, the Isldarin labeled his parents and himself as heretical, and proceeded to try and kill them. They fled, running to their home and gathering as much as they could. They gates of the Hold were sealed and all exits watched; the Isldarin did not want them to escape. He lived in this way for 4 years, running and hiding from the Isldar and trying to find a way out. He kept his parents alive in this time, and his mother began teaching him Evergrowth magic through the use of a tome that was passed from family member to family member in her lineage. (The tome was lost when Alak'aer escaped from the Hold, but it is possible that it remains in the cave that housed his garden.) When he was 16, he made a garden in a cave by the Ice Spire, and he and his family lived there in relative comfort for a year. Then, when he was seventeen, his garden was found. The Isldar had managed to call down a Wyvern to eradicate them, and Alak learned he could speak to it. He told the beast to calm down and to leave, which it did. His mother and father were imprisoned, which he never forgave himself for. He believes that they are still alive, but he knows that until he has a sufficient force rescuing them would be suicide.

18 through 28- He lived in his garden for a long time, making it larger and larger. He became an expert in 7 of the solurs, and defended himself from bandits and thieves quite well. He spent this time looking for his parents and trying to find a way out. He made several friends, Isldar Craven that sympathized; they had been cast out as well. He raided supply trains, trying to get money and a way out of The Hold. When he was 25 he had mastered Evergrowth magic, using Forest Dream to communicate to some other Yanar who decided to help him. When he was 28 he was attacked by a slightly insane Dwarf thief who maimed his leg, resulting in his limp.

29 through 35- This time was spent getting ready for his escape from the Hold, but his injury severely set the process back. He was going to escape with two others, Naineth, his best friend, and Esthaen, his friend and temporary love interest. At 34 he had enough money to book a ship passage into Regalia, and an escape route was found- unfortunately, it was very near the Palace. At 35, he and his friends tried to escape. The guards found them and a fight ensued, a fight that he would remember forever. He has never told anyone the details, but Esthaen died from an ice spear to the heart delivered by a powerful Frost Singer. He fled, pursued by angry Isldarin army and a vampire they kept as a failsafe. He wound up at his old Evergrowth garden, and he used all of his power to force open a hole in the cave, clearing a path. They managed to get away, and his Yanar allies helped them get on a boat. However, his best friend, Naineth, had been severely injured by the vampire, throwing himself in front of Alak to save him. This moment still haunts Alak, and he still tries to find a way to give Naineth peace. He spent an entire night trying to heal him, but he failed. His only comfort in the world had died, because he couldn't save him.

36 through 47- In this time he lived in Regalia. He was hollow and drained due to his past and his friends death, and spent this time drunk and tired in a small hut by the Tavern. When he was 45 he discovered the Sewers, and made a few friends there. He started to build another garden in an abandoned building near the Imperial Palace, filling it with northern plants to honor his friend. At 47 he believed he had completely mastered evergrowth, and started to live with a purpose again: Make Regalia more peaceful and the Sewers more livable.

47 through Present-

In this time, Alak started to rebuild his future and escape his past. He lived in relative peace, with a few friends, keeping mostly to himself. However, Freya Lo came and burned his garden, leaving him with no home and a newfound hatred. He currently lives in the sewer, practicing and resisting. He hopes to join the Nenyarina Order, to gain a home and some friends.

54 through Present- He has now joined the Nenyarina Order, hoping to find a home and to help do good in the world. He continues to rebel against Freya, and undermine the power of vampires and void-worshiping groups.

Edit Notes: I have rewritten this as requested by JarlJade, on a previous char app found here:
I have written all edits in as green, and I will delete the previous app once this is picked up by a staff member. Thanks for the help, and I hope this is satisfactory! @JarlJade @Staff Roleplay
More Notes: I made edits as requested by @Eccetra! The edits are in a slightly lighter green; I doubt that helps but it really shouldn't matter as long as they're visible. Thank you for the peer review! :)

Speedybattlebug/PyromanicLlama :)
Last edited:
Character Application:

~~Basic Information~~

Name: Alak'aer Nessus Iethos

Nickname: Alak, Al, Ness

Age: 54 years old

Gender: Usually male, but can be rather feminine sometimes

Race: Isldar Seedling Yanar

Ambition/Goals: Currently, he is fighting to help end Freya Lo's reign of terror. He overall wants to achieve peace with the people around him and make Regalia and the sewers better and more livable. He practices the Nenyarian Faith, but he isn't fully dedicated to the point of constant worship and prayer; he believes that Estel can be calmed and returned to peace. He hopes to help achieve this with other Nenyar.

Special Permissions: Expert Evergrowth Mage, uses Solurs 1-6, 9 and 10.

~~Physical Information~~

Eye Color: Green Irises, with a halo of purple.

Hair Color: Pink, white, and green (See spoiler for detailed account of flora and characteristics of his appearance)

Skin Color: White, pink in many places (See spoiler)

Clothing: He wears a white shirt of Isldarin make, with two pink vs on it. The shirt is pretty long, so it usually hangs below his waist a little. Over this, he wears a green vest. His pants are dark green, with white markings. He wears white boots. For armor, he has a green metal chest-plate much like his vest, and a white and green robe under it that hangs to his calves. He wears grey and green pants, and grey combat boots. For a helmet, just a simple, warlike flower crown.

Height: 6' 1''

Weight: 145 pounds; he is rather light as he is made of plants

Body Build: Due to being a mage and a yanar, he is rather skinny. However, much of his mass is muscle, as he trains often and is no stranger to fighting. Therefore, he is rather lanky, but he possesses little fat.

Weapon of Choice: He uses Evergrowth magic to defend himself; fights using a polearm with skill and ferocity when he needs to, due to the Ninth Solur.

~~Personality Information~~

Reasonable: He is no stranger to fighting, as he grew up in Ellador and lives in the sewers, but he will not fight someone without reason. Many Yanar are pacifists; he is not, but he usually attempts to avoid a fight before he starts one. If his friends or peers start fighting over a petty thing, he will attempt to break it up. He prefers not to argue with people, and hates watching his friends argue.

Loyal: He will protect his friends if it costs him his life, as there is nothing he treasures more than a friend. He is extremely loyal, to the point of depending on a good relationship and social life. He will do everything he can to cheer someone up if he thinks that they need it. If someone leaves him and he thinks it's his fault, he will sink into severe depression.

Immature: Despite being 54 years old, he has a surprisingly young mind and will often make jokes and puns. Sometimes He acts like a mischievous, bouncy little kid and sometimes like an experienced adult. He is generally cheerful. He hides a dark past however, and any mention of his upbringing will sober him.

Illusive: He often hides behind a facade, portraying himself as helpless or stumbling to further his own goals and make people more sympathetic to him. He is a good actor, and if he feels like lying will get him something or help him, he will not hesitate to do so. He changes his act sometimes, depending on who he is dealing with. If he thinks that someone is too merciful, he will ask for mercy, so on and so forth.

Analytical: When he enters a new situation, he will usually immediately survey the people near him and the conversations he hears, so not very many things can surprise him. He will sometimes over analyze if something went wrong, which leads him to mulling over his mistakes a little too much.

Chaotic Mind: Due to his past and the fact that he was constantly on watch for enemies and danger for most of his life, his mind, once startled, will start to spiral out of control and his trains of thought will "jumble," meaning his thought process gets interrupted. This also makes him rather disorganized, so his belongings are messy and scattered.


Evergrowth Magic: In any garden, he rules. Surrounded by nature and in his sacred place, he sheds any inhibition and shows his true self: Wild, loyal and burning with a sense of determination to achieve his goals. If anyone dares challenge him in this place, they are completely at his mercy. He knows all of the solurs except for 7 and 8, which he deemed mostly pointless.

Stave Wielder: He is a fighter level stave user; due to his studies with the Ninth Solur. He can knock away swords, keep people at a distance, and generally defend himself. He uses this in conjunction with Nenya Bindings to quickly end or break up fights. He never starts fights himself, instead letting the enemy give him a valid reason to fight.

Healer: He has an average knowledge of healing herbs and medicines, and uses this skill often to help people. He is constantly hoping to improve this knowledge; however, due to his scattered mind and lack of organization, in order to be able to remember everything and heal the fastest and best, he needs either be in a controlled situation or have had mentally prepared in advance. Therefore, he heals best in his garden, and healing in the field or directly after a battle is much harder for him.

Deceiver: He is rather good at lying, and can spin stories and lull people into a sense of false security with his acting skills. He is good at making himself appear weak, while plotting and making a strategy to escape. He loves to act, and he is rather dramatic in everything he does.


Emotional: If he loses something important to him, or if someone dies, or if he remembers something painful... almost anything can make him emotional if he is sad. All it takes is a bad mood, and then he is reduced to a hollow, slow-moving lump as he tries to get through it. He rarely cries, but when he does it means a terrible tragedy has occurred.

Limp: When he was 28 he was attacked by a dwarven thief who tried to take his money. He managed to drive the dwarf away, but he was left with a permanent scar and his knee was bent, leaving (hehe, leaving) that area weak and susceptible to damage. It pains him to walk sometimes, and it gets worse the more he exerts himself physically. Rest and stretching will help it, temporarily.

Forgetful: He will forget details and rules sometimes, especially if he is busy or stressed. If he is surprised or startled, his thoughts will start to spiral and he will freak out slightly; shooting off at the mouth and trying to get his mind in order.

Traumatized: Any mention, reminder, or recollection of his past will send him into his shell. Seeing an Isldar will make him freak out slightly, staying away from them and acting paranoid until the Isldar is gone. Any attempt to restrain, enslave, or otherwise imprison him will send him into a wild panic, fighting and struggling fiercely until he gets away. He sometimes, if pushed really far, will suffer flashbacks of his time in the Hold. This will send him into a state of inactivity and unresponsiveness for around 5 minutes.

Scattered: If too many things are happening at once, or several people are injured in his immediate presence, or any other sudden and uncontrolled event occurs, he will be sent into a scattered, flailing mess. Unsure of where to go or what to do, his instinct here is just to run and hide. This can be severely debilitating in fights or mobs, as he loses focus and he struggles to perform his abilities well.

Personality Quirks:

Singing: He sings a lot, to pass the time and to keep him amused. He has a very good singing voice, surprisingly.

Constantly Moving: If he is in a good mood, then he will be constantly stepping, or twirling, or practicing battle stances.

Dancer: He dances around if there is music, or if he is happy.

Ticklish: He is ticklish. Enough said.

~~Life Story~~

Birth to 10 Years Old- He was born in the frozen wastes of Ellador, in the Isldarin Hold. He was born to a Craven father and a Yanar mother, who lived in a small ice house near the walls of the Hold. They lived there in seclusion, his father going to work in a mine every day and his mother teaching him about his world and why he was different. When he was ten years old, he and his family went to the Stronghold and presented him as a son. They Isldarin rejected him severely.

11 through 17 Years- When he was presented, the Isldarin labeled his parents and himself as heretical, and proceeded to try and kill them. They fled, running to their home and gathering as much as they could. They gates of the Hold were sealed and all exits watched; the Isldarin did not want them to escape. He lived in this way for 4 years, running and hiding from the Isldar and trying to find a way out. He kept his parents alive in this time, and started to learn Evergrowth magic. When he was 16, he made a garden in a cave by the Ice Spire, and he and his family lived there in relative comfort for a year. Then, when he was seventeen, his garden was found. The Isldar had managed to call down a Frost Dragon to eradicate them, and Alak learned he could speak to them. He told the dragon to calm down and to leave, which it did. His mother and father were imprisoned, which he never forgave himself for. He believes that they are still alive, but he knows that until he has a sufficient force rescuing them would be suicide.

18 through 28- He lived in his garden for a long time, making it larger and larger. He became an expert in 7 of the solurs, and defended himself from bandits and thieves quite well. He spent this time looking for his parents and trying to find a way out. He made several friends, Isldar Craven that sympathized; they had been cast out as well. He raided supply trains, trying to get money and a way out of The Hold. When he was 25 he had mastered Evergrowth magic, using Forest Dream to communicate to some other Yanar who decided to help him. When he was 28 he was attacked by a slightly insane Dwarf thief who maimed his leg, resulting in his limp.

29 through 35- This time was spent getting ready for his escape from the Hold, but his injury severely set the process back. He was going to escape with two others, Naineth, his best friend, and Esthaen, his friend and temporary love interest. At 34 he had enough money to book a ship passage into Regalia, and an escape route was found- unfortunately, it was very near the Palace. At 35, he and his friends tried to escape. The guards found them and a fight ensued, a fight that he would remember forever. He has never told anyone the details, but Esthaen died from an ice spear to the heart delivered by a powerful Frost Singer. He fled, pursued by angry Isldarin army and a vampire they kept as a failsafe. He wound up at his old Evergrowth garden, and he used all of his power to force open a hole in the cave, clearing a path. They managed to get away, and his Yanar allies helped them get on a boat. However, his best friend, Naineth, had been severely injured by the vampire, throwing himself in front of Alak to save him. This moment still haunts Alak, and he still tries to find a way to give Naineth peace. He spent an entire night trying to heal him, but he failed. His only comfort in the world had died, because he couldn't save him.

36 through 47- In this time he lived in Regalia. He was hollow and drained due to his past and his friends death, and spent this time drunk and tired in a small hut by the Tavern. When he was 45 he discovered the Sewers, and made a few friends there. He started to build another garden in an abandoned building near the Imperial Palace, filling it with northern plants to honor his friend. At 47 he believed he had completely mastered evergrowth, and started to live with a purpose again: Make Regalia more peaceful and the Sewers more livable.

47 through Present-

In this time, Alak started to rebuild his future and escape his past. He lived in relative peace, with a few friends, keeping mostly to himself. However, Freya Lo came and burned his garden, leaving him with no home and a newfound hatred. He currently lives in the sewer, practicing and resisting. He hopes to join the Nenyarina Order, to gain a home and some friends.

Edit Notes: I have rewritten this as requested by JarlJade, on a previous char app found here:
I have written all edits in as green, and I will delete the previous app once this is picked up by a staff member. Thanks for the help, and I hope this is satisfactory! @JarlJade @Staff Roleplay

Speedybattlebug/PyromanicLlama :)
put in da gif and I peer review in a few mins
More Bumps! As a note: I would love to be able to do the Rothburg battle, so I'd appreciate it so, so much if someone could help me get this one off the ground. Thanks! @Lore
☼ Peer Review! ☼

Hello there! My name is Eccetra and I'm here to help you out with some tips and ideas on how to make your application even awesomer. I'm not lore staff so none of these changes are mandatory, but they are encouraged!​

Basic Information
  • All seems good here!
Visual Information
  • Yanar can no longer develop muscle mass or become strong in a traditional human sense. He would be athletic at best, but Yanar are tied with Allar in that they are one of the weakest races.
Personality Traits
  • All seems good here! Very balanced and great descriptions.
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • If he loses something important to him, or if someone dies, or if he remembers something painful... almost anything can make him emotional if he is sad
    These are things that would make anybody sad; and the last statement there is self-explanatory! I'd recommend rewriting this trait a little to explain how his emotions are a weakness beyond that is common and reasonable.
  • Add one more sentence to "forgetful" to bring it in line with the minimum of 3.
Life Story
  • Where did he learn Evergrowth magic from? Did he read a tome, was there a tutor? Mention this.
  • To my knowledge frost dragons do not currently exist in the lore aside from the one Isldar hold as a God. I would instead change this to a Wyvern, that are in the lore and have been previously tamed by the Isldar.
And that sums up my suggested edits! Your application is overall very nicely written and I wish you the best of luck in your staff review. If you finish these edits, tag me!

- Eccetra
@Eccetra and @Lore ~ I have a few questions pertaining to Alak'aer's weapon; Eccetra, I tagged you because you've done a peer review and you in general seem knowledgeable in lore. So, due to being an Evergrowth Mage, Alak can use a stave, which was one of the earliest spells he learned in order to help him fight. I was wondering if it would be possible for him to be using a modified Glaive, with a blade that could slide back into the shaft of the weapon to transform into a simple, blunt quarterstaff? Also, this may be very far-fetched, but would it be possible for the blade of the weapon to be made from Nelfiria/Nelfinite stolen from the Isldarin Hold? His weapon currently IC is kinda vague and not well described, and I feel like he would have a weapon with character, a weapon he would have had for a very long time. Therefore, it would be modified and personalized and generally unique. I know Nelfiria is only attainable from Player Quests, which raises my second, slightly off-topic question: What are player quests? Does a player make them? Do they reward you with items? How do you embark on one?

Thank you for patience and help, anyone that answers this. If my questions above raise any confusion, please ask me to clarify and I will.

Thanks! :)

I was wondering if it would be possible for him to be using a modified Glaive, with a blade that could slide back into the shaft of the weapon to transform into a simple, blunt quarterstaff?
I can't give you a staff-worthy answer for this question, but I'm not sure how a metal head could be slid into the pole of the weapon. Could he not just have a glaive and a quarterstaff separately? Quarterstaves are not exactly expensive, so I don't think it would be too far-fetched.
What are player quests? Does a player make them? Do they reward you with items? How do you embark on one?
Player quest is a way for players to accomplish things that would otherwise be impossible or unfair to do through roleplay ingame. For example raiding a noble household, acquiring a rare metal, or exploring some ancient ruins. Through this staff will read over your general plan, take your character's strengths and weaknesses into consideration and either use logical dictation or rolls to give you a lore-compliant outcome. The outcome takes effect immediately and must be canon, whether you choose to build off it or not. You can also run a player quest to do more mundane things, but simply have staff input to narrate and give you a chance for great boon and reward.

Read more here:
I have claimed this for a review, but I can give a couple quick answers before the review comes.
  1. Being skilled at a quarterstaff would not make you skilled with a glaive as well, they have different weights, legnths, different fighting styles, and are fundamentally balanced different. I haven't read the whole application yet, so I don't know. If his fighting skill came from training with his Solur, he would talented with a Staff, but not a glaive.
  2. A Glaive is military grade hardware and as such incredibly difficult to obtain, so you would actually have to do one of those player quests after you are approved in order to even obtain one, especially if it was made of advanced Nelfinite (no guarantee of success).
  3. I would suggest having a traditional weapon of some kind, not some complicated morphing sort of weapon. There is a reason those things don't exist in real life.
His personality traits of Analytical and Loyal seem to conflict with the results of his weaknesses. These seems to suggest that he is calm and level headed and sort of surveys situations to make the most practical actions and also stand up and protect his friends bravely, but the Emotional and Scattered seem to indicate that he is near the verge of an emotional breakdown pretty much 24/7 especially if an Isladar is near (Traumatized). It is fine to have these mental weaknesses and they can even make for great RP, but I fail to see how he can be analytical if so many of the things he observes in his analysis of his environment could cause mental issues. I also fail how he could exorcise characteristic loyalty if something like the seedling tree is happening he would probably stand up and defend his friends favor having a mental breakdown of sorts. Replace these two traits with something that flows more logically with his weaknesses.