Preserved Sheet Alaexyn Vyn-vyzal

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa

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Basic Information
  • Name: Alaexyn Vyn-Vyzal
  • Alias[es]: Alliss
  • Age: 28
  • Date of Birth: March 26th, 280 AC
  • Gender: Agender (Identifies as a Male)
  • Race: Yanar (Yanera-Flor)
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Stave
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Skill Information

(28+5=33 points)
[4 Points for Learning]
  • Melee Combat
  • +13 Staves Combat (+8 Points & +5 Racial Boost)
  • Rouge Skill
  • +5 Stealth Rouge (+5 Talent Points)
  • Special Training
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Talent Points)
  • Nature Art
  • +10 Pathfinding Art (+10 Hobby Points)
  • Arcanology
  • +12 Arcanology (+12 Points)
  • Artifact Knowledge
  • Ward Knowledge - Mage Ward
  • Essense Knowledge
  • Arken Knowledge
  • Ritualism
  • +9 Ritualism (+9 Points)
Body Shape:
  • 13 Combat = 13 Body Stat
  • Type: Ripped
  • Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Common [Free Language]
  • Modern Altalar [Native Tongue]
Racial Abilities, Ritualism & Mutations:
  • Racial Abilities
  • Nen'yavaye Whisper
  • Nen'yavaye Hands
  • Nen'yavaye Song
  • Nen'yalon Stave
  • Nen'yalon Nature - Evergrowth
  • Nen'solur Garden
  • Nen'solur Companion
  • Nen'chrat Yattil
  • Nen'shall Vision
  • Nen'shall Force
  • Nen'nailon Dress
  • Wyldbirth Cycle
  • Ritualist Abilities
  • Ritualist Shroud
  • Ritualist Uprooting
  • Ritualist Earthbind
  • Ritualism Aesthetics
  • Exist Mutations
  • Ritualist Beast-Speak
  • Ritualist Fearsmith
  • Mutations
  • Exist Sight
  • Exist Ocular

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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Forest Green
  • Hair Color: Green
  • Hair Style: Long & Loose
  • Skin Color: Teal
  • Clothing: Anything
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Giver [ENFJ] - ENFJs are eternal people-pleasers. They are extroverted, idealistic, charismatic, outspoken, highly principled and ethical. This set of traits ensures that an ENFJ can usually connect with others of varying backgrounds and personalities. ENFJs rely more on intuition and feelings, living more in their imagination than the real world. This can be troublesome, for the individual themselves and those around them. Rather than living in the, "now" and what is currently happening, ENFJs tend to concentrate on the abstract and what could possibly unfold in the future.
  • Religion
    • Faith of Estel [10/10]
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Life Story

0-18 Years Old

The birth of Alliss was a special moment for the parents, who had always wanted a child of their own. During the fourth day, Alliss's home and family were burnt by Wolond Kathar. Barely surviving the attack, a Slizzar by the name of Eric Decimar came to rescue the little Yanar. After beginning to raise the young Yanar, she'd begin to look to her parental figure and begin to think about her individual self, trying to discover her own personality to be like Eric's. At first, she shifted herself as a Drow. But, decided to be more independent than the others that Eric had adopted. In which, after 10 years, she'd go to get the Shape Essense from a Altalar she encountered as well as an Ailor as she traveled with Eric wherever he went. However, over time, Alliss begun to develop her own form.. Her own personality. In which, she became more of a he, being like his father more than anything. But, he studied what Ritualism he could as he'd also learn some basic defense tactics.

19-28 Years Old

Being 19 years old, Alliss changed their name to Alaexyn, to follow along his idea of individualism. His thirst for knowledge increased as he grew up away from Eric, moving off around the world, learning all about the Avatars of the Estel Pantheon as well as learning more about the Faith of Estel. After some time, he managed to learn even more Ritualism to start connecting himself with Estel and the Pantheon as a whole. Now, after so many years of learning, he has come to join Cro-Maarx's side, as he had helped the Yanar become the man he is today.
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