Preserved Sheet Al-thezz

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Oct 27, 2015
Reaction score
Ey my first character sheet, I may have missed some lore stuff but I've tried to make it as lore accurate as possible. If the concept is dumb for the current RP climate go ahead and tell me, I'm new to these lands.
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Althezz Al-Quetzel

  • Age: 23

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Al-Allar

  • Sexuality: Hetreosexual but has a low sex-drive even for an Allar
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 23

20 Alchemy sciences (+10 from proficiency +10 from racial boost)

5 Magical Knowledge (+5 from proficiency)

3 Religious Knowledge (+3 from proficiency)

5 Perception training (+5 from proficiency)

10 Medical sciences (+10 from racial boost)

Body Shape

  • 0 Combat Points

  • Average Body Shape

  • Average Body Fat


Zasta (taught by parents)

Common (learned during teen years)

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Yellow iris with white sclera

  • Hair Color: N/A but horns are on the darker side of grey

  • Hair Style: Curved horns

  • Skin Color: Grey Scales

  • Clothing: Al-Thezz is dressed in a black robe filled with various vials and small pouches supported by leather straps all across his body, the largest crossing down from his shoulder to his chest and one around his waist.

  • Height: 5'4
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Facial Features: Al-Thezz's face is somewhat shallow and sharp, with heavy bags under his eyes indicating a lack of sleep. His horns also seem to be somewhat worn down in places- not from breakage or any intentional damage but rather seem to be gradually worn down in some places.

  • Fashion Appearance: Al-Thezz almost always dons a simple robe as he isnt exactly one for fashion although he does wear various basic iron rings on his hands that he enjoys fiddling with when he is nervous

  • Speech: Generally the Al-allar speaks with something of a stutter in his raspy voice, especially around new individuals but will rapidly gain confidence as he gets to know individuals and is prone to begin rambling and general giving off the vibe of a slight madlizard as his stutter disappears and he begins talking faster than his mind can really keep up with.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • To others: Al-Thezz is generally a sort of individual who is met with some amusement or even sympathy by many, his appearance gives off the vibe of an overworked student and his constant stutter does not really lend well to that feeling. If someone were to hear about him they would likely have to take a moment to remember him but would likely do so possibly with a chuckle at the thought of the rather stressed looking lizard trying to find the correct potion on the vast network of leathers on his body.

  • On the Inside: Al-Thezz is quietly confident in himself and feels no anxiety over his abilities or what others may think of him, he merely has trouble making a first meeting as meeting new people isn't something he is particularly fond of. On the inside he is abit of a know-it-all really but quickly humbles himself when an opportunity to learn more shows up.

  • Friends and Family: Al-Thezz is quite cheerful around his friends and family, perhaps often having a quiver to his voice depending on the amount of stress he feels under, he will happily share his knowledge with them although can become fairly snarky even when close friends try to meddle in his private affairs when it is not wanted.

  • Morality: Al-Thezz is somewhat troubled in his morality, he wants to be a good member of the empire and contribute his knowledge to the world but a feeling of despair cannot help but crop up in his mind even at his best "will this really change anything?", "Existence will all end one day, like any other reaction." Over the years these doubts have led to Al-thezz becoming somewhat arbitrary in his morality and being fairly open to less moral acts if they further his own ends even if he is somewhat uncomfortable doing them it also gives part of him great satisfaction to do something for him, at the end of the day he's trying to do something with his doomed existence just like everyone else. Why shouldn't he put himself first?

  • World View: Al-Thezz is an individual who has perhaps over thought or misinterpreted his race's philosophy, as he has become rather hung up on the idea of existence as a reaction and one that must invariably end. This has led to him having a rather nihilistic view of the world as he continues his search for knowledge, which to him is one of the only escapes from the rather depressing idea about the universe he has, naturally this worldview leads to him often being fairly detached or aggressive to individuals who are incredibly optimistic- as much as he hates to admit it he is ignorant of the fools who live their lives ignorant to the invariable conclusion the universe will reach.

Life Story (Required)

Althezz Al-Quetzel was born to a pair of Al-Allar parents in Hadar but was unfortunately the only one of his brood to be the same subspecies of his parents. This led Al-thezz to be be a fairly timid child in his early life as he had little interaction with others outside of his family and the few friends he made. He spent his early years fascinated by alchemy and magic, initially for the sheer wonder of such things but eventually these interests grew into interest in their applications to the real world. After some time studying what he could find on the arts of magic he quickly came to realise he was incapable of such feats and, after an intervention from his parents who were concerned such a interest could only end badly at this point, gave up any study into the arcane arts in favour of a more typical study of alchemy. He enjoyed his studies and excelled in them, only adding to his race's natural knack for such things. By his teen years Al-thezz was highly spoken of by his parents and those who knew of his knowledge, despite his rather lacking social skills and somewhat romanticised view of magic.

As Al-thezz began to enter his teenage years his thoughts began to turn to philosophy and his people's 'faith' if it could truly be called that. During his childhood the great mixture of existence fascinated him as did most things he was taught, however as time went on and he thought on the nature of any alchemical mixture his mind gradually reached an inescapable conclusion; every reaction ended at some point. He questioned his parents about this and when they gave him rather vague answers to the effect of "All good things must come to an end" answers he fell into something of a depression for several years as he felt his life was ultimately meaningless.

After several years of his constant pondering, falling performance in areas of alchemy and multiple rather heated outbursts to his parents (not all necessarily related to his dreary views but that most definitely changed caused a noticeable change to many, who were quickly pushed away if they inquired) Al-thezz decided it would be best to look elsewhere for the answers he so desperately wanted, even if he did not find a answer to his question a new world open to him would at least server as a distraction. Arriving in Regalia the Al-Allar has found few prospects and despite his stats as a first rank citizens is currently living on the streets desperate for whatever opportunities show their face.
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So I'm just wondering for this guy if there would be anymore I should mention he already has several alchemical ingredients on his person or if that is just assumed to be true given his high proficiency in alchemy and having multiple bags and such to carry those sort of things anyway.
Yeah, that isn't necessarily what we look into for the character application. I just want to make sure the character makes sense and is lore compliant/will work well. I shall be looking through today, had a busy week so far.
All good, I'm in no rush and I hope I haven't screwed up any lore stuff with my first character haha.
Very nice character and a wonderful application, good job! You're approved.