Al Aozadur Od Marc'hadour Avanturiers

Jun 25, 2018
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Al Aozadur od Marc'hadour Avanturiers, or The Organisation of Merchant-Adventurers is a Guild established in 257AC in the town of Duntot, Kintyr, by one Caelothair of Duntot who sought to organise and provide tasks to the more rowdy and athletic youth in exchange for rewards, granting them experience in a number of fields of work from the most menial of jobs to the riskiest of Mercenary undertakings. Still operational today, Cordilaire and Merliair of Duntot bring the Aozadur to Regalia to provide similar work and regal rewards to the people of Regalia who find themselves in need of more varied and flexible working conditions.

The Aozadur operates upon a rank-basis, providing different jobs to different groups of individuals based on personal requests or the skill sets deemed best suited towards the tasks. It provides a wide range of work that spans most of the Crown Isle and the vast countryside surrounding the city, with jobs provided by people ranging from hassled merchants to the most Esteemed of Nobility. The Ranks of the Aozadur are listed as shown below, but a register of members and parties is held privately. Jobs are typically undertaken in parties ranging from two people to five, with larger tasks provided to groups of ten, or multiple individual parties to suit the needs of the contractor.

Registration as an individual or a party is a simple task, and can be done in person or via a letter addressed to Perc'henn Cordilaire of Duntot after which an interview can be arranged to take place. Registration as a Contractor is just as simple, only a letter is needed detailing the work requested, a meeting shall then be arranged with half the cost of the contract made directly as a down payment.

The Owner and Guildmaster of the Avanturiers, they are responsible for the approval and denial of quests, and the processing of new Avanturiers.

Avanturier Platina
The leaders of their respective parties and those responsible with accepting quests on behalf of their peers, the payments for completed quests will also be given to this individual to dispense between their party as they see fit.

The individual members of each party that are signed up under an Avanturier Platina. They make up the majority of the members.

Avanturier Digenvez
A side-grade to the Avanturier that dictates a single individual not signed up to work with a Platina, they undertake missions on their own, or are signed up with parties where requested.

Party Name / Contractor Name:
Party Leader (Application) / Contractor:
Party Members:
Discord (for communications, or just message Breizhwoman#3197):
Additional Details and Documents + Changelog

OOC Details
With the closing of the Clicker Crisis, I've decided to start up a Questing Guild of sorts much like the old Redblock Trading Company so greatly run by Carlit0o and Bellarmina which has been an aspiration of mine for quite some time. To me, the epitome of Medieval Fantasy is adventuring guilds just like this one that enable people to travel and undertake quests. Such is the experience I wish to provide.

Below are the additional documents and spreadsheets that will detail quests, I hope to update these frequently and wish to draw Quests from both IC characters and NPC characters from outwith the city within reason, and to provide a good variety of quests that folk from all walks of life in the city can undertake.

I'll be clear in stating that I'm fairly new to this, so it'll take some time to properly hit my stride. As such most starting quests will be 'testing the waters' of DMing events and building them on Creative plots too. I apologise for any mistakes I make during this starting period.

Additional Documents
Links to Spreadsheets are provided below.
Quest Spreadsheet!

Links to Google Documents are provided below.
Rolling and Event Mechanics!