Preserved Sheet Aksel Haagenvig

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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"The next time I make you cry, they'll be tears of joy!"






"One is all, and all is one."​

  • Full Name: Aksel Johansen Haagenvig.
  • Age: 21 years old.
    • Born 285 A.C., on the first of march.
    • Birthplace: Gästrelänvatnan, Drixagh.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Velheim Ailor.
  • Religion: Oldt Fayth.
  • Main Ambition: To understand Regalia and to become a renowned hunter.




"Slip into your picture perfect world- just to piss it off."​

  • Proficiency (21 points)
  • +11 Common Shortbow (+10 School of Huntverk, +1 from Points)
  • +10 Trapping (+10 School of Huntverk)
  • +10 Tracking (+10 School of Huntverk)
  • +10 Skagger Axes (+10 from Velheim)
  • +5 Small Shield (+5 proficiency points)
  • +5 Sneaking. (+5 proficiency points)
  • Cultural
    • +5 Cuisine cooking.
    • +5 Drawing.
    • +5 Ship sailing.
    • +5 Wood carving.
    • +1 Husbandry.
  • Languages:
    • Skodje.
    • Als-Tunge.
    • Common.



"Do I look like a clown to you?"​

  • Eye Color: Ice-blue.
  • Hair Color: Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Hair flowing one big strand on the right side of his face with an undercut.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Wears casual clothing that has his family colors. The occasional pelt.
  • Height: 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm).
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Shortbows.
    • Small shields.
    • Skagger Axes.
    • Nets.




"I take great pride in being annoying."​

  • First Paragraph:
    • New to the world outside Drixagh, Aksel is commonly shown as brash, crude and rough individual who should probably learn to keep his mouth shut. He's a delinquent that never grew up. By no means does this make this antisocial- quite the opposite, as he enjoys speaking with others. Though, his talks aren't always pleasurable for the opposing party, as he's quite quick to ask near-invasive questions in rude fashions, or make crude 'flirts' and insults. He can actually be quite sweet to people he believes in danger or in trouble, though he's not necessarily a nice person otherwise.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Aksel is a naive person, easily tricked and misguided, though he is far too stubborn to really be scared. As a follower of Oldt Fayth, Aksel is relatively accepting of new things, a fact that leads to his instances of fear being few and far between. Can't fear the unknown if you accept it. Aksel, despite lacking fear of the unknown, does indeed fear that which he does know. Particularly monstrous creatures, strong folk, magic, his father and children, are all objects of anxiety for the young archer. He has a large amount of repressed rage, that forces itself out in sheer combat-based brutality, mostly against nonhumans. It rarely ever comes up in day-to-day conversation, though he's prone to violent outbursts when on touchy subjects- such as Montagaard, his mother and and the like.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Aksel treats his friends as that to be treasured and treated well. He'd never throw a serious insult at a friend, nor would he go behind their back. He doesn't rank his friends either, preferring to stay entirely out of interfriend drama. He's a drinking buddy, ready to chug away with anyone he sees fit. Perhaps a result of his inexperience to the world, Aksel is blatantly unable to see the bad side of people, usually leading to his friends not necessarily being the best influences. He's a loyal lapdog to the Haagenvig family, though he's still got quite a bit of a rebellious streak when his father doesn't have him on leash.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Aksel can be considered morally grey. He cannot relate to nonhumans in the slightest and is able to disassociate entirely when battling them. He's sometimes able to do the same to humans, especially those who show malice or distaste towards him. In the same vein, as a Velheim, he finds glory in combat and can be excessively brutal, something that isn't necessarily considered a good trait. As an Oldt Fayth worshipper, he is no stranger to the concept of taking life to give blessings and has sacrificed a good share of animals to those he worships.




"We have to fight in order to live and that's what makes us strong."​

Born to Valbrand Haagenvig and Irene Johansen in 284 AC, Aksel Haagenvig was born a twin alongside his sister, Siselle Haagenvig. He was born in the province of Gästrelänvatnan within the capital tribe of Kopvagr. Born a twin, equal care was given to both him and his sister, mostly from the parents of his mother and father. He'd grow up without any issues (with the exception of attitude), keeping up with the other children in his tribe. He was a real rascal, causing consistent trouble and refusing to learn manners. His parents weren't necessarily against this and his antics weren't discouraged, in fact, as they were the only things that got his father to notice him, they were almost encouraged. Him and his sister formed a quick rivalry from birth, constantly trying to one-up the other. Though, they loved each other nonetheless.

His life took a strong left turn, however, when at age seven Kopvagr was attacked by a rival tribe- Skaloekr. Aksel was defended by his grandmother, on his father's side, hiding away in a shelter until the battle ended. In the aftermath, his mother was nowhere to be found. Aksel had barely known his mother, and she was taken away quicker than he ever imagined.

From the age of eight and onwards, Aksel retreated into studies, mostly of the axe. Despite the kind words of his tutor- his father, Aksel continued this form of escapism until the age of ten. This two-year period of silence ended when he began to take up hunting with his family. The works of Ser Halberd Huntverk caught his eye.

Aksel continued his hunting training for a myriad of reasons, mostly including the approval of his father. Speaking of his father, his training hadn't ceased. Valbrand taught the boy the use of a small shield and axe- a style that he'd continue to pick up with time.

Though it wasn't all fun and games. His sister, Siselle, had left for Regalia while Aksel remained and trained. Though, at the age of twenty, when his training had finally finished, Montagaard's soldiers attacked Drixagh. His family's lands were spared, though the news of it worried Aksel. It was for this exact reason that on February of 306 A.C., Aksel hopped on a boat to Regalia. He had his twenty-first birthday on the waves, and arrived on March 17th.
Now in Regalia, he's taken up a job as a Hightower Guardsman and takes leisure in hunting with his family, and searching for friends.
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