Preserved Sheet Akiyoshi Nakamura

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Jun 23, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information

Name: Haie'ge Le'ge'en

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Sihai - War Dynasty

Proficiency Points


+25 Eastern Martial Combat Skill (From Proficiency Points)

+8 Sorcery Magic (From Proficiency Points)

+14 Athletic Training (From Proficiency Points)

+10 Culinary Arts (From Hobby Points)

Body shape (Physical stat=32)

Body shape: Muscular

Body fat: Low Body Fat




Sorcery Spells

  • Fired for battle
The Sorcerer gains a Passive effect that occurs whenever they enter combat. This effect can cause a multitude of effects to take place, which the player may choose from, in any combination, in any quantity; not all of them need to take place if the player does not want them to. These functions are purely aesthetic.
  • Overwhelming Force
The Sorcerer can collect their energy into their hands, producing a powerful attack every 4th attack. The Sorcerer must use three mundane attacks. After landing a third attack successfully, the fourth attack becomes an empowered attack which causes an Overwhelming Force strike.

Visual Information

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Jet black

Hair style: Long, tied back in a bun

Skin colour: A pale tan

Clothing: Akiyoshi wears the traditional silky clothing, it being long, lose and easy to move in. He wears a red kimono with wrapping around his stomach and lower arms ending just below the elbow. As for footwear, Akiyoshi will commonly be seen wearing sandles.

Height: 6'1"



Personality Information

The Core List
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Character Personality Type: ISTJ (The Inspector)
Character Religion: Worship of the Loong Dragons (7/10)

Life Story

Akiyoshi was born in a small town at the foot of a great rocky mountain, a large temple sitting atop of it. It was a beautiful town, about half of it being built above water, the buildings connected by wooden boardwalks. He was born into a family of fisherman, however the stars had predicted that Akiyoshi would grow up to "break the trend".

For the first eight years of his life Akiyoshi would help his father out with his fishing, and was taught how to catch a fish with a spear, something that Akiyoshi spent a lot of time practising, getting very good at it. Once he reached the age of eight he was sent away by his family with pride to train under an old master. He was taught not only the way of the sword, but the way of the warrior , who fought not for war, but for peace. Three years later Akiyoshi befriended a new student named Ren, and they got close. The two would train together in their free time, Akiyoshi with his sword and Ren with her bow. The two of them continued to train, and at the young age of 20, Akiyoshi asked Ren to be his wife, and to his joy she accepted.

The two now wed Sihai warrior moved into a small home together and continued their work as Sihai warriors. Shortly after the couple began to take on students themselves, training the future generations in their footsteps, though were shortly after were called back into action, which the two didn't hesitate to do.

However at the age of 37 the couple comitted an act of utter shame, something unspeakable to their kin. This is what lead the two to flee out of guilt, hiding away in a small transport ship for a small sum of money, they sailed to the city of Regalia. However the shame would remain within Akiyoshi, and would not be leaving any time soon.
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Hello! I'm claiming this for review!​
Hi! It's review time!​
  • First things first, the Ch'ien-Ji currently have to use the Common Dynasty point buff until the Sihai update is finalized, so his +10 in Blades should be changed to +10 Eastern Knowledge
  • Secondly, his points for the time being are listed as "Age and Points" which are the same thing. Any boosts should be listed as a boost, please!
  • Any boosted proficiencies have no impact on his body shape. So he would be at 34, not 44.
  • The language part is okay for now, Tatsugo/Wa'an is iffy at the moment since the Sihai update isn't finalized. In the future it will be changed to Wa'an, sorry for the confusing pages!
  • Samurai are not compliant in our current lore, maybe one day, but not right now, so I'm going to have to ask you to remove that for me!
Thank you for your time, please make all the edits in a new color and tag me @Rochelle_ when finished!
Hello, I've changed a couple of things to fit in with the Sihai update!

Hi! All I'm going to ask you to do is update the name to the Sihai naming system (Or atleast provide a Wa'co Translation) and to update the personality paragraphs to the new template! Thank you!
Make sure to make the edits in a new color and tag me when you're done!
Hi! All I'm going to ask you to do is update the name to the Sihai naming system (Or atleast provide a Wa'co Translation) and to update the personality paragraphs to the new template! Thank you!
Make sure to make the edits in a new color and tag me when you're done!
Bump! Please do your edits! @__TheDarkLord__