Preserved Sheet Akame Sihiri

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Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Akame sihiri

  • Age: 21 years

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor

  • Main Ambition: Self entertainment, she likes to have fun. And has a strong desire to have fun, therefor it is her ambition.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: blue

  • Hair Color: brown

  • Hair Style: long, usually hanging down her front

  • Skin Color: white

  • Clothing: light, leathery clothing with many hidden pockets

  • Height: 5'11

  • Weight: 120 lb

  • Body Build: between athletic and ripped

  • Weapon of Choice: Dual daggers- style similar to turall
Skill Information

  • School: School of Turall

  • Level: Warrior

  • Source: Forced to learn from a old ombature mentor hosting his own private school in her area. Not officially a school though. That is how she was able to get in whilst not being male.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Deal with it, She is not likely to complain about anything. She is the kind of person who will get up and try again, even after a serious injury. Her pain tolerance is elevated due to her training. So she can push forward and continue fighting after taking a blow, she is also not very empathetic of others suffering, she would often say just Get up and deal with it.

  • Intuition, Due to having spent 20 years in a shady city full of scumbags, she can often tell if someone has negative intentions. She has been cheated out of many things before. So she can see a scam when she needs to. She can use this to avoid negative situations.

  • Intimidating, she had to look strong so she wouldn't be a target for other people. Remember she grew up in a city of scum bags… many of those people would try and take advantage of Akame if she looked weak. she had to develop the skill to be scary, and look tough. Otherwise she would have maybe not survived the city.

  • Daring, she could not look soft. If someone asked her to fight, not accepting the challenge could be a sign of weakness. So she would often give daring bluffs. Or unrealistic threats, that somehow still seem believable. This being an attempt to avoid a fight though, or to not become a target for people trying to take advantage of her. Although she does have her own fears, she is adept at hiding them. This is why she can seem so daring, and fearless.

  • Social, Akame is a social person. She wants to get to know people, and make friends with them. She likes shady people who seem a bit evil, because they remind akame of her home up in the north. However, she will often stalk them. Following them until she decides it the right time to make herself known to them. This can make her seem like a creep, a spy, or an assassin, but she is likely genuinely interested in knowing them as a friend.

  • Vengeful, She can get mad sometimes, you don't want to see akame mad. I consider this her emotional weakness, and the two above, physical and mental weaknesses. When akame gets mad to the point she can't hold back her rage, people can die. Luckily this doesn't happen often. And if she doesn't get mad, but however someone has attacked her in some way, she is bound to get revenge. She wants to get revenge on people who wrong her. She can't forgive someone without having punished them in some way.

  • Thin Skin, It is easy to get on akame's nerves, especially if she already found you annoying. If someone continually bothers her, she will eventually lose it… rather quickly to. It's difficult for her to handle annoyances, and she will often thrash out at the source to make it stop.


  • Vampiric knowledge, As a result of spending pretty much all her life surrounded by sanguines, she has gained a large knowledge of them, and all their abilities. Knowing pretty much everything every bloodline is capable of, except the zelhar because only one existed as the ruler of the city.

  • Acrobatics, Akame is quite the acrobat. She has speed and agility, she is also great at park-our, and free-running. This is mostly a result of her training. She has endurance as well, being able to run without getting winded much longer than an ordinary person could. She is also very sneaky while moving around, this is great for making escapes.

  • Reaction time, Having known many ombatures. She must have had to compete with them for many things. As a result she has a improved reaction time, it's not quite on par with the ombatures. However it does help close the gap quite a bit. She has also been accused of being a ombature, because of her reaction time.

  • Too far, Due to her daring personality, she will often not only go too far in a competition, but she will go too far in relationships to. Having little sense of 'crossing the line' which she often will do. If she makes a bluff, and someone calls her out on it. She will go through with the bluff. To prove she wasn't joking around. If she hears someone bragging about their pain tolerance, she may have a little competition with him to see who can take more pain, and of course she will regret it after the ordeal. She will also often take dares, even if it results in embarrassment. This can be used to manipulate her, although it requires someone like Alexandra clark (a approved character of mine), to actually utilize this weakness to its fullest.

  • Short tempered, Due to her 'thin skin' personality trait, she has a very short temper. She will often do things she will regret when she thrashes out at the annoyance. Such as hurting a loved one, or stabbing a stranger in the back… and some other things she may deeply regret later on.

  • Insomnia, Akame has trouble sleeping. She can never obtain as much sleep as she needs to. This can have some consequences on the body, such as a slow healing rate. The body needs rest to heal, and because Akame has trouble getting sleep, it's difficult for her body to heal from intense activities. Having a loss in sleep she also has a weakened immune system. However on the worse nights, she can be extremely irritable the day after. This accumulates with her 'thin skin' personality trait and 'short temper' weakness. this makes her easy to piss off. if she gets too many nights in a row with little sleep, her Cognitive functions can decrease dramatically. Another limitation this causes, is it makes her sleep even more important, so she cant stay up a night without facing the consequences. So she has to try and sleep every night, and shouldn't stay up late.

Life Story

She was born into the far north of Ellador, in a infamous vampire city under the control of one particular immensely powerful Zehler, this vampire being the sole ruler over thousands of vampires living in complete anarchy…. Well it was anarchy until he came. (refrence to the trivia She was born to be fed on by the zehler periodically once she became strong enough. So she was under the protection of quite a few sanguines.

Most of her life here, she was open to the cruelness on the world, and the scum that inhabited the city, definitely no special snowflake.

-7 years old- a lowly Umredd decided it wanted to feed on her, she became infected, but she was cured before she turned into one of them, luckily… however from this point on she was to learn how to defend herself, and told to kill the next one who tried this… but she wasn't prepared for that yet, she was forced to learn how to fight, learning from a ombature who attended many years at the school of Turall, he has taught many people in this town, you might call him old, but he is very skilled.

-year 16- Up to this year, she has been forced to train and fight, but only now does she have the body strength required to not completely fail at everything she was made to do, she was to be fed on by the zehler once every two months at this age now… her training is progressing though, very soon to be the student equivalent.

-Year 17- she is beginning to excel at her training, able to do things she couldn't before, however still being beat into the dirt by the other students the old man was training.

-year 20- now, being quite the fighter, she has excelled above to the warrior class with the other students the old man trained, However, the old man will have passed away the very next day, and now his bitter apprentice was their new trainer… but he was much less understanding than the old man, and only cared about results and pleasing the zelher, not his students health and well being… the zehler also stopped feeding on her, so she was permitted to become a sanguine, However she didn't want to, and this decision was respected by her fellow comrades.

-year 21- she decided it was time to leave, but the zehler wouldn't let her go if it was her decision, so she broke one of his laws and got banished, in an effort to go on an adventure, she found herself on a boat headed to regalia after many days of traveling south.
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You can submit the optional skills portion involving Turall and make her a Warrior Rank, it would give the character a lot of validity in her style.
Here is my review!
  • Fighting suggests that the fighting style is self made. I will actually contradict Jack's advice and say that if this is not the School of Turall but a fighting style of your own making, then it should not be documented as Turall, nor would it be as effective as just training under the Turall school. Some of the best soldiers and fighters in the lands have been practicing and honing this style for nearly 200 years. Your character is not going to just wake up one day, have an epiphany and make something better or even on par with the School of Turall. I'd say if you want to dual wield daggers, just cut this and learn the School of Turall. If you find it essential to invent your own fighting technique I am going to cap you at a max of the equivalent as fighter level in the School of Turall. This is also a strength, not a personality trait. I get you are suggesting that it is in their personality that they don't like being watched, but that is somewhat of a footnote compared to the fact that it implies skill with your weapon of choice.
  • The remaining 4 out of 5 personality traits are all positive. To make sure this is a bit more balanced, make sure to replace Fighting with a negative personality trait.
  • Vampiric knowledge can be applicable to all but detecting Ombratores when they are not doing their bloodline abilities, revealing the tell in their eyes. There are literally no tells in the way an Ombratore carries themselves differently than a regular person.
  • Overexertion is not a valid weakness because it strengthens you as much as it weakens you. It suggests that you are better in fight #1 and if there is another fight after you may be weakened. Every single time you fight there will be a first fight, but there won't always be a second fight. Replace this with a different weakness.
  • Vengeful doesn't really strengthen or weaken you, it is in fact a personality trait. In addition to replacing Fighting with a negative personality trait, move this to personality as a negative trait and replace it with a different weakness.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
All of the edits are fine except the magic weakness. Really anybody who hasn't chosen to learn magic has this. Lack of a certain skill is not automatically make it a weakness, as not focusing on the magic allowed your character to develop the other skill they have. Replace this again.
(I promise I am not just nitpicking)

Light insomnia is still not fully panning out. Strengths and Weaknesses need to effectively counter balance one another. The fatal flaw in it is that you basically say "This weakens him, but not that much really." None of your strengths say for instance "He has great reaction time except it's really not that fast, just a little." Your strengths are fully committed strengths, so your weaknesses have to be a fully committed weakness. Insomia can be played out as a decent weakness, but it just needs fine tuning. Give yourself a more finite and impacting consequence such as extreme irritability when you haven't slept. Then apply a slightly more objective mechanism such as a roll each day when you log in to see if you slept the night before. You don't have to use these, I leave that to you but to flesh this out as a weakness it has to have a true impact that is objectively triggered and has a specific consequence.