Preserved Sheet Aji Kairbaba

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In this life it's either bitch or be bitched.
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score



Basic Information
Full Name: Aji Kairbaba
  • Imam Kairbabi / Aunt Baba
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Race: Hassal Songaskia
Main Ambition: Follow her role as Priestess and spread the Shambala faith within the city of Regalia.



Skill Information
Proficiency Points: 20/20 (Spell Cap at 20)
  • +15 Drixon Spear (+10 from being Songaskian +5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Trapping (+10 from being Songaskian)
  • +5 Mastigo Whip (+5 from Proficiency Points)
Cultural Points: 40/40
  • +15 Literature (+15 from Culture Points)
  • +10 Tailoring (+10 from Culture Points)
  • +5 Body Care (+5 from Culture Points)
  • +5 Vocal Music (+5 from Culture Points)
  • +5 Pastry Cooking (+5 from Culture Points)
Spell Book: (Six Spells Total)
Will never be able to cast, practice, or teach magic ever again due to her eyes being removed by The Synod!
  1. Wellen: Firewave
  2. Bondale: Formetal Weapon
  3. Laskma: Weapon Brand
  4. Book of Trickery: Shard of Sight
  5. Book of Pleasure: Cursed Pain
  6. Aimenn: Magnetic Bend
  • Sofaal (Native Language)
  • Faraddi (Adopted Language)
  • Common (Adopted Lanuage)



Visual Information
Eye Color: Beige with purple limbus
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Shaved, tattooed head
Skin Color: Extremely dark umber
Clothing: Yellow, gold, and white robes
Height: 6'1"
Body Build: Average
Weapon of Choice: Wellen: Firewave Spell or Branded Drixon Spear



Personality and Abilities

1.) To all non-followers of the Shambala faith, meeting Aji may be quite the experience. The woman will speak gently but sternly of the almighty sun, voicing pros and passages about all the sun does. While she may seem kindly to the stranger and caring to children, there is a fierce fury beneath the surface. To those who disrespect the Shambala or the Sun, Aji will raise her texts high and call out in a mighty voice. Then, using spells carefully picked to show the fury of the sun she will assail the neighsayer. From burns to blindness, Aji believes she holds not the light of the sun, but its wrath.

2.) Aji believes her mission to Regalia to be of the utmost importance. Following the recent war between her homeland and that of the Crown City, she firmly believes that such disasters may be averted in the future and the Regalian Empire would crumble should they simply see the error of their ways and turn their eyes to the Sun. She wishes no immediate harm on those who do not follow the Shambala, after all they were raised ignorant in this blighted land, but she will take a twisted pleasure on burning any denier to a charred pile of ash.

3.) While to outsiders Aji may be seen as a fire and brimstone, text thumping, reforming preaching priestess, who may just be a little too devout, those under her tender care experience a much different woman. To those under her mission, children, or even to those who are vaguely interested in Shambala beliefs, she greets them with tender care. They find her to be an exceptionally calm and soft spoken motherly figure who will tend to their wounds, read them stories, and bake them sweets. To these people, she is not Aji Kairibaba, but the tender Aunt Baba.

4.) Aji adheres with an unrestricted passion to the texts and beliefs of Shambala and her loyalty to its traditions place her nicely within the realm of lawful neutral. Whatever her faith demands she will carry out, including the horrific burning of adamant deniers and the hanis supporting of slavery. Yet, quite paradoxically, she often finds herself as a guiding motherly figure to non-Songaskians. Though she does see them as ignorant children due to their race and beliefs, she chooses to treat them with tender care and kindness and never speak of their natural inferiority to their faces. Whether this negates her kind acts is up for debate.

5.) From being raised to become a Shambala Priestess, Aji has a fanatical devotion to the faith of the Sun. To her, the world would find itself in total peace should only the lesser races too see the Sun's holy glory. That is her mission and the reason she traveled to Regalia. She knows of the power that fear can bring, hence the use of her magic, but she also knows how a caring touch can turn hearts. She wishes no evil will on anyone and genuinely cares for the growth of individuals and their faith.



Life Story

Young Life [0 - 18]
  • Aji Kairibaba was the eldest daughter born to a Hassal couple in the great city of Korbamakora in Farah'deen. Her parents were known Shambala extremists.
  • By the age of five, Aji mentioned to her father that she was having strange dreams of a swirling purple void. Overjoyed, her father praised the Sun loudly and sent word to his sister; a Shambala Priestess.
  • Not a month later, Aji was put in the direct care of her aunt within a particularly gaudy Sun Temple. The young girl was informed that her dreams where a great blessing of the Sun and that their god demanded that Aji become a Priestess.
  • The young girl was overjoyed at the idea of becoming part of the holy body her mother and father spoke such unending praise of. She knew just how overjoyed they must have been.
  • From the age of age of six to fourteen, Aji was under the care of five priestesses and two male sacrament servants as she was rigorously taught the Shambala faith night and day.
  • At the age of fourteen, Aji reached the faithful day that started her training in the magic arts, or "The Powers of the Sun", as she was told.
  • While some priestess studied the healing and warm light of the sun, Aji studied the wrathful and blinding aspects of the Sun. Some strange Kathar texts drifted through her courses as well.
  • By the age of eighteen, Aji was deemed an official Priestess and released to the public. Though, she continued her study of magic with the other sisters.
Middle Life [18 - 35]
  • Not long after being announced as a priestess, Aji was involved in a scandal. For the past four years, she was romantically involved with a male sacrament bearer. Though there was no dogma that declared the celibacy of priestesses, the man was charged with violating the light of the sun. He was dragged to be burned in the center square. That day Aji learned just how wrathful the sun could be.
  • Aji preached throughout the city, raising up the hopeless and burning the heretics in the name of the Sun. In a way, she meant to atone for the death of first lover.
  • She drew some ire from other Priestesses as she was known to reach out to all, including Wolor. But, her conviction could not be doubted.
  • Aji continued this preaching for many years, even throughout the civil war that erupted.
Current Life [35 - Present]
  • Following the recent war with Regalia, Aji was filled with thoughts of the state of the world. She looked outside her country and saw all the depravity. Believing this to be caused by the lack of true faith in the world, she decided to change that.
  • After much deliberation, Aji decided that she would make the bold and dangerous journey to start a secret mission into Regalia itself to bring about more to the Sun.
  • With the help of the Massya's rule, Aji and her religious texts were smuggled into the crown city.
  • She now resides in the slums as she attempts to convert the lowlifes there to the sun with the use of fire and kindness.
  • Loses all ability to caste magic after her eyes were forcibly removed by The Synod. This was due to her attacking a Unionist priest over an argument of the Sham-abdala religion.
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Reserved for Relationships*
AAAAA, I wanna meet her. Nicely written app!
@Walrusaur_ This character has, through RP encounters, had her eyes removed as punishment by The Synod. This prevents her from casting magic from now on. As such I would like to remove magic perms from this character due to the inability to cast from now on. However, I would like to keep the magic as part of the character's past. All changes are made in this color and I have made it quite clear of her situation in the app.