Preserved Sheet Aireth Daalsein

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Mulch Enthusiast
Nov 26, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Character Information

  • Full Name: Aireth Nianna Daalsein

  • Race: Teledden Altalar

  • Age: 226 (born May 17th, 85 AC)

  • Gender: Female

  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept

  • Aireth is a Reliquary knight of the Chatellane chapter, wanting to bring glory and honor to her family's name. She's focused on keeping the family legacy in history by all means possible, while keeping to her code. Due to her faith, and to her always seeking to be better than others, she's found herself in a state of perfectionism.

  • Aireth is an Estellon worshiper, choosing Savellon as her main patron, due to her desire for perfection.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Counterplay Pack (Defensive
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Scrapper Pack (artificer)
    • Tracker Pack (artificer)
    • Affliction Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • Displacing
    • Disruption
    • Blessings
    • Illusionism
    • Protection
    • Thanhicism
    • Spellsword
Greater Mage
    • Displacing - Perfect Copy
    • Mimicry - Magic Blink
    • Spellsword - Magic Blade
  • Charisma: 2
    • Empire Linguistic Pack
    • Stupid Luck Pack
  • Rage Counter (defensive)
  • Tracking Node (artifice)
  • Makeshift Weapon (artifice)
  • Arcane Knockback (magic)
  • Link Disrupt (magic)
  • Healing Hands (magic)
  • Reflection Strike (magic)
  • Saving Grace (magic)
  • Disrupting Rune (magic)
  • Magic Throw (magic)
  • Magic Blink (greater mage)
  • Perfect Copy (greater mage)
  • Magic Blade (greater mage)
  • Special: Ritualistic Scripture (Ritualism - Common)
  • Special: Pantheon Manifested (Ritualism - Estel)
  • Special: Medical Patent (Artifice)
  • Special: Chassis Patent (Artifice)
  • Special: Biotic Patent (Artifice)
  • Special: Lifegiver patent (Artifice)
  • Special: Dressage Cleanse (magic)
  • Special: Armor Cleanse (magic)
  • Special: Health Call (magic)
  • Special: Dueling Brand (magic)
  • Special: Chain Break (magic)
  • Special: Arcane Sight (magic)
  • Special: Arcane Wardrobe (magic)
  • Special: Memory Break (magic)
  • Special: Cold Immune (magic)
  • Special: Guardians (magic)
  • Special: Water Element (magic)
  • Special: Fire Element (magic)
  • Special: Light Element (magic)
  • Special: Surfwalking (magic)
  • Special: Airwalking (magic)
  • Special: Sparkwalking (magic)
  • Special: Self Control (magic)
  • Special: Life Wall (magic)
  • Special: Rune Smithing (magic)
  • Special: Evil Tongues (magic)
  • Special: Wind Element (magic)

Common (free)
Altalar (native)
Empire Linguistic Pack (Linguistics)

Appearance Information

  • She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. The Teledden stands at a stature of 6'10

  • She is a born mage, but without any mutations. She's had her right arm replaced with Nephiltech.
Life Story

  • 85 AC: Aireth Nianna Daalsein was born to two Teledden on Daen, a continent in which many Altalar live. Other than her parents, she lived with three other siblings. Being of wealth and renown, her parents had high expectations for their children.
  • 92 AC: Having been born with magic, Aireth was sent off to the Villiers order at the age of seven to hone her skills, control her magic, and learn the life of a knight.

  • 106 AC: At the age of 21, Aireth graduated from the Villiers academy and became a full-fledged knight. This began her many years of protecting holy sites, as well as assisting governments fight against various occult threats, mainly in support of the Regalian Empire, as her code requires her allegiance to it.

  • 265 AC: This year marked the birth of her youngest sibling, Rosanhi. Aireth would travel back home for a time to meet and help take care of her, family being one of her most important values.

  • 286 - 291 AC: The Chrysant war took hold, Aireth being one of many sent to fight the Slizzar-controlled Essa Empire. During this time, a near-fatal injury was inflicted on her, leading to the amputation of her right arm. She narrowly avoided dying to blood loss. It was after this that she learned to artifice new limbs, as well as use that technology for healing purposes. With the help of an assistant, she'd craft herself a new Nephiltech arm and have it installed.

  • 310 AC: Aireth was informed of her sister's possible whereabouts in Regalia, as well as the bralona incursion. She decided it better she go, and make Regalia her new home for now.
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