Preserved Sheet Ailwin Kudaglel

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Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
The Ninth Circle of Hell
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ailwin Kudaglel (Known as Kuda or Red)
  • Age: 25 Alorian years
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Fists (N/A, boxing gloves, brass knuckles, etc.)
Skill Information
30 proficiency points to spend, because Ailwin is 25 years old.
  • +25 Unarmed Combat Skill (from Proficiency Points)
  • +4 Elemental Sorcery
  • +5 Musical Arts (from Hobby Points)
  • +5 Literary Arts (from Hobby Points)
  • +1 Currently Unspent
Body Shape
Physical Stat: 25 Unarmed Combat = 25 Physical Stat
Body Shape: Athletic
Body Fat: Average

  • Modern Altalar (taught by parents at home)
  • Common (learned from Ailor and Half-Altalar friends)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
-Elemental Sorcery: Primal Design - Can create functionless wings, gauntlets, or clothing aesthetics of any element.

Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Acts as a traveling entertainer, telling stories, riddles, and the occasional song at taverns and the like. Ailwin is there for sanctuary, and has lived in Regalia for about a year.
  • Ailwin grew up as a member of the large but obscure family House Kudaglel. Peace was common for about 18 years, until most of the clan was murdered by one of its own in a bid to seize its wealth and lands. Thus, Ailwin fled to human societies, jumping around for a year until he settled in Regalia. Ailwin was born to Haalija Lafor and Faelyn Kudaglel, and had two siblings. The only living relative of Ailwin is Kolvar Kudaglel, the one who murdered his family and Ailwin's cousin.
  • Ailwin enjoys the study of human technology, as he admires humanity's determination. One of his ambitions is to help repair human technology, or to run a company that produces it.
Visual Information
(Faceclaim, and his appearance in modern era)

  • Eye Color: Piercing blue
  • Hair Color: Brown, with a red tint
  • Hair Style: Ruffled, yet under control
  • Skin Color: Light Tan
  • Clothing: White undershirt, black jacket, black trousers, and a red scarf.
  • Height: 6' 9"
Personality and Abilities
(The Core List)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type: Debater
  • Religion: Old Gods (Union of Air, Mershell in particular) Devoutness level 5/10
-Kolvar Kudaglel (NPC)
Ailwin hates his cousin, and will stop at nothing to take his life and send him screaming to Alu.
"What you did deserves no reprieve."

-James Treji Larkson
The Pagan is a good friend that Ailwin met while working at the Nestled Nook. They are the only person that Ailwin has confided his past to, and they have agreed to back each other up with words and steel (or knuckles, as the case may be). After a while, James adopted Ailwin as a brother.
"I'm glad to have you by my side. I'll try my best to help you, brother."

Kaina is the adopted child of Sibyllad Lykke, one of Ailwin's coworkers. The entire Nook staff treats her either as an adopted child or a little sister.
"You're in our care, and so precious to us. Stay safe."

-Kolvar Drarthroc
Kolvar is a Kathar who is one of Ailwin's coworkers. The two are fairly good friends.
"Though you may share his name, you are nothing like him. I am honored to witness your journey."

-Arien Pavise
Arien is a Sihai, yet another of Ailwin's coworkers. On decent terms, and he's gained more respect for her since she forced him to rest and wait to heal.
"You're an alright person, and not one to run from your problems. On the other hand, please never throw me over your shoulder again."
Life Story

At a young age, Ailwin had made a few friends in half-Altalar and their Ailor friends. The Ailor introduced him to a form of martial art known as boxing. Seeing as how Ailwin didn't find Elvish blade training that nice, he accepted the sport and trained with said friends for a while. Within 18 or so years, he had become very proficient. Ailwin did not know how grateful he would be until a fateful day.

One day Ailwin had been coaxed by his friends to camp in the wilderness with them. They enjoyed that night, roasting food and telling stories. When Ailwin awoke in the morning, he saw a plume of smoke rising up from the distance. He ran over to investigate, realizing too late that it was the direction to his home. The only thing left was smoldering ashes, and Ailwin slammed his hands into the ground in despair. It was that day that he fled to human civilization on foot, swearing to himself that he would use those scorched hands to forge his own path - one that led to the destruction of Kolvar, the one who had done that to his family.

For a year, Ailwin jumped around human society, telling stories and playing songs in exchange for room and board for the night. As hard as that life was, he grew to enjoy it. After a while, Ailwin decided to move to the capital city of Regalia and attempt to get a consistent job there. In his spare time, he practices his attacks on trees or rocks and also tries to make friends to help him in his cause. Ailwin was approached once by a priestess of Alu who saw his grief and wanted to know what could be done to help. He confided that he wanted revenge, and thus the priestess taught him to channel his grief into power, calling out to Alu for help when it was needed. While it causes him great emotional and physical pain, Ailwin can summon blue flames from the burns on his hands, echoes of that which killed his family. Currently, he is attempting to join the Militia as an entertainer and/or unarmed trainer. Has become a member of Torsmir and the Bard's Union, and works as an entertainer at the Nestled Nook. These experiences have caused Ailwin to almost ignore his wish for vengeance, but everytime he looks at his scars, he remembers that there is no such thing as going too far in his goal.
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Hello ColinRedstone, here is my review for your character:

Basic Information:
The surname of your character and the nickname do not fit Elves within the Massivecraft universe.
While I understand 'Fantasy Elven Names' may not be too helpful, think of names such as Faedalynn or Elysirond.

Skill Information:
Please separate the extra 10 points that Altalar get from their racial boost from your normal points.

After you've amended these points, please tag me and I'll take another look.

Thank you for your time. I hope that this will do. I kept the nickname 'Red' because of Ailwin's garments, just for clarification. Spirit bless you.
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Thank you for your time. I hope that this will do. I kept the nickname 'Red' because of Ailwin's garments, just for clarification. Spirit bless you.

I still take issue with Moonflower, as it would be a strange name to have for an elf to translate their name to common and use it.
Just remove the Moonflower thing and just go by Ailwil Kudaglel
I'm sorry to disturb you once again, but I believe I have updated the character sheet according to the new proficiency rules. Could you take a peek through it, please?
You'll have to tag for a new reviewer Arendan doesn't seem to be staff anymore.
Everything looks cool! I'll go ahead and slap an approval, but if you can please add "Basic Information" above the application that would be great! @ColinRedstone
Starting now, I will begin to age Ailwin a year for every few days. This is so that he can feel at home with his older friends, and for proficiency points on the side.