Preserved Sheet Aila Leoxalim

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Mar 7, 2017
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Aila Leoxalim
  • Age: 104. 29rd October 205 A.C
  • Gender: female.
  • Race: Cielothar (Circle of Joeil)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual

Skill Information.

    • Skill Information.
    • 50 from age
      • Combat.
        • +2 Dagger Combat
      • Knowledge.
        • +10 Husbandry Art (Invested)
        • +10 baking Art (5 Invested and 5 Racial boost.)
        • +10 cooking art (Hobby points)
        • +11 Horticulture Art (11 invested)
        • +7 Mixology Art (Invested)
    • +5 Instrument Art (5 invested)
    • +10 Theatre Arts (+5 Invested +5 Crimson Power 1)
    • +5 Dancing arts ( 5 invested) +5 Crimson Power 1)

        • Body Shape:
        • Physical Stat: 2
        • Body Shape: Slim
          Body Fat: average
      • Hobby Points: 10
      • Talent points 10
      • Languages: Common,
      • plain elven
  • When infected with Alais (Active)
    • Crimson Guile {
    • Crimson Reflection
    • Crimson lies
    • Crimson Curse
    • Crimson Cloaking

Racial Abilities (Joeil):

  • Helping Hand
  • Hearth of the Home
  • Familiar's Shape
  • Lightblessed Familiar
  • The Wind's Cradle
  • Sense of Compassion
  • Light-Blooded

Visual Information.

    • Eye Color: Blueish grayish
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Hair Style: long with a slight part in front of face with hair constantly falling in front of face. She has two strands of her hair going down the front of her body.
    • Skin Color: Tanned.
    • Clothing: Wears a long tan dress with a a brown apron over her dress
    • Height: 6'0
    • Body Build: slim
    • Weapon of Choice: A seven inch dagger which she keeps on her hips, it being a sharp iron dagger

Character Alignment: Aila is chaotic good as she is the one to break the law if it helps a friend of her's. She doesn't care if she gets hurt in the process as long as her family and friends are happy. She tries her best to the right thing but sometimes her plans tend to get messy but she means well. If you are a friend of her then she will try any length to help you.

Character personality: She is a Mediator as she grew up in a peaceful cielothar village. Her family was a group of peaceful people. She tries to keep the peace around her friends. She also loves to play her music for her friends. She will even take care of almost anyone as she sees the good in everyone. She hates conflict. As a cielothar she tries to keep the peace and won't attack anyone unless absolutely needed.

Character's Religion: She follows the Faith of Estel as of her parents. She is about a six in the devotion to her religion. She follows it like her parents. She feels blessed by estel. She would not hurt any animal or plant. She believes Estel created the world but is okay with other religions as it isn't any of her business of what other believe.

Life Story.

Childhood: She was born in Daen on October 29th, 205 A.C in a small town in a small house where family matters most above everything else. When she was two she helped her parents in kitchen as a little helper which gave her first feelings of satisfaction from helping someone. Her parents wanted her to become a baker as them but she wanted to become a musician as she loved the music. The local music group played in the plaza in the middle of the village. So her parents got her music lessons and a flute for her fourth birthday as she begged to learn music because all the people she saw became very happy while listening to the music. So when she became five. they started to teach her all about food and baking as she was old enough to be near the oven. She loved baking with her parents. But her true passion was music. One time when she was seven. she tried to bake a piece of break into a shape of a heart for her parents but nearly burnt the bakery down which made her parents super protective of her as she is their only child. Her parents was so upset with her that they threatened to take away all of her music and her flute. When she was ten she played for the patrons of the bakery and they loved it. She ran away from her home after a fight about her dream of playing her music when she was a fifteen year old teen.


This lasted about a week until her parents came to her and apologized to her. She went back home helping in the shop and playing music for the customers. When she was fifteen, a man flirted with her but she had no idea what it is as she never had someone talk to her like that. When she became twenty. Her and her family sat down and talked to each other about what she wanted to do with her life. She said she wanted to become a musician but her parents wanted her to be a baker like them which started a argument with them until her parents finally let her follow her dream.. Her parents started a small sum so she can start her own place to bake and play music as a compromise. She kept getting tips which her and her parents kept in a small jar for her to save up for her dream which taught her how to handle money. She worked hard and long for the money so she can live her dream of playing her music and opening her own bakery. She did this until she became about 50 years old.

Adult to present:

She lived with her parents until she was 50 years old. When she got enough money to move out on her own into her own place which gave her a taste of freedom. She proceeded to lived in daen. She worked in the bakery until someone found out about her music talent and convinced her to leave everyone behind to follow her dream but the man was very greedy which she didn't realize. She traveled around daen for awhile, playing for families and in bakeries which made her realize that being out and making friends is a good thing. She did this until she was 70 until She got angry at her Greedy manager when he over worked her and made her miss her mother's birthday. She quit at 80 and returned home to her parents with her a crying mess as she got stressed with the work load the man put on her which she hated. She lived there until she was 102 as it was the only home she knew of. Her parents heard rumors about the city. That it was full of business and booming with money. Her parents told her about the city and gave her a one way ticket toward the city to grow up a bit and find a real job and open her own bakery Where she can play her music in peace. When she enter the city she was surprised of how big it was and got lost while running around until she found a passage into the underground where she met two people. Both of those two people where her first two friends. Then after a couple days she sent a letter to one of the nobles to become a bard for the house. After a week she bought a house and is currently turning it into a bakery. She lost the bakery to money problems after a while. She then met a kathar man which she had a child with. The man left her while she survived doing odd jobs. She found two more people Which turned out to be vampires and they turned her and invited her to their coven. They left her after awhile when the coven disbanded. She then attacked a woman and got caught and cured. She found work at a clinic after being cured for awhile. She still works there after being found by a noble family impressed with her cooking. Her both working for them. She is now 103 years old. She took care of her daughter shay on her own and helped the castley family as a cook and a resercher cause of her farming background. She also helped with the blight. When the vampires took over she sent off her daughter. She then got captured and bitten. She is now 104 with her daughter being 2
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Hello, sunshine!

  • You have only used 38 of your 60 proficiency points. It isn't necessary to use all of your points, but they are there for you to use if you wish to.
  • Cielothar get Common and Plains Elven as their languages, not Daen.
  • Your personality paragraphs feel very random and jumbled. Please use clear, concise language and bold her personality quirks.
  • Please expand on her life story. Instances that display her personality, memorable experiences or situations that shaped the way she views the world around her.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done!
@Athelois Hi I finished the changes to my Char app? Thank you for reviewing my app
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@Athelois Hi I was wondering when I will get a answer? Thank you
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@monkeydog15 Sorry for the delay, this was lost in the several pages of updated apps. I'll be claiming this for review.

  • Your Proficiency Point total is off. It should be 60, not 65.
  • Racial Proficiency Boosts no longer exist. Please remove them.
  • Please adjust your Proficiency Points and Body Stat calculations accordingly in lieu of these other changes.
  • Your Personality Traits section is currently out of date. There are two options up to you to choose from to fill out: option one is the questionnaire, option two is a summarized three-point section involving Character Alignment, Personality Type, and Religion. The Character Application Template has links to these sources for you to peruse through and refer to for your answers.
Make your edits in a different color and tag me when you've completed them.
@MantaRey I made the changes that you need. Thank you for reviewing my Char app. Please tell me if I need to change anything else or to add anything.
Your Proficiency Point total is at 62 instead of 60. Go ahead and fix this and give me another tag. @monkeydog15
Your total now amounts to 68. You need to subtract 8 points from somewhere or in a couple of areas in your Proficiency Points in order to remedy this. Please make your changes and tag me when you've completed them. @monkeydog15
@MantaRey I changed this to update the implementation of hobby points and to have my points better spread out across my char. So I need a rereview. Thank you for your time.
@MantaRey She was turned into a vampire Icly while drunk. I need a re-review. Thank you for your time. I also changed Dance arts to Theater arts. Sorry if this is spamming you when I edit this.
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@MantaRey Hi sorry to bother you but I still need a re-review. When ever you aren't busy. Thank you for your time.
@MantaRey So I need a Re-Review because I changed my Char app cause of the Ailas bloodline Rework. I added the prof boosts from my Bloodline aswell. I will also need some time to come up with a vampric form but other then that. That is all I changed so far. Thank you for your time.
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@MantaRey I changed my Char app cause Of the Race update for Cielothar. Thank you for your time.
@MantaRey Hi I changed my profs in line with the whole rework so I need a re-review. I hope this is all fine.
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While looking this over, I noticed you don't seem to be using the entire amount of Core points available to you. Is this intentional? @monkeydog15
You still have Core Points available. Remember, Racial Boosts don't actually cost anything because if you put 5 points into a potential boost, you earn the extra five for free. @monkeydog15
You can only use one Racial Boost at a time. Currently, here are the Core Points in use:
  • 2 Dagger,
  • 10 Husbandry,
  • 10 Baking,
  • 6 Horticulture* (which needs to be adjusted because you can only pick one Racial Boost), and
  • 5 Theatre Arts.
This totals only 33 Core Points in use, so you have 17 Core Points available remaining. You can also leave some points out, if you really wanted to, to learn something IC. If you do choose to do this, however, you should leave a note on the app itself so this is clear to both players and staff. @monkeydog15
You're just 5 points over the limit now. I'd take five out of Dancing or Theatre since it looks like you primarily edited those. You'll also need to input the right numbers in the parenthesis by these, too. Let me know when you've tweaked these accordingly. @monkeydog15
Hiya, looked this over! You're still over the cap by 5 points somewhere. Dance Art seems to be the one that brings your total over the cap since you have 10 invested into it. @monkeydog15