Preserved Sheet Aiko Myla Mai

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Just your average rock
Dec 1, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information:

Full name: Aiko Myla Mai

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Ch'ien-ji

Main Ambition: Aiko's main ambition is to make her family proud, protect the ones she loves, and to get better at fighting.

Special Permission: Mage Stone Mage

Visual Information:

Eye color: Gold

Hair color: Black

Hair Style: Aiko's hair is left down not much done to it. Her hair when left down it is long and wavy with small curls.

Skin color: Aiko Is more pale than someone would say tan, especially for a Ch'ien-ji.

Clothing: Aiko wears a maroon colored jacket with a white shirt and some black pants.

Height: 5'4

Weight: 149 lbs

Body Build: Aiko has a rather Toned body build for a Ch-ien'ji

Weapon of Choice: Aiko's weapon of choice are Daggers. She also uses her magic sometimes as a weapon, She uses stone magic. She is Mage level in stone magic.

Personality and Abilities:

Over Protective: Aiko is overprotective of her friends. Aiko gets this trait from her paranoia. She is overprotective of her friends because she doesn't want them to get hurt. If they do, Aiko will have grudge on the person and try to hunt them down so she could to hurt them back. Aiko will do whatever she can to protect her friends. Aiko has killed anyone that dared to hurt her friends. She threatens people that has an interest in her family member.

Anger Issues: Aiko has Anger Issues. Aiko gets this trait from her father, Her father got mad very easily. When someone she loves gets hurt, Aiko gets enraged and wants to automatically murder the person who hurt her loved ones. She tends to act out in her anger which leads to her being pretty reckless, she gets hurt quite often because of this. It also may lead to her death one day, because when she gets mad she won't stop trying to hurt or beat the person.

Helpful: At times Aiko Can be very helpful at times when she is needed. Aiko got this trait from her mother, Aiko's mother was very helpful in many ways.When her friends needs her most she would be there to help them through the situation. If often Aiko's friends are getting picked on or hurt by someone she would be there to fight for them and protect them. Because of her magic it allows her to be more helpful towards her friends. Her friends Cause her magic create a shield to protect them from harm.

Stubborn: Aiko at times can be very stubborn and is very stubborn. Aiko got this trait from her mother, Her mother would not leave someone when they are hurt or when they are hungry. When ever she would have to go to the clinic, she would refuse to go. Aiko would rather stay hurt than go to the clinic and get healed. When being told to leave a fight, she would never leave her friend alone in a fight even if he was stabbed, she'd refuse to go get healed.

Reckless: Aiko is very reckless most of the time. Aiko gets this trait from her father, Her father would get into a fight or do a job that he knew he couldn't do. Aiko likes to get into fights that she knows that she can't win. She will get into any fight to help an innocent person that is getting hurt. Aiko would also get into fights without thinking of the consequence that would come. Aiko has killed many people because of this, She has also left people with permanent wounds. For example, She has cut out someone's tongue.

Guilty: At times Aiko can grow guilty for something she has done. When Aiko begins to feel guilty for something she did, She begins to cut herself anywhere she can. Aiko didn't get this trait from anyone, She grew this trait over time. Over time when she was getting in fights and killing people, She began to think of her past and think of the ones she killed. So for that, she thinks she has been taking apart families or hurting them badly. Unlike other people do and say sorry, she cuts herself and gets into fights and lets her opponent beat her.


Magic: Aiko is very skilled in her magic. Aiko uses only one of the stone magic's. She uses Environmental Manipulation, she uses it in fights if needed to protect her family, friends, or herself. Aiko would also use her magic to throw off her opponent in battle. Sometimes, Aiko also uses her magic to help her when she is wounded (by trapping herself in with stone) or when she gets bored she sometimes likes to practice her magic skills to get better at them and get stronger at it. If Aiko needs to use her magic for a long period of time even if it drains her she will.

Intelligent: Aiko is quite intelligent. Aiko spends most her spare time in a library reading a book. Aiko knows three different languages. When Aiko gets bored she would also spend more time learning new things than fighting. Aiko loves to go to the Library getting a book and read learning more things.

Trustworthiness: Almost any secrete Aiko is told she was kept to herself and never told anyone. When someone needs to get something out but doesn't really know who to trust or not, Aiko would be possibly the best one to trust. Aiko would be good to trust because she doesn't talk behind people's back and keeps her secrets to herself and no one else. Most of Aiko's friends Depend on Aiko when they need her. They know she will come if they need her they also know that if they are in a fight and she is there, they know that she won't stop until they are safe.


Aiko's right eye is fully blind meaning she is vulnerable from the right side where she can be easily caught off guard and overthrown. Say in a fight an attacker goes for her right side she most likely will get hurt, and taken by surprise. Because of her eyesight she is pretty jumpy. Since she only has one eye, she is more cautious of her surroundings.

Awkwardness: Most the time Aiko is quite Awkward in ways because she I so quiet. Aiko doesn't really like to socialize or speak to many people. Aiko also doesn't like to be around many people at one time. When Aiko is in those situations she would either leave or just keep quiet. Aiko doesn't trust many people so when she does talk to people she had just met or doesn't know very well, She wouldn't speak to them much.

Emotions: Aiko's emotions is one of her biggest weaknesses. Emotions are one of her biggest weaknesses because she could be in a fight and get mad because someone hurt her loved ones and that could cause her to go after the person and kill them. When Aiko gets emotional she either gets mad or sad and when she gets mad then she will go and hurt people or kill people.

Impatient: Aiko is impatient, especially when she has to wait for someone. When Aiko gets impatient she starts to get mad and hurt people .When Aiko meets someone and talks to them, if they take to long to answer back or something like that Aiko will just get mad and leave. Sometimes Aiko will stay and just start to hurt the person or threaten them.

Bipolar: Aiko can be very nice when she isn't mad. When Aiko makes a friend she is very nice towards them and treats them like her family. When Aiko doesn't make an enemy and she is not mad she will be very happy, nice, and generous towards the people she likes, Aiko would also offer her friends things if they needed anything and she would give it to them no matter the cost. Though, if anything bad happens she get very hot-headed.

Life Story:

When Aiko was a child around four years old, she lived in a village located in Yang-Tzu. The village was more south from the main island of Yang-Tzu. On Aiko's fifth birthday a group of mercenaries came to her village and started burning it down, murdering the people of the village. An older woman held little Aiko and made her watch her parents get killed, they were decapitated in front of her. She then escaped from the woman and ran off into the forest getting lost. A while later she found a village and explored it. She found food and supplies she needed, she also found a small hole under a house that she lived in for a short while. Aiko would go to the other villages that she had found, sneaking in as she then went straight to the library to learn things like Magic, new languages, and fighting skills. Sometimes the people would see her noticing that she wasn't apart of their village and kicked her out, rarely would the villages let her stay since she had tattered clothes.

When Aiko was a teenager, around 15, she began learning stone magic from a nice elder Ch'ien-ji lady that she had been living with for about a week. Then one day the elderly Ch'ien-ji had disappeared. Ch' ien-ji had said she was going out to get water one morning and then never came back. Aiko got worried about her and went off searching for her. Again Aiko became lost. After a few hours of searching she stumbled upon a boat and decided that she didn't have anywhere else to go. A few minutes later, people came onto the boat causing Aiko to run and hide in a box, knowing she wasn't suppose to be on the boat. She then waited for the people's voice to leave so she could get out, and off the boat. The voices faded but she felt the boat release from the docks and leave. When they got to the regalian docks, she ran off the boat, roaming aimlessly into the city. Aiko found the walls of regalia not daring to go farther, she knew people would be inside, and she hadn't had the best luck with them. She also knew that many people don't like her race and she'd later find out that magic is illegal in Regalia. For years she stayed out in the woods never venturing past the wall of Regalia. Until one day when Aiko was almost 20 she met someone, he was also a Ch'ien-ji, and his name is Ayaka.

When Aiko was a young adult, around 23, Ayaka had finally convinced her to finally go farther than the wall and into Regalia to join a group of mercenaries and assassins called The Black Dragons. After a few days in regalia Aiko found out that she really liked regalia, well that is when she started making enemies and killing people. The Black Dragons only accept Ch'ien-ji so she started to recruit her friends. There in the group she had met her new brothers and sisters, her new family. Aiko soon became the 2nd founder of The Black Dragons. Killing people soon started to corrupt her mind, making her slightly insane. She also became overly paranoid that people were after her and her loved ones. This paranoia caused her to go slightly insane. So she became very overprotective of her friends and loved ones. Aiko swore to protect and get revenge on the ones that would ever hurt her friends and kill the ones that hurt her loved ones.
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Peer review by your one and only!

I could not find anymore, but let's hope I got most of them.~
Aiko is rather Athletic for a Ch'ien-ji.

Mages that are of mage level are usually not athletic due to their high focus on the magic.

Personality and Abilities:

Over Protective: Aiko is overprotective of her friends. Aiko gets this trait from her paranoia. She is overprotective of her friends because she doesn't want them to get hurt. If they do, Aiko will have grudge on the person and try to hunt them down so she could to hurt them back. Aiko will do whatever she can to protect her friends. Aiko has killed anyone that dared to hurt her friends. She threatens people that has an interest in her family member.

Anger Issues: Aiko has Anger Issues. Aiko gets this trait from her father, Her father got mad very easily. When someone she loves gets hurt, Aiko gets enraged and wants to automatically murder the person who hurt her loved ones. She tends to act out in her anger which leads to her being pretty reckless, she gets hurt quite often because of this. It also may lead to her death one day, because when she gets mad she won't stop trying to hurt or beat the person.

Helpful: At times Aiko Can be very helpful at times when she is needed. Aiko got this trait from her mother, Aiko's mother was very helpful in many ways.When her friends needs her most she would be there to help them through the situation. If often Aiko's friends are getting picked on or hurt by someone she would be there to fight for them and protect them. Because of her magic it allows her to be more helpful towards her friends. Her friends Cause her magic create a shield to protect them from harm.

Stubborn: Aiko at times can be very stubborn and is very stubborn. Aiko got this trait from her mother, Her mother would not leave someone when they are hurt or when they are hungry. When ever she would have to go to the clinic, she would refuse to go. Aiko would rather stay hurt than go to the clinic and get healed. When being told to leave a fight, she would never leave her friend alone in a fight even if he was stabbed, she'd refuse to go get healed.

Reckless: Aiko is very reckless most of the time. Aiko gets this trait from her father, Her father would get into a fight or do a job that he knew he couldn't do. Aiko likes to get into fights that she knows that she can't win. She will get into any fight to help an innocent person that is getting hurt. Aiko would also get into fights without thinking of the consequence that would come. Aiko has killed many people because of this, She has also left people with permanent wounds. For example, She has cut out someone's tongue.

Bipolar: Aiko can be very nice when she isn't mad. When Aiko makes a friend she is very nice towards them and treats them like her family. When Aiko doesn't make an enemy and she is not mad she will be very happy, nice, and generous towards the people she likes, Aiko would also offer her friends things if they needed anything and she would give it to them no matter the cost. Though, if anything bad happens she get very hot-headed.

It seems you have 4 bad, 1 good, and 1 neutral trait. You should also color your traits in red, green, or grey depending on whether they are negative, positive, or neutral.

Emotions: Aiko's emotions is one of her biggest weaknesses. Emotions are one of her biggest weaknesses because she could be in a fight and get mad because someone hurt her loved ones and that could cause her to go after the person and kill them. When Aiko gets emotional she either gets mad or sad and when she gets mad then she will go and hurt people or kill people.

I would advise adding a bit more detail to this weakness as it seems to just repeat the same point over and over again.

Disclaimer: This peer review is present with my own experience and not all of my statements may be factual. No disrespect is intended from my reviews.
Before I continue my review, can I ask if the character is actually bipolar or if that was just a naming choice for one of their traits @Waffle_Fo_Life
@Waffle_Fo_Life Please then remove it from the personality traits section and replace it with bipolar traits. Bipolar in it's itself isn't a personality trait, it's a condition that causes extremes in personality traits. Craft Bipolar into your weaknesses section.

Also please consider if you feel that you are capable of RPing out the sensitivities and depth a Bipolar character has. It is a real mental health issue and there very well may be roleplayers who know people IRL who suffer from it.

Other notes:
  • While she herself might not exactly know where she was born, simply stating "a village far away" is too vague. Can you please state which continent or state she came from.
Please tag me once the edits are done in green.
Ooops, I did NOT see that message, approved.