Preserved Sheet Ahtah Kamran

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Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.
Ahtah Kamran



Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ahtah Siqiniq Kamran
    • Nicknames: Aht, Tah.
  • Age: 73
    • Birthdate: 7th of August, 234 AC
      • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Suvial Altalar
  • Sexuality: "I hate labels."
  • Preferred Weapon: Improvised Weapons



Skill Information

Total Points: 70 From Age (+10 Hobby Points)

  • Combat Proficiencies
    • +3 Throwing Combat Skill
  • Knowledge Proficiencies
    • +4 Society Knowledge (+4 From Points) (Ailor Culture)
    • +3 Historical Knowledge (+3 From Points) (Nelfin History)
    • +5 Linguistic Knowledge (+5 From Points)
  • Science Proficiencies
    • +5 Alchemy Sciences (+5 From Points)
    • +4 Metallurgy Sciences (+4 From Points)
    • +11 Finecraft Sciences (+11 From Points)
  • Arts Proficiencies
    • +2 Ceramic Arts (+2 From Points)
    • +2 Carpentry Arts (+2 From Points)
    • +2 Sculpting Arts (+2 From Points)
    • +25 Visual Arts (+10 Hobby Points) (+15 From Points)
    • +2 Thread Arts (+2 From Points)
    • +4 Culinary Arts (+4 From Points)
    • +4 Dancing Arts (+4 From Points)
  • Body Proficiencies
    • +4 Perception Training
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 9 (+3 Throwing = 3 +4 Metallurgy = 7 +4 Dancing x0.5 = 2 = 9 Total)
  • Body Shape: Average Body Shape
  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Modern Altalar (Taught During Childhood)
  • Daendroquin (Learned During Travels) (Linguistics)
  • Common (Learned During Travels)




Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Black fading into dark Aquamarine via dye
  • Hair Style: Held up via a scarf
  • Skin Color: Brown
  • Clothing: Dresses
  • Height: 6'2


Personality and Abilities
Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Entertainer
      • Mind: 96% Extraverted, 4% Introverted
      • Energy: 47% Intuitive, 53% Observant
      • Nature: 33% Thinking, 67% Feeling
      • Tactics: 21% Judging, 79% Prospecting
      • Identity: 65% Assertive, 35% Turbulent
        • Strengths:
        • Bold – Entertainers aren't known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, people with the Entertainer personality type don't mind stepping out of their comfort zones when no one else is willing.
        • Original – Traditions and expectations are secondary to Entertainers, if a consideration at all. Entertainer personalities love to experiment with new styles, and constantly find new ways to stick out in the crowd.
        • Observant – With all this focus on the here and now, on doing and acting, it makes sense that Entertainers are naturals when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.
        • Excellent People Skills – More so than things though, Entertainers love to pay attention to people. They are talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. For people with this personality type, happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with.
        • Weaknesses:
        • Conflict-Averse – Entertainers sometimes ignore and avoid conflict entirely. They tend to say and do what's needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.
        • Easily Bored – Without constant excitement, Entertainers find ways to create it themselves. Risky behavior, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things Entertainers get into a little too often.
        • Poor Long-Term Planners – In fact, Entertainer personalities rarely make detailed plans for the future. To them, things come as they come, and they rarely bother with taking the time to lay out steps and consequences, with the belief that they could change at any moment – even with things that can be planned.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel 4/10



Life Story
  • Childhood
  • Born on the 7th of August, 234 AC in the Sundial Isles.
  • One time during her childhood, Ahtah was taken to a womans house. A friend of her mothers. The child ended up being absolutely fascinated with the paintings that lined the walls. Having asked the woman where she got them, the woman revealed she painted them herself. And young Ahtah immediately asked her to teach her. And so she did, prompting her love of and skill for art from an early age.
  • In tandem with this, she tried to sketch or paint whenever possible. Even around her friends, using her surroundings as inspiration. Occasionally one of said friends would strike some kind of weird pose just for her to be able to sketch it to get a feel for different ones, and the postures of each.
  • Due to her frequency of drawing her friends to gain a better feeling for anatomy, a lot of people wanted to become her friends. Who wouldn't want a free portrait? Due to this, Ahtah became quite popular in her younger years.
  • Though with popularity, comes pleasing the people. She'd do anything she could to keep all of her "friends" happy. One day one of them dared her to climb quite a tall tree. And, being a people pleaser, she couldn't refuse. So, the young Altalar set to climbing the tree! It was quite easy, at first. Yet the taller it grew the harder it was. And eventually, she fell. Leaving her with a lasting fear of heights.
  • Teenhood
  • Once, a friend showed up at Ahtah's house to show off a pretty "rock" that he found. Ahtah snatched the gem from him and was immediately fascinated with it. Eventually she had to return it however. Saddened by this fact, she went searching for more gems of her own. Even buying some at nearby stores or markets.
  • As her gem collection began to grow, Ahtah became rather bored with merely staring at them all day long, and sought out a finecrafts specialist to teach her more ways of handling them. Even turning them into jewelry and the likes, which, she wore about quite frequently.
  • Plenty of new additions to Ahtah's growing collection of fascinations and learnings to be added! One day, her father brought her to some sort of show. A play, perhaps. Yet. One that incorporated dancing. At first, she was plenty bored with the play, saying it was like watching a book and that she wanted to leave. Yet once the dancers were shown her eyes lit up as if filled with stars, and she stated she wanted to take dance classes. Her father was having none of it, however. She'd had enough classes already.
  • So in the coming days, Ahtah decided to sell some of her artwork. It was slightly demeaning to her. She'd rather her art be something to admire rather than sold and bought like some sort of toy. But, she had to make money for the classes somehow! And, she did. Taking the money earned from selling her beloved paintings to pay for her own dance classes.
  • Adulthood
  • Soon enough, Ahtah's brother returned home and stayed for a little while, allowing her to finally get to know him.
  • Yet, eventually he decided to leave once more. Heading to Daen this time to settle down. Getting too used of the Isles she lived on, Ahtah decided to go with him this time, ending up living in Daen with her brother.
  • Having settled down in a new home in Daen, Ahtah took it upon herself to not only learn their language, but also experience and learn their culture. Going to every festivity she could, every party her neighbors hosted, and every gathering at the local taverns.
  • Ahtah met new friends, new lovers, created ex friends, old lovers. The gist. This was truly a place she could call home now. Yet. That never satisfied her. She got bored once more and decided to go off on her own, traveling to different continents.
  • Not settling down for the majority of her adult life, Ahtah explored new cultures, Ailor, Nelfin, etc. Each time she 'settled' in a new place, while it wasn't for long she did take the time to learn the primary arts of the culture. How they did what they did, and how she could take up such as well.
  • Along the way, Ahtah made plenty of new friends in all different sorts of places. Yet, eventually she grew sad of having to leave them every time she wanted to explore more.
  • Soon enough, this sadness grew to be too much to ignore, and she decided it was time to settle once more. But where? Home? No. Too familiar. What about with brother? He's still in Daen, or is he? Rather, her brother had moved to Regalia while she was out in different areas of the world. And so, she decided to live there, moving in with her brother and settling in once more.
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