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Played Character Ahnseong Shao

This character is actively played.


Desert Creatures go brrr
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Not here thats for damn sure
Roleplay Guilds
Coven, Lightfinger lads.
Character Information
Full Name: Niymura Asehijia Shao
    • Goes by the name Ahnseong as of immigrating
Race: Sihai
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Core Concept
Ahnseong is a young Sihai urchin, who grew up in the poorer villages of Deudang, Jin-Lung. He lived with a single parent. An immigrant to Regalia, he has traveled with a colorful cast of characters in order to make their living through not so honest means.

Appearance Information
Ahnseong is a scrawny Sihai wearing loose fitting robes. He has a dark skin tone as well as hazel eyes, his hair is faded with long bangs slicked to the rear. Under his robes, nearly half of his body is covered in various dragon esque tattoos in Sihai fashion.


  • Dexterity: 7
    • Cutthroat Point Buy
      • Cutthroat Backstab Pack
      • Cutthroat Target Pack
      • Cutthroat Dodge Pack
      • Cutthroat Flash Pack
      • Cutthroat Tears Pack
    • Roguery Point Buy
      • Disguise Pack
      • Dirty Fighter Pack
  • Constitution: 5
    • Athletic Point Buy
      • Rebound Pack
      • Debuff Endurance Pack
      • Rage Counter Pack
      • Breather Pack
      • Bulwark Pack
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Chem Point Buy
      • Chem Bang
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Adapt Point Buy
      • Wardrobe Pack
  • Strength: 0
    • Athletic Point Buy
      • Break Down Pack- Heritage
  • Faith: 0
    • Cleric Point Buy
      • Sacred Martyr Pack- Heritage
Common (Free)
Wai-Lan (Native)

Plot Hooks
  • Ahnseong is a recent immigrant to Regalia, this is a strange world to him and he will be quite lost navigating it.
  • Despite constantly working, Ahnseong is always short of money. Perhaps it is going somewhere?
  • Ahnseong, despite public eye is known for doing several unpleasant jobs and can be hired to do them if one pays the right amount.
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