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Played Character Ahalya

This character is actively played.


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Name: Ahalya
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Heritage: Anglian
  • Age: 54
  • Gender: Non-existent but prefers she/her pronouns
  • Occultism: None
Core Concept
Isolation, love, loneliness - what is the purpose of connection and bonding?
War, immortality, humanity?
Dreams of going to Sassrakand

Appearance/Slizzar Shifts

Ahalya is an eloquent humanoid snake with slicked-back mulberry hair. Ahalya does not acknowledge her birth form as a part of her and would rather see it obliterated.

Combat Style

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Familiar Disrupt
  • Intelligence: 3
    • Shapeshift Pack (free)
    • Mind Control Pack (free)
    • Mimicry Pack
    • Safeguard Pack
    • Wardrobe Pack
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Focus Command (free)
    • Chase Command
    • Attack Command
    • Defend Command
    • Champion Command
    • Overwhelm Command
    • Shield Command
    • Resist Command
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Fleet Footed
    • Soft Landing
    • Escape Artist
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0

Life Story/Plot Hooks
  • (18 years) Childhood of neglect. Ahalya grew up in Anglia, a land of bigotry, where being anything but a conformist made you an outsider. She was born a biologically female-presenting Ailor, and, identified as female.
  • (15 years) Visions of the Dragon Nox. This was arguably the toughest period of Ahalya's life. She had to learn how to seize control of her body's transformative properties. She had to interpret Nox's visions without help. She questioned her religious identity, gender identity, and personal position in the world alone. Her young adulthood was spent ignoring Nox's visions and securing her basic needs for survival. Only after securing them did she accept being Slizzar.
  • (10 years) Travel and Religious Exploration.
  • (280 AC - 286 AC | 6 years) Ssassrakand Mentoring College.
  • (286 AC - 291 AC | 5 years) Chrysant War.
  • (307 AC - 308 AC | 1 year) Dread War.
  • (309 AC - 310 AC | 1 year) Vampire Insurrection.
  • (311 AC) Present.
Personality Analysis

Acquired Skills:
Recruiting sources and divulging secrets
Lying and lie detection
Escaping when being followed
Languages and psychology

Work Activities:
Information brokering
Political discussions
Family management

Leisure Activities:
Reading literature about culture and history
Playing strategy games, such as chess
Trying new foods

Personality Traits:
Quiet, patient, and observant
Independent, confident, and ambitious
Callous, logic-oriented, and apathetic

Companionship, regardless if it's one-sided.
Wisdom, regardless if it's good or evil.
Competency, regardless if it's for good or evil.

Character Inspiration:

Frieren (from Sousou no Frieren)

Gender and Body Dysphoria
Ahalya was raised in Anglia, a land of bigotry, where being anything but a conformist made you an outsider.

Persuasion Roll
Persuasion Cap = 14 (Slizzar)
Persuasion Roll = 14 = 3 (Default) + 7 (Wisdom) + 2 (Mind Control Pack) + 2 (Slizzar)


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@soggytoenails Make sure to remove those extra commutable point things, its not a part of the point buy and makes it a little confusing to read on the app. Otherwise approved!
@Carlit0o Adjusted some proficiencies. Eliminated common alchemy pack. Put that extra one into magic. Swapped some packs out and in because I realized this character is a coward and will more likely attempt to get away from different situations, rather than stick around and fight. Changes in blue.
@Carlit0o Did a lot of adjustments to Mary's core concept. The more I played her, the more I realized what direction I was going to take her. Also did some profiency re-work.
Needs re-review. Complete re-work.
- Changed from half-ailor/half-kathar to full Kathar. I didn't like the race-splicing and had a hard time conceptually with it.
- Changed character concept with void worship updates
- Changed proficiencies with magic updates
- Played around a bit with visuals and just updated small parts of backstory
So, sike. Your commutable points cannot break cap of magic. Put them in another category please.
I apologize if I didn't clarify. That means getting rid of the Afflicted packs as well due to them being in the magic point buy section. I know these new rules are confusing for lots of people.
I apologize if I didn't clarify. That means getting rid of the Afflicted packs as well due to them being in the magic point buy section. I know these new rules are confusing for lots of people.
I apologize if I didn't clarify. That means getting rid of the Afflicted packs as well due to them being in the magic point buy section. I know these new rules are confusing for lots of people.

If I were to re-invest it into roguery or artifice, does that mean that the dexterity points or wisdom points go up as well?
Technically no. Due to the nature of vampirism, it can be a temporary affliction so the points only fluctuate for the time while infected. Treat the commutable points as invisible ones.
@WingedJade This is my last character conept/design revision that I'll ever do for a long, long time and I'm very dead set on keeping it this way. Need a full review because everything has been adjusted.
@Mollymock Re-review needed.
  • Moved that extra wisdom point I had (that had no pack assigned to it) to Charisma instead. Added State Saboteur.
  • Didn't like Magic Bolt. Got rid of it. Changed her to be more of an enchanter kind of mage.
  • Vampirism hoorah. Commutable Point-Buys added. Demon Alter is now also Vampiric Form.
  • Altered Self form added.
Please mark where you've invested your commutable points in your Proficiency section, since the Vampire commutable points are temporary Proficiency points.

Gonna need a big re-review because slizzar update. Purged demonology from her design, didn't sit well with me and didn't want to concept poison. Purged occult stuff, switched to archery. Threw in some anglian upbringing because I liked that better and think it paves the story well.
@Scribbe Re-review needed. I checked the count for proficiencies on my app and realized I actually exceeded the amount of packs and had 16 instead of 15 (+1 dex because of special). My mistake. I've adjusted accordingly.
@soggytoenails Hey you're at 15/14 points invested. Just remove a pack and investment from somewhere you'll be set. @tag me when edit is made.
@soggytoenails Hey you're at 15/14 points invested. Just remove a pack and investment from somewhere you'll be set. @tag me when edit is made.

+1 Dex is from Special. Unless it's still supposed to be 14 max, but the cap is broken for Dexterity? If so, please let me know. Will adjust accordingly.

"Rangedvex: Slizzar gain +1 investment in Dexterity. The Dexterity Proficiency limit for Slizzar is 8 instead of 7. The Slizzar can only spend this +1 Dexterity in Ranged Weapon or Roguery Point Buy."
@ChapterDeath Another revision. I enjoyed 'vampire' rogue-archer and was having fun with some of her chaos shit, but it still didn't feel like a 100% fit for me. At least not from a Slizzar standpoint. I realized I really enjoy IC ideology and theory discussion, and I want to do more scholar stuff.
  • Completely updated point spread
  • Added old and current forms/identities to appearances
  • Shortened and revised lifestory accordingly. Still kept Anglian roots because I like that touch
@ChapterDeath Updated to reflect recent ability changes. Removed mount husbandry. Changed it to cavalry charge. Got rid of combat theory. Swapped with mineral wisdom.