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Played Character Agurtzane Schaus

This character is actively played.


Incomprehensible Geometry
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
The Backrooms
Character Information
  • Full Name: Agurtzane Schaus
  • Race / Culture: Ailor/Sarna
  • Age: 26
  • Gender / Pronouns: woman/she/her
  • Occult: Exist Arkenborn (Loyalty) Mage and Drakken Marken.
Core Concept
Agur comes from a lineage of bannermen for house Du Roserei and continues it in solace. She is an arkenborn who is nothing more than a loyal dog for her house and anything beyond that, her personality, her traits, and her life are bound solely to house Du Roserei.

Appearance Information
Agur is around 6'4" or 194.2 cm; has silver iris' with a blue limbal ring around them; her hair is a fiery orange, she has a long face and a average body thickness

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
    • Familiar Disrupt pack
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Medical Stance (Free)
    • Medical Barrier
    • Medical Bolster
    • Medical Canteen
    • Medical Rescue
    • Medical Resist
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Intelligence
  • Magic: 9
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Lifebind
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Isolate
    • Magic Revenge
    • Wardrobe Adapt Magical
    • Shapeshift Adapt Magical
    • Oceanic Adapt Magical(free)
  • Faith: 0

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  1. Hundreds of years ago there was a pact made in a plead to save one's family line; a marken hunting had occurred long and strenuous and the beast was slain!; yet the Schaus family who were heads of the village had one?; A child who was infected and pleaded loyalty to the Du Roserei in exchange for their young ones life which was the great great grandmother of Agurtzane; Who grew up beside her du Roserei counterparts. Her childhood was committed to brandishing undying loyalty to the du roserei, no matter the case.
  2. Agurs childhood was mainly mage training; a childhood full of concise control of the magic that flows heavily through her veins; She was Markenborn and so along with her mage training there was a emphasis on controlling her fullmarken-self
  3. Her life continued as the Court Mage for house Du Roserei; her utter committance shows in many a form and her resolve proven already she grew up quite close to the du Roserei Ylvi in particular, before she was brandished as a lothar knight; being a young house dog she seeks only to protect those within her circle no matter the cost to her as she wouldn't be alive if it were not for their ancestors deal; this fact drives her instinctually.
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