Preserved Sheet Ríë Elus Loreleï, Or Agnieszka Sabina Dufková

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
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England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition

"While my high society tore itself apart through petty civil wars and the overuse of magic, our scholars studied for the past undiscovered to the situation due to repeat itself once more. As we pass into a new civilization, survival is based on stopping the world from ending once more."
- Ríë Elus Loreleï


  • Birthname: Ríë Elus Loreleï
    • Active Alias: Agnieszka Sabina Dufsková.
    • Other Aliases: Ës'l Sälarna Arun Alaith & Jocelyn Lussier.
  • Age: 342
    • Birthday: January the 1st, 34BC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Altalar Nelfin.
    • Loreleï is a central Altalar in subrace.
    • Infected with the Sanguine Curse for 160 years.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Establishment in the known world,
Centuries spent in a rebuilding Aloria, Loreleï has gathered funds through a number of different practises. Having been an agent of Dorkarth, spending years embezzling money through rich nobles swayed by the idea of untold fortunes hidden for thousands of years. She has made quite a living off it, and currently has enough to live comfortably though chooses not to do so to keep a reduced profile. She is currently renting in the holy city, attempting to push for an expedition to discover the fabled Jorrhildr site she has heard about for centuries, where she believes she will find her fortune or at the very least, a better life.

Growing up in the Allorn Empire,
Grown accustomed to the luxouries of a dying Allorn empire, Loreleï grew used to slaves and the easy access of magic as she grew up studying the long history that preceeded her. Her mother was an ancient history and warfare scholar in a high society school, whom she studied most of her early life with while her father dealt his hand in the selling of slaves across the city of Ríë and beyond, helping establish their grounds as a wealthy family. Her oldest sister worked in the medical world, while her younger brother had begun working as a foot soldier in the Allorn empire before the world quickly collapsed before them.

Obsessions of a survivor,
Abandoned in the dark in a changing world as an obsession grew out of proportion, Loreleï became glued to the fact that the cataclysm was a delay into the innevitable death of all life in Aloria and concluded a single option. With the world powers content on tearing each other apart, the only viable option to prevent the destruction of all life is the assimilation of all life. She began to see vampirism as an undesirable factor in the prevention of war, in the loss of freedom. All she needs in power, loyalty and the right timing to create the desired effect. Her intentions started good, but have become grim as the dark disease affected her mind.


  • Proficiency Points | +60 available. (+10 Altalar boost.) (-10 for Vampire Traits.)
    • + 30 to Linguistics Knowledge using +20 prof & +10 racial boost. (+40)
    • + 30 to Historical Knowledge using +20 prof & +10 racial boost. (+20)
    • + 10 to Magical Knowledge. (Sanguinoligy and Eventism info.) (+10)
    • + 5 to Perception Training. (+5)
    • + 5 to Rogue Training. (+0)

  • Body Shape
    • Zero Athletic Contribution.
    • Slim Body Shape.
    • Average Body Fat.

  • Linguistic Capabilities | Loreleï can speak and write in eight languages.
    • Middle Altalar from her origin in the city of Ríë.
    • Skodje was learned when she was trapped in Jorrhildr.
    • d'Ithanian was learned through working on trading ships.
    • Proto-Regalianich was taught through her interactions with nobility.
    • Alt-Regalianich was taught through her interactions with nobility.
    • Daenroquen was learned while exploring in Daen.
    • Modern Altalar was learned during her arrival at the inheritor states.
    • Common was learned through her latest interactions with nobility.
    • Loreleï can decode Seraph, Ancient Altalar and Meraic.

  • Vampiric Mutations | Loreleï is apart of the Alais Bloodline.
    • Feeding Lust
    • Feeding Pheremones
    • Grand Vampirica.
    • Enchanted Kiss.
    • Unturned Feeding.


  • Eye Colour: Emerald Green.
  • Hair Style: Twist and Pin.
    • Hair Colour: Ash Blonde.
  • Skin Colour: Porcelain.
  • Clothing: Dresses for uptown, combat dress for the hunt.
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Additional Notes:
    • Both Loreleï's arms extending through her top back have been covered in depictions of the cycle that defeated the Allorn empire, painting a picture of scholars fighting through a landscape fighting against them with numerous words written in middle altalar. Any real analysis will spot they are done years apart, varying in skill but seemingly all good. Just faded over the years.

Perceptions of Loreleï,
Loreleï will be a very difficult person to understand or even analyse, because she always attempts to be one step ahead of everyone else. She will extend a helping hand to those in need, only to blackmail them later in the future. This leads her to be seen as deceitful, coordinated, manipulative and two-faced to the barebones, yet she will often come off as sweet, confident and charitable, making herself a very confusing person to factor in. Following the grand scheme of things, Loreleï will change in character depending on what scenario she is faced with, and what is expected from her to survive.

Loreleï's Perceptions of Herself,
While what remains of her pre-indoctrinated self, she still holds a level of insecurities that she will fail to see the end and her work may contribute to somebody else suceeding; which would support her suspicion on the Seraph. These insecurities, contribute to a network of distrust to not only others, but herself, as she has slowly became aware of the negatives of vampirism and the effect she leaves. Strangely and while not likely to be picked up on, Loreleï suffers from a personality disorder and is hiding it through the mental affects of her vampirism, though it would likely become visible if she was cured.

The Loyalty of Loreleï,
Ultimately, Loreleï holds all loyalty to herself beyond any respect capable for a desprince, due to her age and hence, she is very untrustworthy in that respect. Without a family and the constant distrust of those around her, it is highly unlikely to ever see her be loyal to somebody or even something besides her study and hence, she will put on a loving attitude to those she calls friends soley for the reason of blackmail in the future. Everything has a price, including her friendship, as she would likely name it. Although there can be some exceptions as her age slowly reaches its end, she has considered making a legacy beyond her work.

The Morality of Loreleï,
Living throughout the holocaust of her species, to witness the rebirth of Aloria as new civilizations came into power and forgot of the times before, eventually corrupting herself with the vampiric curse in order to finish her vision. Loreleï has a very twisted and complex morality, which can be visible in her motive of survival and relaying the message her ancestors failed to heed, while she does seem to lack a morale backbone. She will likely choose money or power over a life, and will be quick to double cross. At the end of the day, Loreleï will look out for herself so she can convey her final message, no matter what the cost. She is driven, in ways.

Loreleï's Perception of Aloria,
Loreleï has lost much faith in the world in the wellbeing of the world, and has come into the idea that she is the only true believer of the hell that is due to see them off. She believes that the fears of the Inheritor States against the Regalian Empire, and their fears to the Songaskian Masaya will only provide the perfect grounds for the reoccuring cycle to destroy any chance of life and the only solution to war is assimilation of all grounds in the same way Dorkarth operates. Nothing else matters to her, besides the certainty that Aloria will survive the supposed next wave of void spawn raining hell once more.


Awakening of an Altalar Scholar. { 0 - 35 } { 34 BC - 1 AC }
Loreleï was born in the city Ríë, attached to the dying Allorn empire, as civil distress brought the fear of war looming around the corner. Loreleï was surprisingly given a good chance as she grew into adulthood, a devote follower to Estel who grew interested into the empires that roamed before. She studied with her mother, an expert at the time for ancient history as she grew into adulthood. She got to travel across Aloria on expeditions as she studied further and further. Life was simplistic and filled with education, but she learnt well from the knowledge preserved for thousands of years. She was a follower in the Faith of Estel, as all good houses should be, and finished her pilgrimage at twenty-five. Life was great, as for some time, she thought the world was safe.

Finally, one night when the light flew into the sky and the world faced darkness once more. The fate of the Allorn Empire was sealed in a moment, and the void took its residence in the house of destruction. Loreleï managed to snag her way into an expedition with her mother into investigating all potential options prior, following a hypothesis that it wasn't the first occurence. With limited knowledge, they sought the ruins of a seraph temple supposedly connected to the Jorrhildr burial grounds to find the last light of their people, to have it snuffed out in a moment when the world changed in an instant. Within a blink of an eye, Loreleï was alone without a trace of her mother and team of scholars. Thoughts puzzled through her mind, as the realisation seeped in that she was alone; left to starve and freeze to death, clueless to the fate of Aloria.

Judgement of those seem worthy. { 35 - 145 } { 1 AC - 110 AC }
Unable to cast, and left stranded in an inhospitable wasteland. Loreleï sought refuge as she roamed the wastes, near enough freezing to death before a Velheimer tribe stumbled across her and quickly turned the tides of power. She was cast a prisoner, and forced into labour work amongst other altalar who had managed to find themselves in the mix. Loreleï was fortunately saved, by a woman named Agnieszka, who freed the entire camp after two months of being imprisoned. Surprisingly, a band of them with a few velheimer exiles established a settlement within a cave system in the mountains. They lasted for decades, surviving off the wilderness before decades as Loreleï continued her work studying what she could of the Seraph. She eventually travelled out in search of answers from the cataclysm and wildering, and found refuge on a passing ship around 57 AC.

She managed to find herself in the remains of Teled Methen, and travelled to the city of Ríë to find almost nothing. She quickly concluded her family was either dead, or too far lost to find and in that instant, became quickly obsessed with the event that took them from her. She studied the area for three years before she could come to some conclussion of the Orc invasion, then travelled to Ellador to study the rumoured Seraph for thirty years before she returned to any civilization, moving to Ithania where she studied the remnants of the third civilization and where she also associated herself with Société de Préservation Historique and researched the region for a further twenty years extensively. While she was working here, it brought interest to the party over an uncharted island which would later be named Solangeria which eventually resulted into a ship badly damaged and her landing party meeting a Temple Orphan, and barely living to tell the tale.

Their results, were less than lovely as they concluded the island as something that should be forgotten and avoided until they were more equipped. Their exiting of the island was less than lovely, after a growing storm disabled the ships sail and left them dead in the water. Days past as they drifted into the ocean, until they ran into another storm which began to draw them into coastal waters before a fire broke out, causing Loreleï to abandon ship and arrive in the dangers of Ceardia. Months past, but Loreleï and her crew managed to escape the persecution of warlords on a stolen ship before the year turned 112 AC. After that, she took a bit of a break in Ithania educating new participants of the guild to the wonders of extinct languages.

Longetivity and its downfalls. { 145 - 245 } { 110 AC - 210 AC }
Aloria was changing, as the shifting of powers took place regulary and a focus on warfare seemed to dominate all mindsets around. She wished to show her prowess as she travelled to Regalia to seek investors, bragging about her unmeasured skill as a scholar in ancient history before she signed a contract with a now dead noble house. While she was there, it was noted of the many languages she spoke and the study of Proto-Regalian, which landed her as a translator for a few houses as well. She stayed in the Archipelago, albeit unhappily for ten years as she studied what knowledge was known about the third civilization. Versed in so much ancient history, she set out once more with a new team for almost fifty years, replacing members as they grew too old or too tired and helped bring information of the ancients into the light of Regalians.

The year was 181 AC, and her return to Regalia to teach those interest brought her in contact with a growing covenant hidden within the community. Strangely, Loreleï was given a choice of entry and she chose the gift out of a promise in a prolongued longetivity and her final conclussion which drives her now. She was disguised in the community for decades, acting as a translator and tutor for wealthy noblemen which lead to her introduction into a Velheimer named Arkady Strycharz, a well versed ailor historian with interests same as her whom she converted within a month of meeting and eventually, co-lead the Odroczona Sprawa for nearly a century. Nothing relatively interesting happened, besides her teachings and the expansion of the covenant hidden in plane sight.

Exposed for the Monsters they are. { 245 - 335 } { 210 AC - 300 AC }
Near enough the ending of 221 AC, Arkady was eventually revealed as a vampire when somebody finally honed into his dampened aging and the two quickly fled the archipelago with a few nobility kept under chains or mind slaved by Loreleï. They sought refuge in Jorrhildr, finding refuge in Loreleï's home centuries ago, now long abandoned. Their results turned up nothing after a few weeks, and with their unwilling friends beginning to starve, they travelled to the east coast where they fortunately, encountered a Dorkarth raiding party which took them in for discussions after a dispute was made.

Loreleï spent just over sixty years in Dorkarth, studying their records and seeing the end of Arkady as he died of old age, making her realise the true downfall to longetivity. She acted as a vessel in entrapping nobillity of the Alais bloodlines, and handling many slaves with different languages. Because of this, she travelled up the ranks, and worked well with many desprinces while nearly reaching the opportunity to become one herself before a meeting was adjourned; concluding that Loreleï was insane beyond their help, with intentions that would cause war and risk the integrity of Dorkarth as a whole, despite the incredible result. Disgraced after many years, she took an entrapped noble and travelled Regalia with them as her "Assistant." Studying what she could, she eventually found her sights on the Inheritor States of Ríë and plead to the council to assist her claims. She was declined without charge, with an fortunate ending due to her insanity and vampirsm.

I, a devote follower, walk this road alone. { 335 - 342 } { 300 AC - Present }
Disgraced from all affairs, and still consumed with the fear of omnipresent war looming around the corner. Loreleï has travelled across Aloria studying, teaching whom she could but finally has found herself back into the city of lies. She knows her old age is nearly reaching, but the tails of dampening it hold true to her. She has a plan now, all she needs is time and an opening.
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So I don't manage to lose her cover story, it is the previously approved hidden in the spoiler.


"While generations long before you were busy being infants, I
studied the Seraph and Meraic before they were even known."



"All names, all the same. Soldiers march into the sunset, never to be seen again while scholars study their ventures to seek the problems of the world. We'll be the ones living in the end, telling the next generation how to survive. "


  • Birthname: Agnieszka Sabina Dufková.
    • Nickname: Sabrina & Ness.
    • Aliases: Jocelyn Augustine Lussier & Lorelei Sabrine Anworth.
  • Age: 162
    • Birthday: January the 1st, 144AC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Altalar Nelfin.
    • Agnieszka is a central Altalar in subrace.
    • Infected with the Sanguine Curse for 144 years.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Regalian Existance,
Decades worth of extorting, embezzling funds and the discovery of ancient artifacts have left Agnieszka very wealthy, though her funds near the end of its limits. She resides in the port, boasting a small but convient home which she stockpiles all her resources acquired from her years of existance. This is her forward operating location, and strangely has named it Milczenie rzezi.

Upbringing into Aloria,
Raised in the frozen wastes of Jorrhildr, Agnieszka was brought into the world by Natasza and Cezary Dufková, being the youngest in her family to two brothers and one sister. Anioł, Oswald and Żaklina. Though, she was more or less raised by her coven, Odroczona Sprawa, which had indoctrinated her from a relatively young age. She owes all allegience of her true self, the one we see now, to this covenant even after their passing.

Primary objective,
Agnieszka has the belief that the Seraph weren't the first race, but there is a species that existed before who may have contributed to the ability of the Seraph. This has lead to convulded searches across Aloria, in search for the mythic Fen to the scribbles of Ancient Elven. In the end, she believes this may lead to a weapon or ability which could give her the edge over all that stood in her way, motivating her to take the lead and discover the ancient data before anyone else could.


  • Proficiency Points | +70 available. (+10 Altalar boost.) (-10 for Vampire Traits.)
    • + 30 to Linguistics Knowledge using +20 prof & +10 racial boost. (+50)
    • + 20 to Historical Knowledge using +10 prof & +10 racial boost. (+40)
    • + 5 to Perception Training. (+20)
    • + 5 to Throwing Combat Skill. (+15)
    • + 5 to Fast Blades Combat Skill. (+10)
    • + 5 to Underworld Knowledge. (+5)
    • + 5 to Hunting Knowledge. (+0)

  • Body Shape
    • Zero Athletic Contribution.
    • Slim Body Shape.
    • Average Body Fat.

  • Linguistic Capabilities | Agnieszka can speak and write in nine languages.
    • Modern Altalar | 9/10 Mothertongue.
    • Skodje | 8/10 Learnt from childhood.
    • Proto-Regalianich | 7/10 Learnt from travels.
    • Alt-Regalianich | 9/10 Learnt from travels.
    • d'Ithanie | 9/10 Learnt from travels.
    • Daenroquen Dialect | 8/10 Learnt from travels.
    • Common | 8/10 Learnt from travels.

  • Vampiric Mutations | Agnieszka is apart of the Alais Bloodline.
    • Feeding Lust
    • Feeding Pheremones
    • Grand Vampirica.
    • Enchanted Kiss.
    • Unturned Feeding.


  • Eye Colour: Emerald Green.
  • Hair Style: Twist and Pin.
    • Hair Colour: Ash Blonde.
  • Skin Colour: Porcelain.
  • Clothing: Dresses for uptown, combat dress for the hunt.
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Additional Notes:
    • Agnieszkas right arm and pieces of her right shoulder and chest are covered in tattoos depicting life events, demonic creatures and many strange details, such as rose thorns and serpents.

Perceptions of Agnieszka,
Agnieszka has fallen to the misguided shroud befallen with the Sanguine Curse, leading an innocent girl with hopes of exploration of the undiscovered world to a unforgiving, ruthless and unpredictable advesery with hopes of possessing a weapon found through a civilization lost before. She will most definitely be seen by anyone she works with that she has a strong disregard for human life when her objective is in play. Those who she would let in, would see a focused realist hell bent on dominating through finding the ultimate weapon first.

Agnieszka's Perceptions of Herself,
While what remains of her pre-indoctrinated self, she still holds a level of insecurities that she will fail to see the end and her work may contribute to somebody else suceeding; which would support her suspicion on the Seraph. These insecurities, contribute to a network of distrust to not only others, but herself, as she has slowly became aware of the negatives of vampirism and the effect she leaves. Strangely and while not likely to be touched on, Agnieszka suffers from a personality disorder and is hiding it through the mental affects of her vampirism, though it would likely become visible if she was cured.

The Loyalty of Agnieszka,
Strangely, Agnieszka was aware that she failed to let go of her original covenant as any she joined in the future she felt no remorse neither loyalty to as her pack mentality latched to Odroczona Sprawa. Sanguines who appeal to her needs and provide useful in the long run, she will begin to respect but will attempt to hold some sense of superiority while she will strangely keep the same with uninfected who provide beneficial to her final plans. Essentially, to her, her family is her former covenant.

The Morality of Agnieszka,
If heaven and hell existed, Agnieszka would be going straight to hell. She has a long history of misconduct and will easily sacrifice workers to the discovery of something new, which has lead to thousands of deaths under her charge. While her age has definitely brought the thought to her head that her actions were unauthordox to todays standards, she still remains to lack morales when presented with charity over profit as this has been her life for nearly two centuries.

Perception from an Elder,
Having lived for one and a half centuries, Agnieszka foretells the world as an inhospitable place hellbent on tearing itself apart before it can fully grow. She understands that the Regalian Empire still has thousands upon thousands of improvements to go as the world has changed signifcantly. Strangely, Agnieszka has become preoccupied of the histories that once were and believes a mass doomsday event is going to reoccur. Like the Seraph before, she believes Regalia has the potential to start another void invasion which would not aid her long-term goals.



Jorrhildr, the Judgement to all Life. { 0 - 36 }
Agnieszka was born to a altalar family hidden away from the world, surviving the cataclysm as slavers who quickly were revolted against in Lusits. Being born, Agnieszka had her ears clipped and was given a name fit for the country, as she attempted to hide her altalar origin from the forgotten world. She was raised without a schooling system and was taught through survival with her family, living in a boarded off cave on the Red Coast. She spent her time listening to tales of ruins, left amongst by a past society which fascinated her throughout her childhood, even almost dying attempting to search for one at the age of twelve before being recovered less than an hour in, struck with hypothermia. Surviving, none the less, Agnieszka's childhood was strict but still enjoyable while it lasted.

Unbenounced to her family and her during a long hunt as the summer season slowly came into view, they managed to become lost and stray into the now known Great Rift of Vladislan which resulted in the hastely demise of her entire family, starting with her farther and two brothers before her mother and sister were snagged off. She was a month over eighteen years before she stumbled upon a now long covered Seraph ruin. Lost and freezing cold, she attempted to make camp inside the temple to quickly discover a covenant kept deep inside. As curoisity killed the cat, she ventured deep inside to the deepest and darkest trenches.

Found by the covenant, she was unwillingly taken and indoctrinated into the Odroczona Sprawa where the desprince, Arkady Strycharz, slowly warped her already damaged mind into believing this was her only home, even after death. Given the opportunity, she was allowed to begin studying the Seraph ruins to fill her childhood curiosity as she began to conspire and believe of the deeper involvement of the Seraph and the potential knowledge they could use to their advantage. This remained until she was 36, venturing out into Aloria in discovery of new temples.

Decyphering Ancient History. { 36 - 82 }
As the Arkady Strycharz grew in numbers and power, she found herself funded into exploring ruins upon ruins as Arkady fell into the same beliefs that the Seraph possessed weapons which could be used to their advantage. Travelling across all of Aloria and discovering relics and fragments of what once was, she never managed to turn up much evidence supporting her claim. She was eventually inducted into a budding archeologist group, named the Société de Préservation Historique where she began studying languages and history alike, starting through Ithania to Daenshore with visits to Old Ceardia and Teled Methen. She travelled the lot amongst the archeologists, spending years to study sites off the books while also mingling with nobility who she befriended to survive, then either mind slave them or even convincing them to join the voyage.

These times, while they remained long and majority was spent studying, still provides some of the best times of her life. Naitivity alongside adaptability to her curse and the elements that wished to see her disappear into the void, she considers this the time she truly grew up and became the scholar she is today. She oversaw the wartimes and began profitting as she gathered what funds she could to send ships across Aloria to deliver cargo and supplies, against the odds of naval forces. This was for and against Regalia, helping the Skaggars in their conflict against the Archipelago.

The Worst Case Scenario. { 82 - 151 }
Time began to fly as Agnieszka was slowly caught out by her different societies of her vampiric origin and hence, she was sent into a constant state of hiding and then claiming a new identity. She continued her research, discovering Seraph ruins as she pieced together the language and literature to an understandable degree as she did the same to Ancient Elven to try and piece things together. As the decades past by, her covenant slowly became too famous for their own good. As she was due to turn 122, she recieved word from Arkady that the coven had been compromised by an unknown group and the grounds were no longer safe.

Fearing for the worst, she returned to Jorrhildr to help the cause however she could. What she had called home after hers was taken had fallen once more, the entrance collapsed as fire melted the snowfront. The Odroczona Sprawa had met its end, and once again, Agnieszka was on her own. Struggling, she sought to Ithania where she found a coven she had befriended many years ago. With assistance from them, she embedded herself within Ithanian nobility as she worked as a linguistics translator,

Turning a new leaf. { 151 - Current }
Years spent studying in Ithania, trying to discover the fragments of what was said to have been left. She was struck by the Bone Horror Crisis which left her scrambling for months to come, hearing word of the Regalian Archipelago withstanding the invasion through a seraphin remnant which only brought a whole trifeca of problems alongside. Still, when the opportunity was presented, she scrambled to use all her available abilities and sneak into the Archipelago alongside an immigrant ship. She settled with what she had, and now plans on finishing the near two-hundred year time researching for the artifact that could change it all.

With mounting tides restricting the Sanguine presence, and the thought that Regalia is out to destroy any chance at her proposition. Agnieszka has thought out her next moves, and hopes that with their success, will enable her to a final dream. One which will resolve conflict, without question.
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Thanks for your patience on this end!

I find your character to be very creative and I also find that you have a particularly interesting set of traits and goals.

Before we continue, I have a few changes for you to make.
  • Linguistics
    • Your number of languages is fine. However:
    • Proto-Regalian and Ancient Elven are unlearnable languages. I have also confirmed that, despite the Seraph references, Seraph also remains an unlearnable language.
Let me know if you'd like any suggestions, or if you have any additional questions. Please 1) make your edits in a separate color and 2) tag me once you've finished!

I can take Ancient Elven out and Proto-Regalian, even though I can reference approved applications which hold this language; including my own. But concerning the Seraph language, is there no workaround as the Linguistics wiki literally says: "Furthermore, when a character has at least 24 points in Linguistic Knowledge, they are able to translate dead languages such as Seraph Language, Old Ceardian Human languages and even Void Script." Losing the ability to decipher even the slightest Seraph literature forces a rewrite and a complete rethink of the character, as they would lack the understanding necessary for the plans set.

I'm just asking for an alternative or potentially, reconsider.

Thanks for the wait there! An additional thank you for the prompt to reconsider - it meant that I got to go pour through that ruleset in greater detail. On your point there, you're absolutely correct. You're fully permitted to retain those languages; thanks again for pointing that out. I'd ask that you do a couple of things - these should be quick edits:

1) Please re-evaluate your fluency level for those ancient languages. You identify fluency for those languages between 7/10 and up to and including 9/10 (near-native fluency). Proto-Regalian is a piecemeal construct even for top religious scholars, and Seraph (like Ancient Elven) is even more cryptic and does not yet have a fully identified alphabet. If you'd like to stick with that 1 - 10 scale, I'd peg Proto-Regalian at about that 6 - 7/10 level and the other languages as less than that, despite you being a foremost scholar in that area. Does that make sense?

2) As an avid linguist with formal studies in archaic language reconstruction, I very much do find your character intriguing. I'd like to see a few of the more of your languages come up in your backstory. This doesn't need to be extensive but adds some more color to how and why you chose to learn the specific languages that you list (as a random example, you're a vampire -- why did you begin learning a language generally relegated to those high up in the ecclesiastical hierarchy?, etc.)

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Thanks for going through this! With those changes completed, consider this Approved!

Sorry to get you again, but I made a mistake while editing the structure of the sheet. Nothing is changed writing-wise, besides a follow-up paragraph in the final piece.
Sorry @Dosier but the changes made in accordance with Altalar and Vampirism have been marked in red.

It's just an age reduction, changing from Velheimer Ailor to Altalar and updating her vampirism to the new format.
Specify subrace of Altalar.

You have things seemingly misstated under your proficiencies, namely rogue, linguistics and historical.

Languages like Ancient Elven (which should be Altalar), Seraph, Old Ceardian and so on are not counted under languages. With 24 points invested, these are translatable. Both elven languages should be listed as Altalar, not elven.

I'll be completely honest here. An Altalar family existing as hunters in Jorrhildr is really out of place, and I would suggest changing this aspect of backstory as it makes very little sense.
Specify subrace of Altalar.

You have things seemingly misstated under your proficiencies, namely rogue, linguistics and historical.

Languages like Ancient Elven (which should be Altalar), Seraph, Old Ceardian and so on are not counted under languages. With 24 points invested, these are translatable. Both elven languages should be listed as Altalar, not elven.

I'll be completely honest here. An Altalar family existing as hunters in Jorrhildr is really out of place, and I would suggest changing this aspect of backstory as it makes very little sense.

Tried to go make sense of everything, and give it a rewrite. New stuff is marked red, while the old date is marked purple.