Preserved Sheet Agnes Elina Ornat

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Jun 16, 2016
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asic Information
  • Full Name: Agnes Elina Ornat
    • Nickname: Aggie or Carrot Top
  • Age: 19, born July 17 286 AC
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Claith
  • Main Ambition: Aggie wishes to take care of herself by finding a stable job within the city.
  • Aggie is currently a handmaiden for House Coen. She resides within the Coen country estate, where her handmaiden quarters are. Aggie originally came to Regalia to join the military, and fight in the war. But she recently changed her mind after encountering a former military man. She now looks to make any money she can to support herself and keep herself off the streets.
  • Aggie grew up an only child within Eriu-Innis. She was born to Ireleth and Johnavan Ornat. Her family dates back to the original settlers of her home land in Eriu-Innis.
  • Aggie's secondary ambition is to make a name for herself. She plans on doing this by finding a stable job, as well as being respectful.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Emerald green
  • Hair Color: Light orange
  • Hair Style: Curly, Unkempt, and messy. She mainly tries to keep it in braids or in a bun.
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: A ragged dress containing the colors green and yellow. But, upon getting employed by House Coen she also wears her handmaiden uniform.
  • Height: 4'8''
  • Body Build: Lanky
  • Weapon of Choice: Mainly her fists, but she'll use a dagger if needed.
Personality and Abilities
  • Aggie is mainly seen as a pushover to most. Although this isn't something to be proud of, she doesn't mind the thought. If someone were to meet Aggie for the first time, they'd think that she's too willing to do anything they would request. Although this is semi-truth, Aggie will only do what the person asks if it means she'll be doing charitable work or work that'll make her good coin. Of course, she'll reject the offer if it's something illegal. Now, upon hearing of Aggie, most would think that she's a beggar since she's so willing to do work. This is true, but Aggie doesn't necessarily beg for work. She looks for it.
  • Aggie feels lost and confused within Regalia. She isn't really confident in herself, because she doesn't know her purpose. Originally she came to join and fight in the war, but with recent events she decided to trash that ambition. Aggie is a very sheepish person, she usually keeps to herself whenever she's around others.
  • Whenever Aggie is around family, she is very open and caring. She won't be afraid to act like herself, unless she's in public with her friends or family. Usually, Aggie is portrayed as eccentric and Family-Oriented. This is because she acts very protective when she's around friends and family in public. Now, the way she acts around her lover is unknown. Aggie really hasn't had a lover.
  • Aggie's morality is neutral. She really doesn't do a lot that is good or bad. Although she has a neutral morality, she does dislike others corruption. She hates seeing other be beaten or punished, but she doesn't do anything to help them. The way she sees it is that they're getting beaten for a reason.
  • Cooking - Cooking has always been a required skill for the women of Eriu-Innis. Her mother taught her how to cook many traditional meals, along with several teas. At first Aggie didn't find cooking interesting, until she learned about all the different ingredients and tastes.
  • Sewing - This was a skill that Aggie's grandmother taught her. Aggie can't sew clothes just yet, but she can sew blankets and rags. Aggie has a hard time sewing, despite her experience, because of her eye. Since she is blind in her right eye, her hand-eye coordination isn't that good which leads to her sewing to be fairly poor as well.
  • Right eye - Aggie's right eye is slightly blind due to a birth defect, allowing her to only see light and shadows. This affects her in many ways. including her hand-eye coordination and depth perception. Aggie is a fairly clumsy person, due to her eye, you can usually see her bumping into walls or tripping often. She cannot make out objects with this eye, so when she's focusing on sewing or something else she'll close this eye to keep her from distractions.
Life Story
  • Born July 17, 286 AC to her parents; Ireleth and Johnavan Ornat, in a village within Eriu-Innis.
  • Upon birth, the clinic worker and her parents noticed something unusual about Aggie's right eye. But. They didn't mind it.
  • At age 7 Aggie realized that she couldn't see/make out objects with her right eye.
  • Two years later at age 9, Aggie and her parents find out that she's partially blind in her right eye. She is also being taught how to cook by her mother. Along with learning how to cook, her father teached her how to fight with her fists for self defense.
  • Still at age 9, Aggie attended her first public school. She was originally homeschooled by her father until he decided that she needed to get to know the other children of Eriu-Innis. At first, Aggie didn't like the idea, but she ended up acquainting a few of the other kids. This led her to meeting some family members that her parents never told her about. Along with attending school and making friends, Aggie had a fun time learning and exploring Eriu-Innis. She really invested her school time in studying the history of her homeland.
  • Three years, at age 12, Aggie's grandmother teaches her how to sew blankets and rags to sell at local markets to help with her family.
  • Now, at age 19, Aggie moved to Regalia to fight in the war. But with recent news she has decided to ditch that idea, and look for a stable job.
  • Recently, Aggie was hired by House Coen as a handmaiden. She now lives in the handmaiden quarters, where she frequently writes back to her parents about her weeks in Regalia.
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Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities
    • I would like for you to expand upon the third paragraph, specifically distinguishing between your character's interactions with family versus those with friends.
    • The fourth paragraph regarding morality is arguably one of the most important, yet lacks detail. It ends abruptly and without explanation as to why she doesn't act against those who she deems corrupt or brutish. If it's merely the sight of seeing others being beaten that's an issue, then that's not something you should include in the morality portion of this application.
  • Talents
    • Your talents don't meet the minimum threshold of three sentences.
  • Weaknesses
    • Perhaps you should touch upon how her eye defect causes problems in regards to depth perception, as that may prove pertinent when it comes to some activities that require more honed hand-eye coordination.
  • Life Story
    • Overall this is just very lacking in substance. Please expand on this, specifically touching on her childhood and her time in Eriu-Innis. While I recognize she is only nineteen, there's still a good deal to be expanded upon.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities
    • I would like for you to expand upon the third paragraph, specifically distinguishing between your character's interactions with family versus those with friends.
    • The fourth paragraph regarding morality is arguably one of the most important, yet lacks detail. It ends abruptly and without explanation as to why she doesn't act against those who she deems corrupt or brutish. If it's merely the sight of seeing others being beaten that's an issue, then that's not something you should include in the morality portion of this application.
  • Talents
    • Your talents don't meet the minimum threshold of three sentences.
  • Weaknesses
    • Perhaps you should touch upon how her eye defect causes problems in regards to depth perception, as that may prove pertinent when it comes to some activities that require more honed hand-eye coordination.
  • Life Story
    • Overall this is just very lacking in substance. Please expand on this, specifically touching on her childhood and her time in Eriu-Innis. While I recognize she is only nineteen, there's still a good deal to be expanded upon.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
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