Preserved Sheet Agatha Harhold | The Heavenly ♔

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i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
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United Kingdom

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We rise by lifting others. - Robert Ingersoll.
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Lore Stories: A Stolen Farewell.

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Basic Information [Required]

Full Name: Agatha Morgannan Harhold, named after St. Agatha and Morgannan Kade in hopes she would become a pious, strong, and successful woman. She is often referred to as Aggy, Ags, or in familial cases, Cottontail.
Age: 27 years old, born on the 9th of May 280 AC.
Gender: Female.
Race: Anglian Ailor.

Sexuality: Predominantly Heterosexual.

Skill Information [Required]
Proficiency Points: 27 points due to her age, 32 points overall due to the +5 Ailor boost.

» +10 Literary Arts. (+10 from Proficiency Points.)
» +10 Musical Arts. (+10 from Proficiency Points.)

» +7 Theatre Arts. (+7 from Proficiency Points.)
» +5 Athletic Training. (+5 from Proficiency Boost.)

Body Shape:
» Athletic Body Shape.
» Average Body Fat.

» Calculation: 5x2=10. 10 total body stat.

» Anglian.
» Common.



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Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - Mark Twain.
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Visual Information [Required]

Eye Color: Pond water green freckled with flecks of blue.
Hair Color: Chestnut brown.
Hair Style: Agatha's hair is fairly long after many long, hard, months of growing it out. It is often styled up into a golden hairpin with a tendril trailing down from her back and down her right shoulder.
Skin Color: A pale porcelain pink, freckles dusting over her nose when in the sun for too long.
Clothing: Various Anglian fashions in her house colors, or Imperial fashions in the colors of the Imperial Family when at court.
Height: 5'10 ft tall.

Personality and Abilities [Required]

Outer Perception: || Unchallenging Approachability || Agatha has always been an incredibly approachable and sociable girl, exuding a calm and light aura. She is always wanting and willing to sit down and converse with her fellow citizens and holds an outgoing, charismatic, and well-spoken disposition at all times. She subconsciously attempts to have herself appear in a certain light when conversing with strangers and the unknown, and this is due to the self-conscious barriers that she has built up to protect herself over the years. Agatha has always been a compassionate and understanding woman, and with the skill of being a good listener, it makes her an unchallenging confidante. Even while she attempts to have others perceive her as well-mannered and courtly, she is a truly genuine person, but over the years has learned to keep her inner thoughts and feelings to herself, masking her expression in a constant state of unnerving calm. If you were to catch a snippet of hearsay in regards to the young socialite, it would most likely be of her charitable and empathetic actions, Agatha having tried to ease the tensions between the nobility and peasantry. However, there are some misconceptions about her personality due to her menacing father, some people imagining her to be intimidating or crass, and it couldn't be further from the truth. Agatha puts other people before herself.

Inner Perception: || Fearful Suppression || Agatha's hidden emotions are much darker than her bubbly exterior, having developed a deep-rooted and suppressed anger at a young age, which, commonly referred to throughout the family, has been effectively dubbed as the Harhold wrath. Her darker side has been hidden away for so long that Agatha has completely forgotten it's existing, bar it slipping through the cracked exterior every so often. With this hidden side to herself, Agatha makes sure to maintain a clear head and calm disposition at all times, afraid of what embarrassment may befall her if she were to act out of place. She is in most scenarios calm and composed and goes relatively unbothered when insults and slander is concerned. Agatha is not the type of woman to dwell on words, and would much rather take action, rather than sit and mope. Surprisingly, for such a bubbly character, Agatha has many fears that some may describe as paranoia, fears that some may ridicule. Something that terrifies Agatha is something that others rush towards to investigate, and that is the unknown. Agatha hates sitting in suspense, and would rather know all of the details rather than having to suffer through the elongated periods of waiting. Occasionally, and when in situations she may feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, Agatha will adopt a much more timid and quiet personality, even a blind man could tell when she is in distress.

Family Perception: || Familial Inexperience || Agatha has a strange relationship with her family, being that in her mind she doesn't believe they care about her as much as she cares about them. Her role within the family is questionable at best, as her being a legitimized bastard, casts some shame upon her kin. She's never formed a strong bond with her father other than disdain and disappointment, disagreeing with most if not all of his decisions and life choices. As much as she has tried to set him on the right path of life, her father seems much too stubborn to listen to any of her input, and so she has learned to keep things to herself. Socially, however, Agatha is comfortable with almost anyone, and the only differing factor of how she acts with her close friends is how much personal information she is willing to divulge. She tends to spend more time with those she considers close friends over her family, finding their company much less draining and stressful than her kin. As for intimate relations, Agatha's experience is lacking, bar a very disappointing courtship that ended as soon as it started. She is very timid when pursuing love, her only experience being a negative one. She is under the impression that if she wants something in life, she needs to find it herself.

Moral Perception: || Compassionate Justice || Agatha's morality is a strict Lawful-Good, which when compared to her family history, can be quite surprising. Most would expect her to take after the typical Harhold traits such as ruthlessness, corruption, and violence, but Agatha is the stark contrast to the former examples. She cannot stand for the guilty to go unpunished and speaks out against injustice. Agatha has always held a strict set of morals, those morals being, to tell the truth, defend the innocent, and keep her word. Agatha does not want to lie or cheat anyone, good or evil, and believes that everyone should do their best to guarantee the welfare of others, promote justice, and live an honest lifestyle. These traits don't necessarily mix well with those of her kin, and if she had the choice between the empire and her family, she would most likely choose the Empire. She disagrees with the methods of her father, and a small part of her wishes to see him punished for his corruption and violence. The reaction to acts of evil is one of disgust and judgment, and some even say that Agatha was born with the honor and morals one would expect from a knight. However, open acts of compassion, instill a sense of pride into Agatha, and she finds herself thanking the spirit for making her a citizen of Regalia.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
» If in a verbal confrontation, Agatha's first response to fear is to go on the defensive, readjusting her posture and forming a guarded stance with her arms crossed against her chest. It's easy to intimidate the Anglian bastard, but that's not to say she won't fight back at all. Agatha will always find a way to settle a score, usually by sly whispers at court or a circle of rumors. Physically, Agatha will always back down when it comes to blows, having no way to defend herself. When it comes to the question 'fight or flight', she will almost always flee the scene. However, if an opportunity presented itself where she would have the upper hand and clearly win in an altercation, she will take it and down her attacker.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
» Agatha is easily stressed out, being a perfectionist, she likes everything to be in order and play out just the way she imagined it. When the littlest thing diverts from her meticulously planned series of events, she can grow upset and irritable, frustrated that things didn't go the way she wanted them to. Her response to being overwhelmed is to shut everyone out and withdraw into herself, disallowing anyone to peer into the chaos which is her mind. She goes quiet, eerily silent as she brews over the growing irritation inside of her. Agatha rarely lets her thoughts show, but when they do manage to slip out, it's a tsunami of anger, usually taken out on those around her when it becomes too much to bear. Only in certain situations will she turn to others for help, holding onto her independence for as long as she can before finally crumbling and asking for assistance from others. She has a horrible habit of biting her nails.

How would your character express feeling happy?
» Agatha is usually in a bright mood, wearing an equally as bright smile to accompany her high spirits. You can always tell when Agatha is in a good state of mind, as she'll be playful, smiley, and ready to have as much fun as she can when in a strict set of the imperial court. When filled to the brim with joy, Agatha is a very generous and giving person, slightly more than she usually would be. She is eager to give to others, and guide them through the uncharted waters of the social hierarchy that is the Imperial Court. When she is doing this, helping and giving to others, she is usually at her happiest, because she feels as if she is doing her civic duty; which is to be kind. She takes an immense sense of pride in this, and knowing she has done well and succeeded at something empowers her with enough motivation to fuel an army.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
» Agatha is a strict Lawful-Good when it comes to her moral compass, and her personal views reflect on her opinion of the guard, viewing them as the guardians of justice and the protectors of the fragile social system of Regalia. She cannot stand to see the guilty and corrupt go unpunished, which makes her family life conflicting due to her father's less than moral and righteous actions. She resents him for it, she resents him, for how cruel and monstrous he can be. She doesn't wish for her father to die, but she wants him to pay for what he's done, to be punished by lady justice for all those he has hurt. Agatha follows any rules which are set out for her, be they by the law, the spirit, or family. She respects order and structure. She feels almost lost without it. Agatha has an odd obsession with justice and the law, and will sometimes even find herself meddling and investigating where she knows she shouldn't.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
» Agatha has a similar perception of lesser races as the rest of the peerage, the only difference being, is that hers are a lot less harsh. Instead of resentment, she feels pity, viewing him as the lesser fortunate in the scheme of the spirit's plan. She has come across many non-ailor trying to prove themselves, and while she appreciates that, she can't help but hold an unwavering sense of distrust. Agatha would never create a close bond with anyone who isn't an ailor, but she will not go out of her way to ruin the life of a secondary race. If they do not provoke an immediate response from her, Agatha will treat them like buzzing nats and quite simply try to ignore them.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
» The young woman is a face value devout unionist, attending mass daily and praying in solidarity before she sets out on her daily errands. While devout in her beliefs, however, Agatha has a sickening curiosity towards other religions and things that she knows she has to believe are abhorrent and stay away from, but the ideas of such things appeal to her in different ways. She would never admit to it, but she has a childlike curiosity and a stubborn mind. If somebody tells her to stay away from something, that'll only encourage her further to investigate and get to the bottom of things. On the outside, she is very much scolding of anyone who would dare defy or stray from the spirit's path, but on the inside, she has a few conflicting opinions when it comes to the spirit's testaments and the preachings of the church.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
» Agatha is fearful of the idea of beings holding such power, but she is also intrigued by it. She tends to keep far away from any known mages or aberrants as a way of protecting herself from any possible harm, as she is well aware of the erratic and unexpected behavior of the magically tainted. She is in awe of it in an odd way, riddled with a sickening curiosity of the possibilities of what you could do with such magical potential. These thoughts are kept to herself, along with her ideas on religion. When it comes to aberrants such as those with the phantasma curse, Agatha only feels pity for the pain they must have gone through to end up at that point. In fact, she sees it as the spirit intervening and saving them from certain death. They are the only aberrants she will try to treat as normal people.

How does your character feel towards their family?
» Agatha has a strange relationship with her family, being that in her mind she doesn't believe they care about her as much as she cares about them. Her role within the family is questionable at best, as her being a legitimized bastard, casts some shame upon her kin. She's never formed a strong bond with her father other than disdain and disappointment, disagreeing with most if not all of his decisions and life choices. As much as she has tried to set him on the right path of life, her father seems much too stubborn to listen to any of her input, and so she has learned to keep things to herself. Her siblings are more like children to her, her younger ones in particular, as she is the oldest of six, three brothers and three sisters. She tries to act as motherly as she can, due to the fact their actual mother, her step-mother, abandoned the family when the youngest child was only ten years old. She adores her family, but her parental relations skate on thin ice.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
» Agatha's biggest two insecurities are her illegitimate status as a bastard and the title ex-wife of Count Arthane of Brilonde. She feels as if she has to work twice as hard to prove herself as competent to the peerage and her family, always insecure about what people may be saying about her behind her back. This insecurity has gradually led Agatha into needing to know everything about what is going on at court and outside of it. She needs to know who is saying what and to who, to the point where it is almost obsessive. Her failed marriage is another insecurity that she dares not even mention for fear of breathing life into it, a period of her life she regrets even agreeing to in the first place. It was the biggest mistake of her life, leaning towards agreement and blinded by a foolish schoolgirl love for being in love.

What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
» Agatha is most proud of how she has built herself into something from nothing. Her status as a bastard has always been a sore subject that she buries deep within her, often becoming defensive if it is brought up in a way to attack her. Rising through the ranks in the court and finding herself with one of the more important positions has certainly bolstered her confidence and inflated her ego, and it's something she takes great pride in. The fact that she has managed to do better than some of the legitimately born nobility instills a great sense of pride within her. She likes to feel as if she is looked up to and admired.

Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment: Lawful Good.
» A lawful good character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty, though will often regret taking any action they fear would violate their code; even if they recognize such action as being good.

Choose your Character Personality Type: The Giver & The Provider.
» ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They are extroverted, idealistic, charismatic, outspoken, highly principled and ethical, and usually know how to connect with others no matter their background or personality. Mainly relying on intuition and feelings, they tend to live in their imagination rather than in the real world. Instead of focusing on living in the "now" and what is currently happening, the ENFJ personality type tends to concentrate on the abstract and what could possibly happen in the future

» People with the ESFJ personality type are the stereotypical extroverts. They are social butterflies, and their need to interact with others and make people happy usually ends up making them popular. The ESFJ usually tends to be the cheerleader or sports hero in high school and college. Later on in life, they continue to revel in the spotlight and are primarily focused on organizing social events for their families, friends, and communities. ESFJ is a common personality type and one that is liked by many people.

Choose your Character Personality Type:
» 5 out of 10 Unionist.


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You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
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Life Story [Required]

Birth - Childhood |

» Agatha Morgannan Harhold, born Agatha Gray, is the bastard (now legitimized), daughter of Hengest Harhold and a wealthy landowners wife named Luisa Baird. The two met at the court of Charles Montagaard and quickly fell into an affair, siring an older brother, Eadwald, three years before Agatha.
» Miraculously, Luisa managed to conceal the fact Eadwald was a bastard. Agatha's elder brother was raised happily under the belief he was the legitimate son of Luisa's husband. Oswald, the husband of Luisa, came into a large sum of money from an inheritance and started up a trading company. Eventually, he found himself with the need to travel overseas to secure a possible investor for his up and coming business and was gone for three months exactly. He returned to a pregnant wife, and that was when the unfortunate truth came to light.
» Oswald was rightfully enraged by Luisa's adultery, and as soon as Agatha was born, she and Eadwald were separated and sent away.
» Fearful for the safety of her child, Luisa placed her under the care of a reclusive widow who lived on the outskirts of Vrowemeerle. The woman thrived as an adoptive mother, and Agatha lived there peacefully until she was five years old.
» Agatha adored the woman she came to know as Nana, getting used to life as a simple pauper until a band of knights and ruffians rode up on horseback searching for the Duke Harhold's bastard. Terrified, Agatha hid behind sacks of flour and easily concealed herself, but eventually came to be found by a hunting dog and it's owner, one of the knights that had traveled with the leader of Hengest's searching party.

» She was dragged out of hiding and thrown over the back of the captain's horse, paraded before her father and his new wife. Agatha was hated by her stepmother immediately, viewed as a possible threat to her and her children. Never the less, Hengest decided that his bastard would be raised to be a proper lady, and so she was put into the care of Lady Vivienne. While she was tutored and raised by Vivienne, she was ostracized from the rest of the family and separated from her half-siblings.

✻ Early - Late Adolescence |

» From a young age, Agatha was very isolated from the rest of her sibling's thanks to her stepmother Lady Vivienne. She began to busy herself with the outdoors when not weighed down by her studies and etiquette lessons. She took an interest in gymnastics and began to build up her list of hobbies, dabbling in poetry, dance, and swimming - even though she didn't dare stray too far from the shallow end.
» By this time, Agatha had completed the majority of her studies, and her home life was becoming strained. Her father and stepmother were experiencing troubles in their marriage, and her stepmother would jet off on expensive holidays to Ithania for days at a time until one day she just disappeared completely.
» Agatha stepped up to the plate almost immediately, tending to her younger siblings as if she were a mother, using what little experience she had to try and take over the household for her father while he busied himself in much more important matters. Agatha took Vivienne's place easily, and at one point even managed to forget about her, until her father finalized a divorce.
» Her father relocated to Regalia to serve Charles Montagaard, and after the undercrown fell, Agatha followed him.

✻ Early Adulthood - Present Day |

» New to Regalia and abruptly swept away in the rush of the social scene, Agatha became fast friends with Genevieve Howlester, someone she depended on greatly.
» She was entranced by the parties and by the attention she received from men of the peerage, eventually nagging her father and forcing him to agree to courtship between her and the former High Reverend Arthane of Brilonde. Agatha was ecstatic at the idea of being married, but it wasn't to be. Arthane left to be married to another and Agatha was heartbroken.
» It was around this time that she had her first few experiences with magic and the criminal world, terrified and yet sickeningly intrigued. Agatha even came face to face with an Arken when she was mistakingly kidnapped and dragged along with the warriors of the empire, transported to Farah'deen where her blood was forcibly taken and used to make a concoction of skill and strength.
» Agatha went about her daily life and created more friends such as Rodderick Howlester and Jared Kade, her failed courtship at the back, of her mind until it was brought to the forefront with the death, of Arthane of Brilonde.
» Agatha grieved. Briefly. She was always of the opinion that dwelling on upset was never any way to better yourself, and so she threw herself into her work, slowly moving on when she met Louis Delmotte. The two were fast friends, as was Agatha and his sister, Emmeline. The group would often meet up to chat over drinks and spend the evening drunk and boisterous.
» The pair eventually progressed into something more than just friends, and they were finally granted courtship by Agatha's father, Hengest. They were courting for a matter of months before it came to light that Arthane had actually faked his death upon being unseated in the church. He made a return to Regalia with his new daughter in tow, his wife having passed in childbirth.
» Arthane approached Hengest and once again bartered for Agatha's hand, promising him a military alliance that Hengest felt he couldn't refuse. He swiftly broke off the engagement to Louis, and Agatha and Arthane were swiftly wed.
» The first week or so of married life Agatha enjoyed, but as it gradually progressed she found herself hating her husband each passing day, finding herself regretful that she ever agreed. A month into their marriage Agatha found herself pregnant, one good thing to have come out of her union. She was ecstatic to be a mother, telling all of her closest friends and brimming with glee for the future - until the child died. She kept it quiet and contained, sadly informing those she had told that it was a false alarm and that she was never pregnant in the first place.
» Following this, the emperor himself stepped in and forcefully annulled the marriage, declaring it null and void and declaring it as having been non consummated. This was the most embarrassing time of her life, ashamed that the spirit had to intervene, that she couldn't do the one thing her duty was to do - to be a wife and a mother.
» Agatha once again threw herself into her work as a way of coping, joining the court as the first High Honourable Lady until Fleur Marais resigned and she was promoted to High Lady of the Chambers, a position to which she maintains to this day.
Last edited:
Review time!
  • Husbandry is a cultural skill and should be listed as such
Tag me once your edit is complete!
Edited the app in regards to the newest Proficiency update. @Rochelle_
Due to her only being 23, and Common no longer being a free language, you'll have to remove two languages! Also the Body Build bullet in the Visual Section should be removed, as that is no longer part of the format and that it doesn't add up with the body build listed in the proficiency section!
Rewrote the personality into better wording etc, tweaked some things, rewrote life story into the better wording. Not much has changed design-wise, it's just me adding more detail. @Rochelle_
Last two points of the childhood section of the life story repeat each other. Please remove one.

Do this one edit and tag me once done!

For the sake of clarity, specify under your proficiency points section as to where and how your points are being calculated [Example] +10 Culinary Arts - +10 Cultural Boost etc etc

Make this change in blue and then tag me
Hey, @BillyTheScroofy! I've aged Agatha up to twenty-six years old and edited her points accordingly, by putting the 3 new extra points into Statesmanship Knowledge.
Hey, @BillyTheScroofy! I've aged Agatha up to twenty-six years old and edited her points accordingly, by putting the 3 new extra points into Statesmanship Knowledge.
As Billy is currently on a very busy trip and the edit is very small, I'll just reapprove this as it is a minor edit. Please next time if/when you change something, tag him again and all of that jazz.

The application has been completely re-written in accordance with the new template and her new aesthetic. The points have been changed and her life story has been edited to reflect the backstory change.
» Arthane approached Hengest and once again bartered for Agatha's hand, promising him a military alliance that Hengest felt he couldn't refuse. He swiftly broke off the engagement to Louis, and Agatha and Arthane were swiftly wed.

@Ryria Approved

However, you need to change the part in the life story that states that the Emperor declared Agatha a virgin. He didnt, he merely stated that the marriage was non-consummated. That part is important as the Emperor is not denying that Agatha may not have been a virgin before the marriage occurred. Change that.
@Ryria Approved

However, you need to change the part in the life story that states that the Emperor declared Agatha a virgin. He didnt, he merely stated that the marriage was non-consummated. That part is important as the Emperor is not denying that Agatha may not have been a virgin before the marriage occurred. Change that.

Edited! Thank you for pointing that out, I didn't remember the specifics of the annoucement Marty made.
Added in the newest personality section because I thought it looked pretty interesting.

Since Billy is currently on holiday with Reya, would you mind looking over this small addition like last time? @HydraLana - I listed two personality types because I thought they both fit her and it didn't appear to be conflicting. If I can only have one, let me know, and I'll decide between the two.
@BillyTheScroofy I switched the ten points I had in musical arts into Literary Arts and replaced that former ten with the new 15 Point Ailor Boost.
Proficiency points finally updated to the new system, the application is in need of a new reviewer, please!
Claimed for review, expect a response in the coming days.
A beautifully done app. There are only a couple of things that stick out:
You still have 7 points to spend unless you are waiting to gain knowledge ICly to put these points towards don't forget about them.

Please put down her body stat total.

Once you make the edits in purple tag me.