Preserved Sheet Aethelric Ii Harhold

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Pizza the Hutt
Jun 13, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Aethelric 'the Second' Harhold
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anglian Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
  • +15 Blades Combat
  • +6 Unarmed Combat
  • +10 Heavy Bow Combat (Cultural)
Body Shape
  • Physical stats: 21
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Anglian (Native speaker)
  • Common (Fluent)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
  • Hair Style: Well groomed, I suppose
  • Skin Color: White
  • Clothing: Something fitting the member of a family in the high nobility
  • Height: 178cm
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Aethelric is a charming young man who has a way with making people feel special. More of a silvertongue than his father, who makes more use of his words to get his way rather than the typical Harhold wrath. He is considered the softer of his siblings, and this is a quality many around him find themselves agreeing with. All in all, a gregarious young man who tries to avoid public shows of violence.

  • Second Paragraph: Aethelric himself has spent his entire childhood being prepared for his future duties as a Grand Duke, and thus has become quite the extroverted adventurer when he is out on his own. While he respects his family he wishes to make a name for himself, independent of his infamous father or his more popular older sister.

  • Third Paragraph: Aethelric is a generous, forgiving friend. Those he considers his friends are often treated to compliments and a generally pleasant demeanor without so much as a little hassling. He is a proud son of his father Hengest and mother Vivienne, doing whatever is in his power to earn their approval. As a brother he is an attentive, respectful little brother to his bastard siblings and older sister Cwynthryth. To his younger siblings he wishes to remain a role model but often falls in line with the usual teasing that is near mandatory for older siblings around the world.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Aethelric has good intentions, but has grown up in an enviroment that has provided him an unrealistic view of the world. Contrary to the rest of his kin, Aethelric lacks the insight into the lives of the lower classes and has delusional ideas about the realities the peasants and commoners face, leading him to often say unintentionally insensitive things or do things that are mildly inappropriate in an attempt to help those living in squalor. He shares his parents' vile outlook on classes, races and foreign religions, though in contrast he believes they cannot help being lesser and should be treated with a modicum of respect so long as they know their place.
Life Story (Required)

  • In the year 285 Aethelric the Second was born to the nobles Hengest Harhold and Vivienne Harhold née Deluise.
  • Aethelric enjoyed a coddled life in the Castle Volkenburgh in Vlissinghelm as a toddler, rarely if ever allowed outside the protection of its thick walls.
  • At age four Aethelric is united with his older bastard siblings Agatha and Eadwald, quickly wanting to become playmates with his newfound siblings.
  • At age seven he becomes the page of the neighbouring Lord of House Devonterry and leaves the comfort of Vlissinghelm's mighty capital for the first time since his baptism in Axford.
  • Through the ages ten to thirteen Aethelric proves to be an exceptional hawker, prompting the youth of Anglian nobility to give him the mocking moniker Rabbitsbane.

Teenage Years
  • At age fourteen Aethelric briefly returns to the Castle Volkenburgh to serve as his uncle Wulfric's squire.
  • At age fifteen Aethelric is once again dragged away from the Volkenburgh to join his uncle at the Academy of Marshalry in Regalia.
  • Aethelric spends his years at the academy homesick, eagerly awaiting every opportunity to return home to be with his family.
  • At age seventeen Aethelric goes through a phase where he wishes to be more like his father but fails to intimidate his bullying victims due to his objectively better looks. Having to resort to violence to get his 'message' across only serves to make Aethelric afraid of reprisal from his kinsmen and tutors.
  • Aethelric spends his time in Regalia bitter that he cannot enjoy the worldly luxuries the imperial city has to offer rich man's sons like himself, stuck with the duties he must perform and lessons he must learn.
  • On his return to Vlissinghelm at age 18 he becomes a bit of a celebrity in Anglia, a popular sight at tourneys for young noble daughters and commoner girls.
  • Aethelric's popularity distorts his view of the world, expecting to get whatever he wants due to his high station.


  • Age 21 Aethelric is officially anointed a knight of Lokinge by his father, in the sight of all the lords and ladies of the Lokingian Realm.
  • The same year, Aethelric ventures off to Regalia to reward himself for his many years of studies, training and lessons in manners.
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