Preserved Sheet Aerlyth Nythern

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Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score

Basic Information (Require)
  • Full Name: Aerlyth Nythern
  • Age: 50
    • Visual Age: ~26
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar-Shendar Mix
  • Main Ambition: Furthering her own hedonism and greed for knowledge, stability in life.
  • Special Permission: (if applicable, if not, leave this out, mandatory section below in Skill info)

Skill Information
  • School: (Declare what Military (example) or Magic (example) your character is trained in. You can declare multiple Schools, but consult with Lore Staff/the Wiki articles about limitations.)
  • Level: (Declare what Skill Level your character is in their Military/Magic School(example) for example: Trainee/Mage/Warrior etc. If you have multiple Schools, declare them all.)
  • Source (Declare the source of your School training per School. For example for Magic this could be "Mentored by Father" or in the case of a Military School: "Attended Turall Blade School" or "Taught by a private tutor paid for by uncle". For each School, declare separately, even if the sources are the same.)
Spoken languages
  • Common 8/10
  • Daendroque 5/10
  • Alt-Regalisch 5/10
  • Modern Elven
    • Proper 4/10 (Can understand,but struggles with speaking)
    • Shendariq 5/10(Native)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Faded greyish blue, orc like sclera
  • Hair Color: Black or various degrees of bleaching.
    • Natural Color: Dark Chestnut
  • Hair Style: Various, often loose or disheveled hair that reaches to her midsection.
  • Skin Color: Light tan, generally more pale than normal due to grey tint.
  • Clothing: Light to medium armor, upper class commoner with exception of few outfits.
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Curvaceous
  • Weapon of Choice: small stabbing/slashing(shanks and that sort of thing).
Visual Information (Expansion)
Body Modifications and Scarring
  • Forked Tongue
  • Various Piercings
  • Half Sleeve, Right arm
  • Full Sleeve, left
  • Minor Burn, left shoulder
  • Faded runic scarring, back
  • Crude hand shaped brand, right wrist

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: How is your character perceived by others? Explain for example that the character is seen as a kind person who is also charitable and temperate. Explain how strangers would perceive the character and what they would think of them if they met them the first time, or heard about them.

  • Aerlyth is generally seen as a relatively normal person with a bit of a depressive feeling around her, though given some time she proves herself to be a somewhat cynical loudmouth. However this is often as far as it goes as the true assholish side of her is reserved for people she tends to designate as annoying, may it be a hypocritical priest or a random optimistic cielothar. Maybe a side effect of the possession or her role models, the elf is generally rowdy and playful with an affinity towards insults.

  • Second Paragraph: How does your character feel inside? Explain their confidence or anxieties, and for what reasons they have this. Explain how they see themselves, how certain they are of themselves etc.
    • There's not really much that keeps her up at night, she generally has no fear of anything for that matter past the vast unknown that only a few return from that is death. Aerlyth is how ever very much afraid of being left alone with her thoughts resulting in her ever so downwards path paved with drugs and alcohol which in turn only serves to limit her response to the world. Once you manage to wiggle your down to a deeper level of her psyche you can begin to see some remnants of a squishy lonely elf that wishes for what she can't have.
  • Third Paragraph: How does your character act towards friends and family? This is roughly the same as the first paragraph, but you'd have to get more specific about how your character acts around friends and family and lovers, people they are naturally more comfortable with. Detail how this differs from how they are perceived by strangers.

  • Towards the people she considers her friends she's still the same assholish self though to a lesser degree. Aer generally doesn't have any family in the more metaphorical close friends sense as she is quite incapable of maintaining that sort of relationship and consciously and actively pushes away anybody that tries due to some rather unsavoury past interactions, though if someone, somehow, manages to get down there she would be a bit softer. As for her actual family, I'm her own words, ''My family are assholes,'' only to add a cheery ''they're dead now.'' at the end.

  • Fourth Paragraph: What is your character's morality? Explain how your character's morality works, whether they are good, neutral, or evil, and how that manifests itself in their moral code. Are they just or corrupt? How do they see other people's corruption and evil deeds etc?

  • In simple terms, Aerlyth is what most would consider true neutral that tends to lean towards the chaotic side. In less proper words, she is aware that her deeds are evil and doesn't care enough to justify them past"It benefitted me", I'm a way she is comparable to the allar, but more free and corrupt where she cares very little about people's wellbeing opting for the fastest solution, may it be torture or drowning a bus of kittens. There however is a bit of hesitance when it comes to her closer friends, but if pressed or betrayed she will take the appropriate, often murderous, path.
  • Scholar: Aerlyth has a surprising skill set for the way she acts. These skills range from somewhat professional alchemy that allows her to produce substances marked as level five, though not of particularly good quality, as well as, her pride and joy, various intoxicants such as slag. Simply out of necessity comes simple medical knowledge enough to treat basic injuries such as stabs and cuts reaching up to the ability to stabilize most things, paired with this are various less refined roughish skills such as amatuer lock picking.

  • Sleight of hand and stage magic: A skilled picked up as a hobby rather than a means of survival, refined during her time in Anglia, Aerlyth has your typical street artists skill set of making things disappear though this is often reserved for wallets not cards, but it does aid her in gambling when paired with her ability to read people, although not very good as it is reserved only for the rare card game and casino weekend, she can pick up on most people's tells allowing her an easier time manipulating and extracting the through from people. This only works on human like races:Nelfin(excluding shendar and drow) and humans taking that they're not of the stone faced cultures.
  • Reckless: The woman seems to have very little stopping her from outright jumping in front of a speeding bus. Maybe bad decision making, brain damage or just plain or stupidity, Aerlyth seems to put herself in danger for no apparent rhyme or reason rather just finding herself in the middle of a twelve man dogpile for one reason or another. This can be seem as bravery and virtue by some, though they would be quickly swayed by the blood and unneeded violence that follows.

  • Weakened Right Hand: Aerlyh's right hand for one reason or another is not at maximum performance. Her right hand is essentially only useful for small tasks such as writing, it is unable to properly carry heavier weapons, anything past a small dagger or a stick, even then the strikes are weakened quite a bit, or objects. She is limited to her dominant hand for any major tasks and thus hindering her other more important skills like major production of alchemical concoctions or fighting.

Life Story (Required)
  • Born near Daenshore to a group of exiled avanthar and various less desirable elves, unaware of her shendarness.
  • Spends her life normally until the age of 10 where she's possessed.
  • Nothing much until 14 when small group of shendar arrive and take control of the "tribe" with little resistance.
  • Age 16, exorcised and begins to be taught as a shaman and healer.
  • Begins to bond with her maternal grandfather from who she learns alt-regalisch.
  • 26, everything goes full out shendar void worship.
    • Grandfather gets sacraficed
  • 28, current shaman, Aer's teacher, gets her head bashed in by a random undersized Ebhula that came out of nowhere in front of most of the tribe.
  • 30, leaves the tribe wandering along the coast like between smaller settlements.
  • 35, Travels to Anglia where she is collared, refines her rusty alt-regal and sounds like a pretentious snob during it.
  • 36, Joins a borderline void cult comprised of mostly Alt-Regalians, furthers her skills and picks up alchemy.
    • Starts integrating into criminal world.
  • 45, travels to Regalia.
    • Builds connections and business in the city
  • No major events.
Last edited:
Hello! Here's my review:
  • Add another negative personality trait of any sort.
  • Having knowledge of three forms of magic and alchemical knowledge at 34 is too much. Remove one of the forms of magic or the alchemical prowess.
  • Lacking in a skill is not a weakness. Please replace the 'Combat unfit' weakness with something else.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Reworded combat unfit to weak, upped her age by 3 and downgraded her magic, did the rest.
@PonyoWantHam fixed up the years because damn my math was crap...Added char art
  • Changed the red text to a dark grey and bolded a few things
  • Removed starlight/made her abandon it
  • Removed the mention of it in anotomy and medical know. and replaced that little part with her not being physically capable of doing much with the knowledge in combat
  • Updated her body build to reflect the changes
  • minor grammar changes(not highlighted since they didn't add or remove anything)
  • Removed mentions of starlight magic in her abilities
  • Removed weak and replaced it with a different weakness
  • All changes should be highlighted in blue
Upped her weight by 4 pounds due to the body type change thing, same color as before.
@PonyoWantHam just gonna since it's been like a week with no response
First off, sorry for the bumrush of updates I just skipped over this last time,
  • Specified racial mix,though this is basically just background fluff
  • Specified what languages she speaks
@PonyoWantHam with the changes in avanthar lore, do you believe her height could remain the same given that it comes from her being like 1/8 ailor.
1/8 Ailor is not sufficient enough. If you heightened it to 1/2 Ailor, then she could keep her height.
How about
1/4 ailor
1/4 avanthar
2/4 cielothar
So she remains with the nelfin aging and generally the same char just with out any of the new avanthar stuff?
Added the race mix as well as bone magic, all edits in a pinkish purple
  • Doctoring and Anatomy Knowledge: Though the latter not being a new skill it was mostly put on hold for the last fourteen or so years. She does know the layout of the typical human body enough to repair most damage traditionally. As well this skill could be used in combat to quickly dispatch foes though she is more capable of simply restraining them.
  • Alchemist: Though new to the art she can produce most healing things relatively easily, given she has the instructions with her. Now with the help of the bronze iris, her skills are starting to progress further. Though she can't produce anything rated over 6 without help and the higher level things would be just very mediocre, though this is generally a slow process.
  • Bone magic: though a recent skill Aer has excelled at by grasping the concept easily, partly due to her past in magic. She has advanced to an early caster and her learning speed has solved to an almost grinding stop as she starts to focus on more so the techniques and style rather than new skills.

  • This is too many skills for one sole character. Knowing how to heal and dispatch enemies, use alchemical substances and use a caster-level magic is too much to juggle all at once. Either you remove one of these three or lower one severely.
    • Ex: Lower alchemy skill to 3/10
    • Ex: Lower anatomy knowledge to being able to barely bandage a wound from minor healing experience in the past, but can't fix anything permanent nor dismember enemies with anatomical knowledge.
    • Ex: Lower bone magic to student level or below.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
  • Modern Elven (native)
  • Daen (native)
  • Common (Fluent, Learned through early life)
  • Alt-Regalian(Fluent with a few hiccups, Through grandfather)
Also. Too many languages. To balance it out, do a skill level out of ten for each language or remove one of them.
  • This is too many skills for one sole character. Knowing how to heal and dispatch enemies, use alchemical substances and use a caster-level magic is too much to juggle all at once. Either you remove one of these three or lower one severely.
    • Ex: Lower alchemy skill to 3/10
    • Ex: Lower anatomy knowledge to being able to barely bandage a wound from minor healing experience in the past, but can't fix anything permanent nor dismember enemies with anatomical knowledge.
    • Ex: Lower bone magic to student level or below.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Would you be fine with the healing being lowered to basic first aid, basically enough to stabalize somebody?
Edits in sandy color.
  • Removed focus skill
  • added the fact that anatomy skill is mostly used as a ''get the hell away from me'' move when somebody messes up a strike.
@PonyoWantHam would you be ok with me time skipping/speeding up her learning since early level bone magic is annoying to play and is the worst form of resource management.
@PonyoWantHam Added nelfin paused age next to the age, updated the app to fit the new body build rule thing.
@PonyoWantHam because I'm an idiot that's been forgetting to do this a log time, added that she got a removable collar through ic means, same color as above edits.
@PonyoWantHam S&W rebalance
In short but not limited to:

  • Dropped her alchemy skill
  • Split S1, expanded on fighting, other part combined into S2
  • Reworded PTSD to be clearer and generally more active in rp
@PonyoWantHam since I just remembered the whole fighting nerf thing was a thing, yeah sorry barely functional me shouldn't be allowed to edit my things. Dropped fighting for a more fitting provocateur oriented trait.