Preserved Sheet Aerin

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Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Aerin
  • Race: Bene-Rexit Isldar
  • Age: 44
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Green with Blue Specks
  • Affliction: Bound Geist
Core Concept
  • Aerin is a Bene-Rexit Isldar, swearing their loyalty to the Glacial through their Geist affliction. Described by many as a Wastewanderer, Aerin exists to fuel the Glacial with the Legions of the Deathtouched. With their partner, Khalïstrya, the pair of them wander Regalia on their deathly crusade.
Strength - 0

Constitution - 5

  • Block Pack - Shield Block
  • Recovery Pack - Bonfire
  • Counterplay Pack - Rage Counter
  • Bastion Pack - Shield Wall
  • Ironheart Pack
Dexterity - 0
  • Trickery Pack - Dirty Fighter (Commutable)
Wisdom - 1
  • Deeplore Wisdom Pack
Magic - 7 - Ordial
  • Thanhicism Pack - Disrupting Rune
  • Displacement Pack - Arcane Knockback
  • Disruption Pack - Link Disrupt
  • Illusionism Pack - Reflection Strike
  • Casting Pack - Arcane Attraction
  • Protection Pack - Saving Grace
  • Spellsword Pack - Magic Throw
  • Enchanting Pack - Enchanted Buffer (Racial)
  • Predator Pack - Instant Leap (Commutable)
  • Puppeteer Pack - Power Hex (Commutable)
Charisma - 1
  • Saboteur Pack
  • Bound Geist
    • Weapon Summon: Longsword
  • Greater Mage Spells
    • Spellsword - Magic Blade
    • Thanhicism - Spirit Rush
    • Disruption - Target Disrupt
  • Spell Specials
    • Chain Break
    • Prison Break
    • Health Call
    • Runesmithing
    • Evil Tongues
    • Cursed Touch
    • Echoes of the Past
    • Thanhic Therapy
  • Curse Specials
    • Dueling Brand
    • Accursed Fall
    • Possession
    • Accursed Locale
    • Accursed Heartbeat
    • Accursed Senses
  • Husbandry Advanced Mounts (granted via Wyvern Stables Racial)
    • Wyvern Mount
  • Common (Free)
  • Sulvaley (Cultural)
  • Shadetongue (Racial Special)
Appearance Information
  • A gaunt appearing Isldar standing at around 6', Aerin seems rather androgynous, with their sharp nelfin features, long flowing white locks and icy pale skin. Their eyes are a green with purple flecks, their sclera an even darker deeper green, bordering on black. Their musculature is grand, yet their shoulder width on the smaller side.
  • Aerin's Geist form is a similar to a bi-pedal bonehorror, resembling a mid-point between their usual self and Glacial's Mark.
Life Story
  • Aerin was born in Ellador, raised in the great Holds of the Isldar before the division.
  • Raised by a caring couple, he was taught as any of his kind might. He was readied for time in the military.
  • When the dragons returned, he turned towards the Bene-Rexit. In this time, Aerin met his partner, Khalïstrya, after being the last remaining suitor after a series of deadly duels.
  • The pair of them soon after turned towards Geistdom, heading out from Ellador to spread the Glacial's need for death to Regalia.