Preserved Sheet Aelwyn Tiamitore

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previously "Skeletennessee"
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Aelwyn "Ael" Tiamitore

  • Age: 34

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Altalar

  • Main Ambition: "To have a time". She doesn't care if it's good or long, so long as she can derive enjoyment from it.

  • Special Permission: Expert in the School of Griffer.

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Aelwyn currently resides with a Solang in a rafter in the sewers, though she could probably be paid well on the surface as a bodyguard. She prefers life below ground because of its unpredictability, and it gives her an excuse to practice swordsmanship on the poor scum that reside there. She recently moved in, having lived there for a month or so.

  • Aelwyn was born to an Avanthar father and a Cielothar mother. Her mother was a performer in a travelling circus, often following merchants and traders as they moved around. Her father was a warrior, and highly capable when it came to cavalry warfare. Her mother was an acrobat who walked the high wire, as well as a knife juggler. She has no siblings.

  • Aside from enjoying her life, she hopes to overcome the weaknesses of the School of Griffer, and be able to go toe-to-toe with a Turall practitioner.
  • School - School of Griffer
  • Expert
  • Griffer Akademie

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: Down in a ponytail or in a complex braid behind her head.

  • Skin Color: A radiant olive. She has a few scars along the length of her arms, from years of training.

  • Clothing: Wears clothes that won't impede her movement, generally opting to keep her arms bare.

  • Height: 6'0

  • Body Build: Athletic

  • Weapon of Choice: Griff Blade.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Aelwyn is seen as both confident and flirty. She's blunt to the point that she'll say exactly what she thinks. When provoked, she becomes sarcastic and crude, often spouting a few biting remarks. She's generally observant when not spoken to, preferring to listen instead. In combat, she remains silent, as the Akademie taught.

  • Second Paragraph: Having been trained as an acrobat by her mother, Aelwyn has nothing but confidence in her abilities. She was taught that those who wavered were always the first to fall from the highwire. This translates into every aspect of her life, especially when it comes to combat. Her only fear is never being able to beat a Turall swordsman. She has little regard for what others think of the way she lives.

  • Third Paragraph: In the company of friends and lovers, Aelwyn becomes more supportive. She tends to take the back seat, listening to others' day and comforting them. Her unwavering confidence is less apparent, and she tends to be more passive and easy-going. Ael feels less of a need to assert herself in private. The time she spent in training helped to mellow her out, and she occasionally shows the discipline and silence she learned there.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Aelwyn only cares for a fair fight. She won't go out of her way to help a bystander in trouble, and might occasionally rob a sewer dweller out of boredom. Her alignment could be described as "Chaotic Neutral". Her actions are generally motivated by the incentive of coin, or to alleviate boredom. She'll help or hurt only if it benefits her in the long run.


  • Swordsmanship - The chief focus of her life. She was put into the Griffer Akademie as soon as she turned fifteen, and took to it like a fish to water. The focus required is similar to that required when balancing on a wire, and both were equally exhilarating. She can hold her own against most other swordsmen, and constantly strives to perform well against Turall and Drixon.

  • Acrobatics - When not fighting, she performs. Aelwyn is extremely flexible, and has a good sense of balance. These are useful in a variety of situations, but she normally uses them to explore the dark corners of the sewers safely.


  • Ill informed- Aelwyn is very aware of how disadvantaged Griffer swordswomen are against Turall and Drixon swordsmen, but has yet to devise a way to even the playing field. As a result, she chooses to avoid conflict with practitioners of either school, or will flee if possible. She is also ignorant in regards to mages and sanguine, having had zero contact with either before entering Regalia. This causes her to be on the superstitious side, believing both to be more fearsome than they are in reality.
  • Finicky- Having spent the majority of her life within the Akademie, Aelwyn has consequently picked up on the fastidious desires and behavior of the other well-to-do's and socialites. As a result, her demands are unwavering and precise. She quickly gets impatient over any deviation from what she wanted. This makes it exceedingly difficult for her to find activities that bring her joy.


Life Story (Required)

Birth - Aelwyn was born to an Avanthar and Cielothar couple, in Daendroque. Her father was imprinted to an Isldar, resulting in features that seemed washed out, to a degree. His mother was a travelling circus performer, who moved around with Daendroque Ailor merchants with her troupe, making money through shows. Her mother's camp had stopped near a Cielothar village, and her father happened to be patrolling the area nearby. He sat in on her performance, and decided that they would produce strong offspring. The two conceived Aelwyn, but the troupe moved away before she was born.

Childhood - Growing up in the troupe would've proved difficult to any other child, but Aelwyn was more energetic and excitable than the rest. At first, her mother wouldn't let her near the wire. The girl, however, had other thoughts. She often practiced barefoot on lower wires, in love with the feeling of being separated from the ground. Aelwyn often snuck onto the wire when her mother was off performing, in order to hone her skill. Her mother saw determination and grace in her movements, and began to officially train her. By the age of nine, the girl was allowed to perform in shows with her mother. On the side, she learned to juggle and throw knives accurately. Their section of the show generally consisted of doing tricks on the wire, while juggling knives.

Teenage Years - Aelwyn performed until she was 14, when at a certain show, a particular well-off Nelfin woman approached her mother about a venture. Aelwyn, the strange woman asserted, was the perfect candidate to be a "Griffer". Her mother wanted more for her daughter than to be a performer, so she agreed to send the girl to be trained. After a year more of performing, Ael was sent to the Griffer Akademie. The troupe moved on, and Aelwyn has not been able to locate them to this day. She soon forgot about the performers, and immersed herself in the world of precision that was swordsmanship. The thrill, speed, and skill that came from walking wires was similar in wielding the Griff Blade. She found some of the other practices tedious, but generally performed well. After graduating, the elf's demeanor had calmed down. She was still the same in public, but seemed more distant and calm when alone.

Adult Years to Now - Aelwyn began a career in guarding nobles, as well as dueling other swordsmen when she could. She'd learned all that the Akademie had to teach, but there were things that only real experience could provide. For the last four years, Aelwyn has been between jobs and has fought a variety of different swordsmen. Her most recent travels have brought her to Regalia, as a hired sword of sorts. She currently stays at the tavern, looking for employment. Her particular skillset and appeal have led her to consider applying to one of the city's guard orders.
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Basic Appearance
An offspring of a Cielothar and Avanthar will always be an Altalar. Please do edit accordingly.

Visual Appearance
Noting that an offspring will inherit Avanthar-dominant genes, opt for a darker shade of hair colour such as dark auburn or black. As an Altalar, it is good for roleplay to show the impact of her parents.
For her skin complexion, due to her Avanthar-dominant genes, she would not have a light skin complexion. Please opt for a darker one.
For her weapon, I believe you meant 'Griffer blade', a minor edit should rectify it.

A good pick on the first one, though, I would recommend having another weakness as it might make it more interesting for you to roleplay this character, an example would be finicky-practically being difficult to please and fussy as well. After all, she is trying to please herself and that could be a potential shortfall.

Life Story
She has very un-Griffer behavior concurrently, being effectively a bandit in the sewers. Why would she suddenly be a thrill-seeker in the sewers despite the discipline and values taught to her in the Griffer Academy.She was also quite dedicated to her studies for many years, going as far as forgetting her old friends and past in performance as you wrote earlier. In many ways, to her former peers and the life she spent 15 years dedicated to, she is disgracing this past.

Really, there is much potential for intrinsic turmoil for your character currently, Griffers are present in honorary guard positions for various notable politicians for example in the kind of prestige that they are able to wield. It is almost unheard of for a Griffer to resort to living in the sewers.
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!


Sorry for the wait, I had to go to bed. Good changes! A gentle reminder that character progression is also a key thing to keep in mind, feel free to change your sheet accordingly as things impact her in-game!
