Preserved Sheet Aelris - The Callous Crow

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“White Knight” Extraordinare
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Cowboy Central






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"Such devout and overzealous regard for others need not impede your work.'



➢ Full Name: Aelris Vixaris
➢ Age: 90 Years
➢ Gender: Male
➢ Race: Isldar

❖ Originates from Ellador.
➢ Sexuality: Heterosexual
➢ Religion: Dragon Worship

❖ Dragon Dogma Zeal
➢ Preferred Weapon: Arming Swords.



Total Points - 60 Points to Spend + 10 Hobby.

(+10 Hobby Points)

➢ Combat: 20
❖ +20 Fast Blades Combat | Invested
➢ Criminal: 6
❖ +6 Stealth Rogue Skill | Invested
➢ Knowledge: 8
❖ +8 Elemental Sorcery | Invested
❦ Elemental Influence
❦ Elemental Intercept
➢ Arts: 11
❖ +7 Musical Arts | Hobby
❖ +4 Dancing Arts | Hobby/Invested
➢ Body: 25
❖ +15 Athletic Training | Invested
❖ +10 Perception Training | Invested

➢ Body Shape
Physical Status | 30
Shape | Ripped Shape
Fat | Low Body Fat

➢ Languages - 3
❖ Sulvaley Elven | His native tongue and most comfortable tongue.
❖ Wrym Tongue | Fluent; Known due to his Dragon following and worship.
❖ Common | Fluent and well exercised, learned throughout his studies within Ellador's keeps.

Special Traits:

Dogma High Zeal

➢ Can "know" when a Dragon has spoken, but not which one, or what they said.
➢ Can visibly see and manipulate the Soul Rivers.
➢ Can form any type of weapon out of the Soul Rivers.
➢ Can produce dragon-scale armor on their hands, forearms and upper arms (like sleeves and gauntlets) that become immune to weapon penetration (but still take blunt damage and hurt), while gaining +5 Unarmed Combat Skill wielding these Dragon Gauntlets.
➢ Can hear Dragon voice carried from hundreds of miles on the wind.
➢ Can speak Fluent Dragon speech to their Dragon, and others who are High Zeal to the same Dragon.
➢ Can see the Soul Rivers, make them visible to others, and bend them around, changing their direction with their hands.

Stealth - 6

Your Character can avoid being detected behind a wall/door/window (you have to emote that your character is sneaking)
Anyone within emote range with 12 Perception can see/hear through it and will detect your character
This skill can also be used to sneak up behind someone, as long as they do not have 6 Perception to detect your Character

❦ Spells:
Elemental Influence
Elemental Intercept



➢ Eye Color: Dull grey.
➢ Hair Color: Frosty white.
➢ Hair Style: Short and messy.
➢ Skin Color: Pale.
➢ Clothing: Dark fabrics and undershirts adorned with coats.
➢ Height: 6'5".



« The Callous Crow »

➢ Character Alignment | Chaotic Neutral
➢ Personality Type | ISTJ-A - The Logistician
➢ Religion | The Dragon Dogma - 8/10

➢ How would your character express feeling Happiness and Contentedness?
❖ Aelris' contentedness in public tends to be shafted behind; Obscured with nothing more than slight nods of approval and quick remarks, though when he's truly content he tends to shift to a more conceited and boisterous behavior as the conversations flow out, his egocentric nature becoming more apparent as a result.
➢ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
❖ Responding to fear is something that the frostling assumes rather easily due to a sense of pride from within, merely prodding a quick remark towards the opposer. Though if a situation were to ever become uncontrollable by his means, he shifts to a fight-or-flight mindset; Attempting to creep away if he finds the opposer too competent.

➢ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
❖ Stress doesn't tend to overwhelm the Frostling for what he does; Were a certain idea to stress the man out, he immediately finds himself going to confront the cause of the stress. He would rather finish it off swiftly rather than have it cripple his actions and mindset.

➢ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
❖ The Isldar's view on the principles of law and authorities vary heavily on his own pursuits, finding the benefit to them if his actions aren't impeded by them, while finding them to be a nuisance if they're restricting.

➢ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
❖ His arrival to Regalia, witnessing many races that it beholds has made the man grow a natural uncare for them. Keeping that silent superiority to the races he deems lesser, generally he tends to treat them all with the same, responsive personality that he would an Isldar.

➢ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
❖ Aelris' belief in the Dragons has kept true since childhood; Belief in anything else is considered to not even be an option for him, believing all his life that their worship and praise was the end-all, be-all to religion as a whole. He still keeps true to their beliefs after all this time, finding the other faiths such as Unionism a way to glorify the Ailors in their supremacy.
➢ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
❖ Ever since his mischievous behavior sprung forth in his childhood, he's used spells and sorcery to tease and provoke others; Not only finding it to be a valuable asset in his arsenal, but also an intriguing topic to study. Over the years, he's begun to understand the capabilities of its power and it's true, destructive nature, aiming to continue in his practice to prevent that from happening.

➢ How does your character feel towards their family?
❖ Despite his seeming uncare and egocentric nature, he bears a soft spot for his family, finding all ways to make certain that his kin aren't hurt or mistreated in any shape or form, occasionally intervening when it's truly not needed.

➢ What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
❖ Aelris prides himself in his loyalties and sheer talent; Surprisingly, he's staunch and focused to the very core, and furthers this in his actions.

➢ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
❖ The idea of power. Aiming to become reputable throughout Regalia with his self proclaimed excellence and skillfulness, he believes his skills could take him anywhere, and will not quit before proving not only to himself but to others as well.
➢ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
❖ Betrayal; Placing his trust on those who aren't worthy of such, only to have them backstab the Isldar as a result. His mind tends to keep this fact when he's dwelling with others. Though he might wear a neutral face, the thought still lingers in his mind, tending to be cautious through his actions.
➢ What is your character's biggest fear?
❖ A lingering sense of weakness. Were a situation to arise that something important to him were to vanish due to his inferior skill, he'd find that regret to haunt him for the rest of his days. Thus, he keeps to his practice, attempting to further his skill in hopes of eliminating this insecurity.

➢ Character Alignment
❖ Chaotic Neutral
☬ Ultimately, Aelris' choices scale from his personal stance on it. If he finds them reputable to his own gain he tends to carry out with his plans, rarely finding any regard for others once doing so. However, through that shafted ego, if one he truly finds important were to be in danger through one of his plans, he tends to swiftly make changes according to such.

➢ Personality Type
❖ ISTJ-A - The Logistician
☬ Befitting that of his calmer approach to things, Aelris tends to stick to his own methods of dealing with situations and issues, finding suggestions from others irrelevant and wastes of time.
"Logisticians don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, having little tolerance for indecisiveness from others, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action."

➢ Religion
❖ The Dragon Dogma - 8/10
☬ Aelris' belief in the worship of Dragons has stemmed ever since childhood, relaying a deep sense of obligation to them, even if he cannot physically see them yet. Though his opinions on them have shifted since his arrival to Regalia, his general idea on them have stayed true, and still keeps to their laws and creeds.

Llewel Vixaris | @N/A - 2/5
"Too focused in his work, strict and absent."

Aelbron Lellvyone | @N/A - 4/5
"Gentle and patient."

Lythir Vixaris | @MasterMordax -5/5
"The bookworm."

Wistaeri Vixaris | @GamingLeopurred -5/5
"All the wine that she's drank has stayed in her head, in turn she's a bit slow-"

Amaria Silevon | @Mid_exe -3/5
"Not too knowledgeable on her yet, but she's alright."

'Ava' Pänö'kleä | @BiBiBirdie - 4/5
"Favorite 'Niece'."

'Veta' Mikhailovich | @DiabloDonut - 4/5
"It's better when she's drunk."

Stanley Conagra | @Ded Jok - 3/5
"Kicked him into a pit; He responded by kicking me. Pretty good."





➢ Childhood | 1-9
{0} Born into the Lellvyone House, under the Vixaris branch within Ellador. Aelris was the middle child of two siblings whilst the oldest held a greater number in age. His warrior-father known as Llewel establishing an impression on the three as their years progressed.
{1-8} At a young age, as most of his long lines of relatives are, he would find himself pushed into the life of a Dragon Worshipper and it's various traditions. By the age of eight years he already knew a good portion of what it meant to worship the Dragons, keeping to these creeds for as long as he lived.

➢ Upbringing |10-13
{9} With religion and culture aside, Aelris had other particular interests, specifically in the niche he picked up of sorcery. This talent being realized after spotting a street performer in one of his outings to Ithania to visit their cousins. As soon as he returned to Ellador he made an effort to practice and delve into the arcane world, soon studying the talent along with his younger brother, whom also found a particular knack for it.
{10-13} As an early teenager Aelris would scrounge about, using his spells for nothing more than games to tease others; playing tricks on those about when he wasn't stuck with silly combat training which he deemed fruitless at the time. Although magic and combat weren't his only pass times and lessons. He also, like most Isldar (mainly the von Merciers in his family) took up musical lessons to join in with those playing tunes in his family.

➢ Inheritance | 14-20
{14-18} His early teenage years was when he took up being an apprentice under the now defunct, Scale's Sword with the sole purpose in protecting the Priesthood. Having trained under Faihis Lisouran, a well known figure in his family for being well acquainted with their Patriarch at the time. Although the young frostling's mentor intimidated him such, he was whipped quite into shape minus his ongoing attitude. Aelris would learn to put his magic and practical combat to good use, be it by blade or by the skills of his tricks. Though through it all, he'd notice his younger brother slowly distracting himself with books rather than their pressing tutelage, still keeping his close relationship with his sibling through it all.
{15-20} Along this time would the Frostling truly begin to take his training seriously, continuing on from before, he'd begin to use his magical expertise to aid him in combat throughout the years. Though as he only continued to grow and experience his training, the young adult would begin to grow an ego, soon realizing his full potential as a swordsman after defeating his mentor in a duel.

➢ Journey | 21-88
{21-25} Years later, the older frostling would watch his father fall in battle. It struck the family with severe heartache, greatly confusing the Frostling at heart, leaving him in a state of solitude. As he remained in Ellador to keep to his family, he'd notice his older brother exploring the varying regions, deciding to venture out on his own in the surrounding areas, aiming to practice his skills for his own benefit, gaining more knowledge as he explored his region.
{26-88} As time progressed, the once, stubborn and uncaring boy grew up to become resilient and an able-bodied warrior, traveling around the many regions of Aloria, taking jobs as a mercenary. Visiting Daendroque, Regalia, Brissaud, and many others in search for work and ultimately, an enjoyable time. Throughout his expenditures, he'd keep viewing the many wars taking place around his residence. Though the thought came to his mind, joining the effort and proving himself, he ultimately disregarded such thoughts, keeping to his fluctuating payment as a sellsword.
Though he occasionally visited Ellador every now and again in between his ventures to check on his siblings, eventually he'd return back to Ellador permanently; He thought at least.

➢ Return | 89-Present
{89-90} The Frostling kept to the family's home for another year or two, serving around the city as a self-proclaimed 'rogue', keeping watch of its inhabitants and makings. Growing bored of such trivial work, he'd hobble towards a bar for a drink.Sulking away at a glass of wine, he'd hear of his family grouping with the fallen Priestess in Regalia and of the supposed changes that were to come. He settled on taking his siblings along after packing his bags. The supposed 'holy' city of Regalia awaiting the trio.


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  • 1) In your 'Fear' personality section, rewrite this because it's not a antiquate response to fear, and must be changed.
  • 2) In your 'Insecurities' personality section, this is not a proper insecurity, it's too Mary-Sue. Rewrite this.
Tag me @Havsbris_ With your changes made in Blue.

Changes have been made!
Preferred Weapon has been altered due to new proficiencies.
Proficiency Points have been changed.
Eye Color has been changed from a light blue to a dull grey.
As well as an overall aesthetics overhaul for the entire application.
All major changes listed above have been highlighted in a hue of Blue.
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Application Re-vision.
Re-worked his points as well as his racial boosts, as well as implementing the new Isl Zeal into the sheet.
Updated the Life Story with a bit more information.
Once again, another re-work.
Finished his points and adjusted them to fit with the new 'Sorcery' Update.
Adjusted his Body Stat, due to the cap change for Isldar.
As well as a bunch of tidbits here and there to hopefully liven up the character and whatnot.
All of the noteworthy changes have been made in blue.
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