Preserved Sheet Adriona Isabelle Fioravanti

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Jul 12, 2016
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Adriona Isabelle Fioravanti

Basic Information

Full Name: Adriona Isabelle Fioravanti

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Ailor-Qadir

Main Ambition: Assimilating into Regalian culture, along with perfecting her magic

Special Permission: None

Basic Information (Expanded)

Adriona Isabelle Fioravanti is sometimes referred to as Addy, Adri, Ri, Rio, and Canoli. She is seventeen years of age, born to Aaliyah Bakr and Constazo Fioravanti. Her mother Aaliyah was a Qadir, but Adriona takes more after her father, whose roots rest in Daendroque.

The girl currently lives alone in Regalia, in a house that had been gifted to the Fioravantis long ago.

The Firoavantis, a highly regarded family of mages, live in Daendroque. Adriona has moved to Regalia in order to recover from her awful childhood and begin a new life there.

Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Color: Brown, almost black

Hair Style: Long, curly, reaching the small of her back

Skin Color: Bronze, Cinnamon

Clothing: Loose, bohemian, sometimes provocative

Height: 5'4 ½

Weight: 137 lbs.

Body Build: A bit busty but slender and lean

Weapon of Choice: Blood Magic Hemocurse

Reference Picture

Kayla Marquez

Visual Information (Expanded)

Adriona is half Qadir and half Daendroque Ailor. In realistic terms, she would be half Middle Eastern, half Italian. Her skin is a bronzed, cinnamon tone with pink undertones. She also has a few freckles. Her eyes are large, with a heavy lid, and are framed by very thick, dark lashes. They are a dark brown, and if one were to look closely, would notice speaks of gold in the iris. Her sclera is white. The girl has very dark brows that require extensive grooming. Her nose is a bit wide and elongated. Her lips, while full, usually appear to be chapped. If dressed for a special occasion, Adriona will adorn them with a deep red or black pigment. As far as facial features go, she has an oval-shaped face and high cheekbones.

Adri's hair is long, thick, and curly, although most days the curls would be more of waves. It reaches her lower back and is a dark, dark brown, almost black, with hints of red and copper. A few shorter layers frame her face. In terms of style, her hair is either intricately braided, twisted into a neat bun, pulled into a ponytail, or let loose to cascade down her back.

The girl's body is proportionate to her height and weight, although she is "busty" and has quite large breasts. Her thighs are also a bit wide, though she's not considered chubby or fat. Adriona's skin tone is the same as her face, if not a bit darker, and shares the same freckles. She has a small tattoo on her left shoulder that was given to her by her best friend. It is an image of an owl. It is unknown what the image stands for. Adriona's legs are long, and her midsection is thin as well. She has what is called an hourglass shape.

When she speaks, Adri tends to roll her r's. Her voice is very smooth and soprano. Some may consider it seductive or untrustworthy. When angry, she raises her voice and sometimes speaks in Daendroquean or Faraddi. On the subject of language, Adriona can speak Common, Daendroquean, and chooses to curse extensively in Faraddi. The girl does not laugh frequently, but when she does, it is a low chuckle or an amused guffaw. There is no in between.

Personality and Abilites

PESSIMISTIC: Adriona is chronically angry at pretty much everything. She hates people, animals, and the world. Life simply doesn't work out for her at times. It is most likely a product of her anxiety and slight bipolar depression. She tends to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full. If something doesn't go her way, she's quick to dismiss it bitterly, saying things like,
it won't work out, this isn't going to happen, etc."

BOSSY: The woman wants everything done her way, on her terms. She can be very authoritative and commanding, which is a good leadership quality, but is not inflicted kindly and sometimes ruins Adri's relationships with her friends. She snaps at people, this usually contributing from her anger, and verges on the side of ruthless at times.

HYPOCRITICAL: Despite having good morals mentally (and liking them as a concept), Adriona gives much unsolicited advice and expresses unwanted opinions, suggesting others do things a certain way, but never acting on it herself. The woman does not like to be called out when she's wrong, and is quick to deny anyone who does. Unfortunately, her denial leads her to look idiotic and rigid at times.

STINGY: The woman does not like to give in the slightest, although she's not necessarily taking all the time. She sometimes values possessions above people, especially if they were given to her by a special someone. This is a result of attaching too many emotions to material possessions.

PASSIONATE: Physically and emotionally, Adriona is passionate about whatever (or whoever) she's doing at the moment. In romantic terms, she is very sweet and caring. Emotionally, when she's mad, she's MAD. When she is happy, she is very happy. This sometimes brings about hissy fits and tantrums, as well as full-fledged panic attacks, however. Adriona has a sense of strong feeling about whatever she pursues, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals in life. She is on an endless journey to achieve greatness.

HUMOROUS: Although she won't admit it, the woman has a very good sense of humor brought about by her father. Adriona cracks jokes sarcastically and makes awful puns, and she's usually the only one laughing. Don't tell anyone you laughed. She'd kill you. Her puns range from short, casual comments about dates (as in, the fruit), to terrible jokes about owls, her favorite animal.

METHODICAL: Adriona is very disciplined, and has a strategy for almost everything. She thinks through her plans and executes them in an orderly fashion. She is a great planner. The only time this fails is when it comes to attacks, as anything could happen. The woman sometimes severely underestimates her opponents, leading to a lack of planning. However, she's great at planning, and if the occasion or opportunity ever arose, she'd jump at the chance to command an army.

CONFIDENT: The girl has a sort of "fake it till you make it" demeanor about her and is very confident, sometimes overly exerting herself mentally in an attempt to intimidate whoever it is she is talking to. She lacks no self-confidence, believing herself to be very beautiful inside and out. Her brain is quite one-sided.

Strengths and Weaknesses

ANXIOUS: Adriona is very, very anxious and has frequent panic attacks. These are a result of having trust issues and having to hide her magic from the public eye. Any attack inflicted upon her is taken very hard mentally. Her panic attacks range from slight tremors and sweaty palms to full-out spasms and, rarely, self-harm.

TRIGGERED: Many things trigger panic attacks, outbursts, and fits in Adriona's mind. She becomes very unstable at the mention of certain things, and this can effectively be used against her. The upside of this is that it sometimes fuels her anger. However, it can lead to fits of merciless rage in which Adri can use her powers for terrible things.

WEAK: Adri is not combat-oriented in the least, and her magic cannot be used if she is in a situation where she is mentally unstable. The only weapon she is able to use well is a bow and arrow -and this is only a hobby. Despite her athletic build, Adriona cannot cover long distances by running, and jumping is not her strong suit.

STEALTHY: The girl is very quiet and can sneak around unnoticed for long periods of time. She is very quick-footed and agile when it comes to moving fast and quietly. Due to her lean body, the girl and slip in between objects easily and move silently. She's learned this from years of ambushing people, and unintentionally scaring her friends.

PERSUASIVE: When she wants to be, Adriona is quite the seductress and persuader. Using methods that might be considered cruel (like blackmail or physical touch), the girl can get whatever she wants. She might appear sweet but can change her attitude in a pinch. She'll tell someone she loves them but then use them to get whatever she wants.

AMICABLE: Adriona is kind when the mood strikes. During romantic encounters, she is compassionate and very sweet. However, she is not inherently evil or angry. To her friends and family (excluding a few), Adri is a fun-loving girl and recognizes the fact that it's easier to be kind than angry. She still does not enjoy giving, and has frequent mood swings, but certain things and people can lift her spirits.


Adriona is proficient at her magic, having been studying the Hemocurse subset of Blood Magic for eight years, starting at nine years old. Though she was practically forced into using it, Adri enjoys the control she possesses when using her magic. Although it's barbaric and awful, mutating and torturing victims are like child's play for her. But she wouldn't dare tell anyone.

The woman can also use a bow and arrow quite well, and often retreats to the woodland to either hunt or practice shooting. Alas, with all mages, her magic prevails and she's not the best at her skill. It is more of a hobby.

Adri is a wonderful cook, and considers it one of her best qualities. She cooks Daendroquean cuisine and Farah-deen dishes alike, melding her shared cultures together to make delicious things.

She is also an amazing singer. It is an outlet for her to express herself. She is frequently heard singing while playing the mandolin.

Likes and Dislikes

HORSES: Equines are only of the only species of animals Adriona can stand. She loves to ride and take care of them, and often visits local stables and feeds the horses there (usually to the dismay of caretakers), grooms them, and occasionally takes them out on rides. The mistreatment of them has led her to torture a few unlucky owners.

FOOD: Adriona loves food, and a lot of it. Her favorites are soups and breads. This obsession has led to a bit of a bread belly, but she hopes to work it off by either fasting or eating more broccoli (one of her favorites).

LEADING: The woman's favorite place to be is at the front of the line. She loves to boss people around and watch ideas take shape, effectively executing them when the time comes. The position of leader appeals to her and she would likely take any position that allowed her to control everything.

PHYSICAL CONTACT: Unless she initiates it, Adriona is not comfortable with being touched- anywhere- due to past events. Except for a certain few people, she will not let anyone hug, kiss, or touch her.

ISOLATION: Despite having lived alone for the past year, Adriona can't deal with herself. She has issues being alone, and it sometimes also drives her mad. She prefers to be surrounded most times, under the eyes of people, so that she has to remain confident and keep her head high. Otherwise she'd descend into insanity.

MAGIC: Surprisingly, Adri hates her magic due to the pain it has inflicted upon people. She hates knowing that she possesses the power to destroy almost anyone. But, she will use it if she has to.


Aaliyah Bakr

"I can't stand the sight of you. You look too much like your father, that damned soul."


NPC Mother

Adriona's relationship with her mother was great until she was thirteen, when Aaliyah arranged a marraige for Adri. Aaliyan also hated Constazo and divorced him around the same time, claiming he had abused her (which was false). She was found dead in Adri's childhood home from self-inflicted wounds.

Constazo Fioravanti

"You are going to be a leader. I can see it, mia figlia. Stay strong for me."


NPC Father

Constazo was very close to his only daughter, and loved her dearly. When she was taken, he fought for her, losing his mind in the process. He now lives with his nephew and niece in Daendroc.

Mia Satoriana

"I've got your back. And your arms. And legs. I've got you. Everything."


NPC Best Friend

Mia, an artist, Beast mage, and dancer in Daendroc, was Adriona's best friend and was almost like a sister to her. Some said that they looked so much alike they could be twins. Mia was a year younger than Adri, and before she embarked on her journey to Regalia, she gave Adriona a beautiful tattoo of a barn owl, which Mia believed was Adri's spirit animal.

Fuaad Sader

"No matter where you go, you will always be mine! I will stop at nothing to find you."


NPC Ex-Husband

Adriona married Fuaad against her will, to the delight of her mother. Fuaad kidnapped Adri and forced her to join a cult of Blood Mages and ultimately become one. She was tortured and abused (verbally and sexually) until she was fifteen and saved by her father.

Asgall Luither

"I love you, Adriona, with all my darned soul."


Lover, played by Narfed

Adriona met Asgall soon after she moved to Regalia. Putting aside her belief that gingers have no soul, she befriended him and got to know him- then kissed him suddenly one day. She finds him so annoying but kind of cute, and enjoys bossing him around.

Life Story

Adriona was born in Daendroc to Constazo and Aaliyah Fioravanti on the eighteenth of May. She was raised well, with a formal education by multiple tutors, and learned to sing at an early age.

At nine, Constazo thought it was a good idea to teach Adri his form of magic: Blood magic. Being a good offensive form of magic, Adri was quick to take it up and learn. She moved fast, progressing rapidly to a caster level. Aaliyah, however, believed the form of magic to be taboo and barbaric. She was angry and ultimately done with Constazo. She divorced him, but Adri's father got full ownership of Adriona.

A few months after her thirteenth birthday, Aaliyah introduced Adriona to Fuaad Sader. He would become her new husband. Adri was not at all happy, considering that arranged marriages often resulted in awful consequences. However, she was forced to, with a death threat from Aaliyah hanging over her head.

After the wedding, Fuaad whisked Adri away to a small village, which unbenounced to her, was the HQ of a cult of Blood mages hoping to raid a bigger city.

Upon refusing to train with them Adri was subjected to horrific torture and abuse from Fuaad and other men (and sometimes women). When she wasn't being tortured, Adriona was forced to train in Blood magic. This continued for two years until someone was notified of her disappearance. Constazo fought valiantly for her, and Adriona escaped, physically unharmed except for a nasty gash on the back of her neck. However, using an unknown hex, a mage beat Constazo into submission and he went crazy.

When he returned to Daenshore, Constazo went to live with distant relatives to recover. Adriona went back to her childhood home to find Aaliyah dead from self-inflicted wounds.

Adriona made the decision to move to Regalia and start over. Now she lives alone without an occupation and will hopefully recover from the stress and tragedy she was forced under.

But Fuaad is still out there, looking for Adri, because of her power.
Last edited:
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review
  • Add one more negative personality trait of any sort.
  • Bulk up the strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that each has at least 3-4 sentences per strength/weakness.
  • Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done!