Preserved Sheet Adrienne Dei Veleno

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Aspiring Biologist
Feb 24, 2016
Reaction score


Adrienne dei Veleno
Dressolini Ailor
Main Ambition-
Finding a partner and working with medicine.



Total Proficiency Points- 26

+20 Medicine (+10 from School of Medicine, +10 from Oath to Do No Harm)
+20 Surgery (+10 from School of Medicine, +10 from Proficiency Points)
+6 Thin Blades (+6 from Proficiency Points)

Culture Points- 26

+10 Horticulture (+10 from School of Medicine)
+16 Instrumental Music (+10 from Dressolini Bonus, +6 from Culture Points)
+20 Pastry Cooking (+20 from Culture Points)

2 Languages-
Dressalo 10/10
Common 10/10


Eye Color: Dark Pine Green
Hair Color: Cinnamon Brown
Hair Style: Mid-back, very wavy
Skin Color: Tan
Clothing: A white top over a blue skirt, or other white and blue clothes.
Height: 5'3"
Body Build: Toned
Weapon of Choice: Dressolini Spadi


First Paragraph- For those who perceive Adrienne, she is a naturally modest person who is always open and friendly to anyone. Adrienne is forthright when speaking, and will try to slip in a bits of humor wherever she may be. While Adrienne is a bit on the gleeful side, she is a very hardworking and level-headed when it comes to meticulously working around medicine. She shares a few flaws in her easy-going personality, as she can become credulous when put under pressure or manipulated to believe things that aren't true.

Second Paragraph-
Adrienne may be amiable toward others in public, but her disconcerting feeling about herself has made her anxious on the inside. This anxiousness can reflect when she is around close friends and family. Even some situations that Adrienne is put into can lead to her to take irrational actions and make selfish decisions. The feeling of unsettlement had derived from soon after the patriarch, her father, was killed during the Bone Horrors. To fight the insecurity she has, she sticks her family's life values of staying loyal and trusting as to ward off any negativity that may affect her delicate morals.

Third Paragraph-
As for Adrienne's intermediate family, she tries to maintain a balanced self aura of optimism and demure. As for her closest companions and family, she has a few eccentric behaviors, that usually lead to her forking towards chumminess. Usually in public, she adverts any type of vehement excitement, but at home she is very passionate about how she currently feels about an opinion or emotion.

Fourth Paragraph- From a young age, Adrienne was taught by her mother and father to be calm and open toward new people and ideas, Adrienne overall has learned to be have a good sense of morality, and when to tell things from right or wrong. As for her beliefs in the Great Way, she believes that there are still chances to be taken to convert those who do not believe, until all else fails. As her good-natured personality works, everyone has their own opinions, whether they choose unionism or corruption. Adrienne also believe that all those who believe in the Great Way will make it into the afterlife.




Eldest brother- Aronne dei Veleno @YouDontKnowJack
Adopted Child- Silyoran dei Veleno @Resirolas

Orianne Peirgarten- @Jareth
Cole Ciess'ajo- @YouDontKnowJack

[More to be added, eventually :) ]


Ages 1-10 [281 AC - 291 AC]

Adrienne dei Veleno was born in Montania of 280 AC to Florian and Emilio dei Veleno. She was a very quiet and polite young girl who was always following along behind her mother, hoping she'd set an example she could follow. As well as her mother, Adrienne's older brothers Marco and Aronne would set many examples for her, whether they were good or bad ones. She fought to keep a close bond with her trio of siblings, especially Carlotta, who was the youngest of the four, as her desire to have a close relationship with everyone around her was prominent. Around the young age of eight, she began taking flute lessons in order to please the bidding of her mother's word. It was also around this time she began to have an interest in helping others, including the mashing of unfortunate plants that ended up in a mortar and pestle, saying it would help the sick heal. While she expressed her opinion of wanting to become a doctor or nurse at the age of ten, her father Emilio tried to push into learning finance and statesmanship, something her brothers had both elected to ignore growing up.

Ages 11-14 [291 AC - 295 AC]

At the age of eleven, she began to work with baked goods, including the making of cakes and buttery dessert croissants, to sell to local neighbors for a few extra coins. Her father was fairly displeased by her decision, denounced her love for baking, and stated that her focus should mainly be on medicine and that she wouldn't and couldn't succeed if she wasted her time on cooking, rather than focusing on the main priority of gaining her doctorate. Adrienne, despite being distraught by her father's warnings, continued working with pastries and playing the flute, up until the age of fourteen. She was informed that she would be attending the School of Medicine, as she had been accepted. Florian was pleased with her daughter's decision, but as for her father, he still has hopes Adrienne would be more receptive to learning of commerce. Adrienne still declined Emilio, and went to the School of Medicine to obtain her doctorate.

Ages 14-25 [295 AC - 305 AC]

Adri's time at the Medical Academy in Regalia was relatively uneventful for it's majority, as she kept to herself and was a diligent student. She befriended a Yanar while there, which affected her as she grew up to become more tolerant towards other races, when she saw how dedicated this Yanar was. She also reconnected with her brother Aronne when he graduated from the School of Viridian, and would occasionally meet with him during her schooling after he had graduated. Unfortunately, when the Bone Horror crisis began, Emilio was killed and Florian had a stroke due to the loss of her deceased husband. Adrienne's studies were interrupted near the end of her time at the Academy, and she returned home for a brief time, causing her to take an extra year to finish her studies when she returned from the aftermath of the Bone Horrors. Once in Regalia, she took part in running Canto del Mare, the family's restaurant, and was grateful to be able to spend time with her family again. Upon meeting an orphaned child named Silyoran, Adrienne began seriously considering adopting her, despite the fact that she has no husband.

Age 25-Present [305 AC - ]

Adrienne adopted Silyoran dei Veleno into the family and began teaching her medicine, pastry cooking, and Dressalo.
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  • Just a silly thing! While Adrienne's name is in the title, remember to put it in plain text in the basic information section!
  • Remember to move Horticulture to the Cultural Proficiencies section!
  • Where was Adrienne born? Make a note in the Life Story!
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!