Preserved Sheet Adriana Merca

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Somewhat Sarcastic. Sometimes.
Jul 17, 2019
Reaction score

~`~Basic Information: ~`~

Full name:
Adriana Merca'
  • Race: Ailor (Tolonne)
  • Age: 25, Born August 20th 282.
  • Gender: Female
  • Languages: Tolonnesa and common.
Skill information:
  • Proficiency points: 25+5+10(Hobby Points) =40
  • 12|Alchemy Sciences
  • 10|Literary Arts
  • 7|Unarmed Combat Skill
  • 6|Medical Sciences
  • 5|Perception Training
Visual Information:
Wavy ginger hair, grey-blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin.
  • 6'0
  • 7 Stat = Toned Body Shape.
  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Orange/Red wavy hair.
  • Greyish-Blue eyes.
  • Tanned skin.
  • Typically wears loose fitted dresses.
  • Down or braided.
  • Cooking, if it's not one of the three things she can cook, don't eat it.
  • Says "hmm" a lot, without answering outright, leaves you wondering what she means.
  • Clumsy, hits her head and toes on things due to her height.
  • Produces questions as statements.
  • Absent-minded.

  • Character Alignment: True-Neutral
  • Personality: Logician
  • Religion: Unionism 5

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: Cats, Books, and one on one conversations.
Dislikes: Unsolicited attention, questions, and loud people.

~`~Life Story~`~

  • Sanca and Celia Merca' of El Puerto Azul, had five children, already having one set of twins, when they had Adriana and her identical twin. Making them a family of nine, with two sets of twins.
  • Adriana's mother Celia is a Medic as well as her grandfather.
  • Her Father, fathers family and oldest twin brothers are all merchants.

  • Adriana was the sixth born and the first of her and her identical twin, Adriane. She was born in El Puerto Azul, where she has lived all her life.

  • Adriana is so inseparable to Adriane causing them to develop cryptophasia. (Can use very little words to convey important meaning. Keen to her twins body language.)
  • Growing up in a family of nine with grandparents living in the multi-generational house, it was always busy and loud. Though, the house was of good size, it felt modest with the amount of people living in it. Due to her families occupations they were never left wanting for much.
  • Her childhood was happy, filled with family living on the beautiful Sun Isles.


  • Having older brothers, Adirana often wrestled with her brothers teaching her some skills in fighting.
  • Adriana begins learning her mothers trade, as well as taking a special interest in her grandfathers alchemy aiding in healing tonics. Putting these skills together with her and her twin sister begin to assist their mother at the clinic.
  • Her grandfathers colleague studies the brain, Adriana would often sit with him learning. He would explain people's motives and connections with their thoughts, giving her perception skills from his findings.
  • Which ignited into a hobby. Adriana loves phrenology, craniometry, and psychology.
Adulthood/ Present:

  • Continues her work at the family clinic.
  • Adriana and Adriane watch their sisters get married.
  • Older siblings start taking over their parents businesses.
  • Adriana and Adriane decide to move to regalia to carve their own place in life and explore their hobbies.
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Adriane Merca': is Adriana's Identical Twin. They are are enmeshed, codependent.
(The Following are NPC's.)
Sanca Merca': Her father, a loving and protective relationship.
Celia Merca': Her Mother, loving relationship, dear friend of hers.

Andrew and Andrea Merca': Her eldest brothers, also twins. Competitive relationship.
Solacia Merca' Gayle: Her sister and friend.

Arbost Merca': Her Brother, closest sibling to her besides her twin. Friends.
Ashana Merca' Marçau: Her sister, sweet friendly relationship.
As well as two loving grandparents.
Renaul Psychol: Her grandfathers colleague as well as her mentor and teacher in brain studies.
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Hi there, @VelmaV
I love the face claim you've got for Adriana! Please could you make all edits in Dark Blue, and we'll get this approved in no time.

Basic Information:
  • No edits required
Skill information:
  • Proficiency points add up to 30, no edits required
Visual Information:
  • No edits required
Personality and Abilities:
  • No edits required
  • Please include a location of birth! Where she grew up and what the home environment was like. Was she living in a shack? A house? The streets? A cramped living quarters filled with a family of nine - thus causing her to grow accustomed to loud busy living conditions?
  • Cryptophasia; Please keep in mind that for balance reasons this isn't something that acts like telepathy. However, given her close relationship to her twin, it would be possible for her to know her better than anyone else. And thus know facial cues and such better.
A very good app with very little edits required! Tag me when you've completed the edits!
Hi there, @VelmaV
A very good app with very little edits required! Tag me when you've completed the edits!
Thank you,
I added the information in dark blue.
Cryptophasia, I didn't intend for her to be telepathic. I meant it by definition, some twins can mumble and convey deep meaning solely on body language.
@Lord_Immortal Thank you.
Thank you, with regards to the Cryptophasia, that's all I needed. Just a quick briefing of what you meant. I'm happy with the edits listed, approved! @VelmaV